The Most Dangerous Gangs In The USSR - Alternative View

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The Most Dangerous Gangs In The USSR - Alternative View
The Most Dangerous Gangs In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: The Most Dangerous Gangs In The USSR - Alternative View

Video: The Most Dangerous Gangs In The USSR - Alternative View
Video: Самый страшный убийца в истории России: почему его не хотели ловить? / Редакция 2024, October

"There can be no bandits in the country of victorious socialism!" - did not tire of repeating high party officials. How wrong they were! On the territory of the USSR, criminal groups appeared regularly, and each had its own unique handwriting.

Black cat

The most mysterious gang of the Stalin era, with the light hand of cinematographers called the "Black Cat", for 3 years haunted Muscovites with their audacious crimes, taking advantage of the difficult post-war situation and the credulity of citizens, Mitin's gang repeatedly "ripped" large sums of money and escaped unscathed, work the investigators were complicated by the gang members' lack of any connections with the criminal world - they are exemplary workers of the Krasnogorsk defense enterprise.

The Krasnogorsk citizens embarked on a criminal path on February 1, 1950, when they committed the first murder, and on March 26 they succeeded in a major robbery. The words “Everyone stand! We are from the MGB!”Shouted in the store, discouraged employees. Taking advantage of the confusion, the criminals cleared the cash register in the amount of 63 thousand rubles - a big jackpot at the time.

The real MGB got excited on March 27, 1951. On that day, the Mitintsy armed with pistols robbed one of the shops in Kuntsevo, killing the director who was trying to interfere with them. It was only a few kilometers from this place to Stalin's nearest dacha!

The detectives were interested in the fact that the bandits committed all crimes near the stadiums. Indeed, some of the attackers turned out to be athletes. Near the Krasnogorsk stadium the Murovtsy attacked the trail of Mitin's gang. The rest was a matter of technique.

According to the results of the investigation, it was established that over 3 years the criminals committed a total of 28 robberies with 11 killed and 18 wounded, they stole more than 300 thousand rubles, the solved case saved Khrushchev, whom he tried to remove from the post of head of the Moscow city committee Beria.

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At the very beginning of the 1980s, an ominous shadow of a gang of "orderlies" hung over Rostov-on-Don, criminals disguised as doctors, using the trust of people, broke into apartments, tortured, killed, and then robbed residents. However, not everyone was afraid, and those who had big money were speculators. It all started with the brutal murder and robbery of Svetlakova, but the investigation into the case of the well-known buyer was put on the brakes by influential people - her clients.

The study of Svetlakova's magazine and other high-profile crimes of the "orderlies" led the investigators to the native of Abkhazia Zafas Bartsis, who was involved in drug trafficking. The "orderlies", drug addicts with experience, were the lowest level of the gang, doing dirty work, it is clear why the robbers needed money - an ampoule of promedol or morphine cost about 25 rubles, and they needed constant "feeding".

It was a circular system: money made it possible to buy a drug, and selling it made it possible to earn even more. The bandits were killed by greed. The orderlies themselves wanted to sell the goods - and they got caught on this. From them, a thread reached out to consumers, and through patrons led to the organizers of the criminal community. In total, the case involved about 60 people who were caught by the police throughout the country. However, the Soviet drug mafia found influential defenders in the highest echelons of power, and they mitigated the sentence as best they could. Bartsis, who was threatened with execution, was eventually given 9 years in prison.

White Cross

At the end of perestroika, our country was faced with a phenomenon that seemed to have sunk into oblivion - political terror. Leaflets began to appear more and more often on the streets of Leningrad, where unknown persons calling themselves the White Cross organization urged citizens to join the armed struggle against “red fascism”.

Modern Narodnaya Volya, however, did not disdain either robberies or murders - all for the sake of a great cause. For a long time, operatives from the homicide department were unable to track the criminals, and it is not surprising, because among them was the organizer of the "liberation movement" - policeman Arkady Mokeev.

Using someone else's service weapon, for a year dodgy criminals agitated the inhabitants of Leningrad. In particular, the members of the group killed the collector, encroaching on a large sum of money, and shot the sentry while trying to enter the armory of the military unit. But everything is unsuccessful.

The gang was detained during the preparation of terrorist acts, Mokeev's accomplices were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment, and the ringleader was sentenced to death, which was later replaced by life imprisonment. This happened a year before the fall of the USSR.