About Masculine And Feminine Energies In Each Of Us - Alternative View

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About Masculine And Feminine Energies In Each Of Us - Alternative View
About Masculine And Feminine Energies In Each Of Us - Alternative View

Video: About Masculine And Feminine Energies In Each Of Us - Alternative View

Video: About Masculine And Feminine Energies In Each Of Us - Alternative View
Video: Consciously Reclaiming the Feminine & Masculine Within Each of Us | Sarah Poet, M.Ed | TEDxAsheville 2024, September

An article about masculine and feminine energies in each of us. About their differences and contradictions, about where energy fatigue actually comes from. It is ours, so we can manage it. As a result, metabolic processes in the body and in life are getting better.

Where does fatigue come from? Mental, emotional, physical? Let's forget that it is she who causes 95% of the problems with the body. In 2007, the first Ukrainian conference on psychosomatics was held in Simferopol, where therapists of traditional and non-traditional fields were present. On the third day, everyone came to the conclusion that any health issues, even the flu, almost everything is psychosomatics. Endocrinologists spoke about this especially convincingly.

About male and female energy in every person

The magic word is an exchange process. Just an exchange. But if there is a conflict, then there will be no exchange, this is the whole truth of life. This happens in all spheres of life and our health is no exception. I have been successfully working with this issue for more than 20 years, and I know only one reason - an internal conflict. This is the only thing that makes us stay tense day and night to chronic fatigue.

A logical question arises: where is the exchange, between whom? The law on the harmony of male and female energies in nature exists, and it is the only one. Our body strives to live the same way. Very clearly on the example of our desires - subject to a full-fledged internal exchange, our desires come true. I have not come across a more precise formulation of the sale of desires than Albert Einstein:

What is he talking about? What energy? On the largest scale, there are only two energies, and they are completely opposite, complementary and interdependent. Most educated people know about them. These are masculine and feminine energies. The universal law of Yin - Yang is about this, when one energy flows into another.

It’s more difficult for “people”, we adore conflicts - in fact. This is the conflict between masculine and feminine energies. And where are these energies in us? Specifically in the body? In general, we have more than one phone, there are 7 of them, like a nesting doll in a nesting doll. The outermost vibrates the most. The inner vibrates so slowly that you can even see it. Remember the wheel of a bicycle, you can't see the spokes at speed.

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Initially, the point of the article is about how not to accumulate fatigue, so I will talk in this context. Our intimately felt aura is 1.5 meters in diameter. These are two niches - matrices, one on the right side of the body, the other on the left. One with masculine energy, the other with feminine energy. Energy ideally flows in a wave from left to right and back.


The male and female matrices remain in place, and the energies in them change places. This is the energy exchange within us and with the outside world. He's a metabolism. This is one whole. Why doesn't a full-fledged exchange always take place if everything is so simple?

The fact is that male and female energies function in different ways, and exactly the opposite. And these are two altered states of consciousness. It works the same in both women and men. It is mistakenly believed that there are our inner man and woman. This is not healthy information. The truth is that there is only an altered state of consciousness - female and male. It is the state, nothing more. And if the body is female, then on the left and right you are a woman. And if the body is male, then both to the left and to the right you are a man.

Now the most interesting thing: how do these two states of consciousness differ? In both positions, we want the same thing, but the ways to achieve what we want are different and opposite! It is from here that an internal conflict is born.

The female state is a state of rest, accumulation of energy, so that there will be later, what to give, when we have no goals, there are only changing desires, then one thing, then another. In principle, I don’t want to do anything, but we are still busy with something or not, everything happens as if by itself and without tension. Feminine energy is soft, gentle.

For example, a child after school should do nothing for a couple of hours. Live for your own pleasure. It is in this position that global, vital desires are born and live, but they never grow to the level of the goal.

We think something like this: "Yes, I want it more than anything in the world, but I will not do anything. I am open to the world, and I will see from which side I get it, through what events, let these events find me … Why not? I am, and that's enough for everything to work out ITSELF. I don't see any crime. I'll wait."

The good news is that it does work, provided we don't tell ourselves that "this is not for me, for various reasons." The energy of desire is accumulated and structured before materialization!

A seemingly idle lifestyle, a sweet feeling of laziness, it is not familiar to workaholics. These feminine energies are fueled by feelings, sensitivities and sensations. All this gathers in a long long "tail", which is not easy to unfold, in order to move on in male energies … And everything is simple and transparent "what do you want about? Get your ass up and do it! You can't do it yourself - no one will! Or organize someone whose time is cheaper. All actions are brought to the result. Here you have to try, with all your might, excuses are not appropriate. Only the goal, strategy and tactics are important. Adrenaline to the rescue. There is no objectivity of vision, as in a woman's, the angle of view is reduced to one point - the goal. And it doesn't matter that at this time we have no idea what is happening behind our back, we ourselves become a target for someone (sometimes fortunately). At the same time, the body is absolutely light, the mood is exclusively positive, in contrast to women who always live in fear. The feeling is as if you can do anything, complete exaltation. All men are Gods, but not everyone knows about it …

So, there are two truths, as it turned out. But this does not happen, and an internal conflict is inevitable. The bad news is that at this time a third energy is born, the energy of conflict, which has nothing to do with us, but it lives through our psyche, soul, thoughts.

