The Phenomenon Of Seeing A Shining Cross In The Sky - Alternative View

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The Phenomenon Of Seeing A Shining Cross In The Sky - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Seeing A Shining Cross In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Seeing A Shining Cross In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Seeing A Shining Cross In The Sky - Alternative View
Video: What really happens when you Die | End-of-life-phenomena • At Home with Peter Fenwick 2024, July

In the old days, people believed: if a person saw a cross in heaven, it means that great grace descended on him. Say, such a vision bestows health, happiness, luck and prosperity on everyone.

In 1986, hundreds of people rushed to the home of P. G. Pierce's priest in Altadena, Los Angeles, to see an unusual sight - a cross, visible through his bathroom window. It seemed as if the cross was shining somewhere outside the window on the street. However, when the curious went out into the courtyard of the house, they saw nothing there. Pierce himself, a priest of the Evangelical Church, believed that this was a sign of the return of Jesus Christ to earth. One way or another, but after a couple of years, glowing crosses have appeared in many provincial cities in Southern California.

In particular, in Dinuba, in a house that was occupied by a family of immigrants from Mexico named Davala, a golden cross also appeared in the window, but only in the children's room. At the same time, he seemed to be hanging in the air in the immediate vicinity of the glass, like a hologram. It decreased in size when they approached the window, and increased if they moved away. As soon as you looked inside the room from the street, the cross shone in the children's room and seemed very large.

Frightened Mrs. Dala several times changed the lamp in the nursery and even put in new windows, but the vision reappeared.

I must say that the relationship in the family since the appearance of the cross has improved significantly: the hostess of the house has become calmer and more tolerant, the children are more obedient, and the husband is more attentive to his household. Positive changes also affected a neighbor of the family - a witness to the described events. He stopped drinking the bottle, visited the Dawala family frequently, and even began giving interviews to local correspondents at a time when all the Dawala family members were absent.


In the old days, people quite often noticed a similar phenomenon. Either the times were different, or people were more attentive, or really crosses were shown more often. Maybe people were cleaner and more sinless before? Here is how the biographer of the emperor of Rome Saint Constantine, his contemporary and interlocutor Eusebius, tells about this event: “Diligently offering up his prayers and petitions, Tsar Constantine received an amazing sign sent from God, so it would not be easy to believe if someone else spoke.

Promotional video:

Once at noon hours of the day, when the sun began to lean towards the west, the king said, I saw with my own eyes the sign of the cross, made up of light and playing in the sun, with the inscription: "By this, conquer." This spectacle engulfed in fear both the Emperor Constantine himself and the entire army. But the Byzantines worried in vain: in 312 the king defeated Maxentius in the famous battle at the bridge and became the only full-fledged ruler of the state. The cross became a harbinger of happy changes in the life of the sovereign.


However, crosses are shown both to the powerful of this world and to ordinary people. Here is the story of an ordinary eyewitness, which he posted on the Internet: “Two days ago, on the outskirts of Zelenograd (the former village of Kutuzovo), there was an amazing phenomenon that many people passing by had the opportunity to see. The appearance of the cross in the sky. My mom's friend saw this amazing phenomenon when she returned from Moscow from a concert. In addition to her, many have seen. Arriving home, she (a non-believer) called my mother and began to talk about what she had seen. For some reason, she said that all those who saw regarded it as a formidable sign. People said that this was an omen of the coming war. Someone remembered that similar, according to the stories, was observed before, before the Great Patriotic War.

Stills from the video with the manifestations of the shining cross in the sky


According to the priests, the cross in heaven is a sign of victory over the devil and the enemies of the true faith; its miraculous appearance always precedes good events. They assure that it is wrong and unfair to speak of the cross as a formidable sign. On the contrary, the heavenly cross is a happy, joyful sign. It was this feeling - joy and awe - that once seized the inhabitants of Athens.

From 13 to 14 September 1925, over the chapel of St. John the Divine in Athens, with a large crowd of eyewitnesses and police officers, a special, extraordinary event took place in the sky.

The local Orthodox community celebrated the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. About two thousand people had gathered since the evening before at the country chapel of St. John the Theologian, where the all-night vigil was served. For the sake of maintaining order, a police outfit also pulled up there. And suddenly at 11:30 pm a bright white cross appeared directly above the church and in the direction from west to east. The light from it fell only on the space around the church, flooding all the worshipers. It completely overshadowed the glare of the stars, while illuminating the church and courtyard as if an electric searchlight was directed at them.

This heavenly sign was continuously visible for half an hour, and then began to fade little by little. What followed next cannot be described in any words. All those present at the all-night vigil fell to their knees and shouted in one impulse, glorifying the Almighty. The policemen forgot about their duties and just fell to the ground, bowing and praying. The vigil lasted all night until 4 am. People began to disperse, carrying with them the news of a miracle and overwhelming enthusiasm.


And here is a fact, documented. In the same Los Angeles, television producer Dan Minan, together with his colleague, filmed a television movie about the appearance of a cross in the sky of Louisiana in 1989. They have already interviewed a Catholic priest, a witness to the event, and watched the footage. And suddenly on the tape they saw a cross, as if superimposed on the figure of the padre. However, according to Minan's assurances, "nothing of the kind was observed when we talked with the monk." But something else is surprising: soon crosses began to appear on the windows of ordinary houses, and two or even more crucifixes were displayed simultaneously.

In November 1990, the Dallas Morning Newspaper reported that a radiant panorama of crosses appeared in a private house in Violet, three of which were white and one gold … In Louisiana, in 1991, four white and gold crosses appeared on a window bathroom of a former plumber. The 61-year-old owner, who almost lost his eyesight, took this as a sign from above and began to pray earnestly for healing. Vision returned, although not in full. The news spread quickly, and hundreds of people poured into his house. The former locksmith even had to set visiting hours.

Similar events took place in the Russian open spaces. On August 16, 2008, a bright glowing cross appeared in the sky over the city of Sharya, Kostroma region! Moreover, the cross is of the correct shape. From a scientific point of view, such a correct form cannot exist in nature. Experts say that the video does not have elements of computer graphics and it would be difficult to create such a thing.

A similar phenomenon of the cross happened on January 4, 2010 in the sky of Moscow. The glow is similar to energy pillars, and the color of the cross itself is clearly different from other objects in the sky. A beautiful sight!

What is the origin of the light-bearing crosses? Why do they appear in this or that particular place? Could it be a mass hallucination? But after all, we are usually talking about a large-scale spectacle, so hallucinations or hoaxes are impossible. So it turns out that, whatever one may say, but without some kind of intervention from above it was not done. And if you ever happen to contemplate something like this with your own eyes - do not be alarmed. Rather, on the contrary - rejoice.