Sometimes it seems to us that everything is very, very bad, and we ourselves suck, no one needs us, losers, no one loves us, as we need. And then we think that all these disgusting thoughts are complete nonsense! It is, but not quite. These delusional thoughts are transmitted to us by the energy of the conflict, which has nothing to do with us … And it is also an old waste energy, which is fatigue. Energy that seemed new yesterday, but today is yesterday. If not stagnant, then it easily leaves with sleep, even short-term, with any means of relaxation, if only the body could breathe freely, with orgasms, both physical and intellectual. Sometimes stress helps when a wedge knocks out a wedge. But you cannot ignore her, it is she who requires attention, like a vampire, there is no exchange with her and cannot be. It is she who is located territorially between male and female, just in the middle, on the central channel, and interferes with the exchange, the free flow of energy.

What to do if dissatisfaction has accumulated, and there is no way to sleep off, and you always have to be somehow? Live when? Our attention can then get stuck on either the right side or the left. This means that we are delayed either in working order, or in a state of rest, laziness. When the body fails, it can simply drop from one state to another. This is accompanied by an internal monologue that we naturally ignore. Many practitioners advise to simply turn it off. There is no sense in this. A person simply closes in himself to the point of depression, since ignoring is an extreme form of cruelty. I propose a simple and natural way - to agree with yourself. Not to press and force, but to persuade yourself for good. This is from the "love yourself" series.

In a critical situation, we have two points of view, two different visions, both ours, and both are in fact correct. And this is not a split personality. From the female state, we see only the negative, and the development of the situation in the negative, to the point of absurdity, and from the male only the positive and the vision of how to take the situation into our own hands and surpass it. And the energy of conflict will try to make us quarrel with ourselves (this is her job) and will tell that we are both idiots. The enemy, as you know, cannot be underestimated. Napoleon Bonaparte said before an important decision: “Night will bring advice.” At night, the easiest way is that energy flows from one matrix to another, our opinions change places, and the picture becomes objective.

In fact, the energy does not flow independently, but through our central channel. This is the channel on which the soul is located. Until any situation is experienced through feelings to the very depth, it will be repeated. By alternating male and female prism, she will look deeper and deeper.


Now remember how sometimes we feel rather vague, neither man nor woman, as if you are neuter. And this is not far from the truth. The thing is that for a long time the energies did not flow entirely from left to right and back, but simply mixed and an energy cocoon of male and female energies was obtained. It happens.

If now this information hooked you, then it's time to do something. At first glance, it's difficult, but if you start doing it, it turns out pretty simple. Instant relaxation ensues and, as a result, deep satisfaction.

This can be done anywhere and at any time, more precisely when something superfluous (by feeling) interferes, and this is always just fatigue. It is worth focusing on the central channel, which is along the body, and imagine that the body, like a nut, split in half, both the head and the tailbone. Then the male and female energies themselves begin to creep in different directions, in their places, it remains only to observe this. This is a miracle of our instinct for self-preservation.

To maintain the effect, it is better to imagine how both halves of the body are repelled from each other, how magnets could repel. Then the necessary force field appears along the central channel, which will not allow your male and female sides to mix.

Let me remind you that this is where the energy of conflict lives, from which it is impossible to come to an agreement with oneself or with the world. This is not just a force field, it is a force field of love of fresh energies, in which the old energies of fatigue and fear cannot be held due to the difference in vibrations. For them, this situation is incompatible with life, they are forced to fly up or down the channel. And no inner voice will tell you anymore that “you are somehow different”.

Such a quick and powerful relaxation is accompanied by a pleasant dizziness, due to the sharp flow of oxygen to the head. The body begins to breathe in a natural way, with an emphasis on inhalation, the entire energy rises. Life tension leaves all seven fields, and they themselves are structured … The body can at the end pull to one side. If you do this before bedtime, then you want to turn on your right side, or left. This means that our inner attention shifts to masculine or feminine energies. What does it mean? If we sleep in feminine energies, then our new energy that we receive during sleep goes more towards the formation of the social field in which we live and create. And if we fall asleep in masculine energies, then our manifestation in him changes more. Women have masculine energies on the right, men on the left.

Author: Marie Steingauer
