The Brain Is A Living Time Machine - Alternative View

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The Brain Is A Living Time Machine - Alternative View
The Brain Is A Living Time Machine - Alternative View

Video: The Brain Is A Living Time Machine - Alternative View

Video: The Brain Is A Living Time Machine - Alternative View
Video: Your Brain is a Time Machine | Dean Buonomano | Talks at Google 2024, September

The person who, perhaps, more than anyone else, thought about the nature and vagaries of time, was the writer H. G. Wells. In his novels, he posed the question: "What is time?" And he himself answered: science gives a very vague answer to this question. Physicists say that time is a universal and objective form of the existence of matter, inseparable from it. Philosophers add that time is a form of sequential change of phenomena and states of matter. Meanwhile, experience shows that people can display a subjective "biological" time, the course of which may differ from the universal physical. This individual time sometimes presents inexplicable, at first glance, surprises.

Everyone has their own hour

Recently it was found that the rate of passage of time depends on the age, temperament, state of health of the observer and even the temperature of the air in the room. In the course of his research, psychologist P. Mengen from the University of Virginia (USA) set up a very illustrative experiment. He divided the subjects into three age groups and asked each of them to press a button every time he thought 3 minutes had elapsed. It turned out that people who are about 20 years old determine time intervals most accurately. Middle-aged people rated the same interval at 3 minutes 16 seconds, while older people rated it at 3 minutes 40 seconds! Then Mangan complicated the experiment by asking the subjects to get down to business - sorting letters - and then the error in estimates increased even more. The youth began to make mistakes by an average of 46 seconds, and the elderly - by as much as 1 minute 48 seconds. From which the scientist concluded: “The older a person is, the more he overestimates the past tense. That is why it seems to him that over the years it all accelerates its run."

Continuing the research, the psychologist came to the conclusion that the following factors must also be taken into account: fatigue, nervousness, enthusiasm for something. All of them can significantly distort the perception of the passage of time. In addition, it is also the temperature of both the environment and the human body. If a person gets sick, and his temperature rises, time for him begins to drag on unbearably long. Mangan even established empirically how much longer. It turned out that if a person's temperature is increased by 2-3 degrees, then he notes the minute interval with an error of 35 seconds. By lowering the temperature, the opposite effect can be achieved. If you force a person to stand in the cold and cool down by the same 2-3 degrees, then after 30 seconds it will seem to him that a whole minute has passed.

The brain is a living time machine

So, what happens when it seems to a person that time passes very slowly or has stopped altogether? After analyzing the stories of people about their feelings and making appropriate calculations, the researchers came to the conclusion that the course of individual time can accelerate 120-130 times. As a result, everything around is happening just as many times slower in comparison with human actions. So it seems to him that time has stopped.

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As an example, we can cite the stories of the front-line soldiers, how they survived only because they saw the bullets and shells flying at them and managed to hide. At first glance, this is impossible, since the human eye is unable to perceive objects moving at such a speed. But you can't help but trust the storytellers. After all, there were often witnesses that a soldier suddenly dived to the bottom of a trench, and the next second a bullet or a splinter plowed the parapet just in the place where his head had just been.

“A very typical case of“stopping time”occurred with the attack pilot Sergei Ivanovich Kolybin in July 1941,” writes the Moscow esotericist S. Demkin. - Before leaving for a combat mission, he could not even imagine that thanks to such a time anomaly he would become the first and, apparently, the only pilot who survived after ramming a ground target.

On a single IL-2, Kolybin had to bomb a bridge on the highway, which was covered by two anti-aircraft batteries. Skillfully maneuvering, he broke through to the crossing. But at the last moment, when approaching the target, a close explosion of an anti-aircraft shell was thrown by Il. The pilot did not have time to level the car, and the bombs went off target.

The plane was hit. The German soldiers were already running across the wide floodplain meadow to the place where they expected him to sit. But Kolybin turned his attack aircraft abruptly and directed it towards the crossing. What happened in the last moments before the Il-2 crashed into the bridge, he remembered for the rest of his life and later talked about it more than once.

When Kolybin pushed the steering wheel handle away from him so that the car crashed into the middle span of the bridge along a steep glide path, time stood still for him. He threw back the cockpit hood and unfastened the seat belts, although he himself did not know why he was doing this, since there was no chance of surviving. In the next instant, the attack aircraft touched the bridge structure with the end of the wing, and Kolybin was thrown out of the cockpit. Thrown high into the air, he clearly saw how some German tankmen jumped out of the hatches of armored turtles. And the infantrymen who were at that time on the bridge, on the contrary, climbed under them or jumped into the river. And they all moved unusually slowly, like lifeless."

There are many other examples

* For example, in cities, passers-by often have time to notice falling icicles and jump aside. The same thing happens on construction sites when a brick falls from above. Moreover, everyone who almost became a victim later says that the object did not fly at them, but slowly descended, so that they calmly walked aside, without fear.

* Cosmonaut Vladimir Aksenov, flight engineer of the Soyuz-22 spacecraft and the Soyuz T-2 spacecraft, tells the following story in his memoirs. Once he was driving a Moskvich to his dacha. On crossing the railroad, his engine suddenly stopped. At that moment, a rushing electric train appeared from around the turn in 50 meters. In a second or two, she was to crash into the Moskvich. Even if the driver tried to open the door and get out of the car, he still would not have time. But Aksenov didn't even try. Instead, he yanked out and then reinserted the ignition key and gently pushed the starter. The engine immediately started, and the car derailed a few meters from a passing electric train. Moreover, as it seemed to Aksenov, the carriages floated in front of him, as in slow motion. He even made out white as chalk,the face of a driver who did not even have time to start braking because the car was too close at the crossing.

* One of the readers sent a letter where he told about an incredible incident that happened to him on Dombai. Together with a friend, he was going to cross a rather steep snow slope. The narrator moved first, his friend stayed to insure him at the edge of the snowfield. When he was almost halfway there, he saw cracks snaking in the snow above and on the sides. Then huge layers of snow and ice slowly rushed down, although in reality all this happens in a split second. The author of the letter felt himself being dragged down uncontrollably. And then, acting as if he had nowhere to rush, he began to look out for a larger piece of frozen snow that swam past, jumped on it and chose the next one. When in this way he got out of the rapidly rushing avalanche onto the moraine, the friend who insured him did not believe his eyes …

Etc. The stories can go on and on, but it's interesting to know what secrets they hide behind their facade?

All of the above brings us to a fantastically interesting conclusion: a person is on the verge of solving the riddle of time management. Or maybe he already knows how to do it?.. If you ask this question to a traditional scientist, he will answer - no, he cannot. And if you turn to a parapsychologist, hypnologist, you will hear an affirmative answer. The hypnologist Pyotr Petrovich Moshkov, an acquaintance of the author of these lines, told how he had to work with participants in the Chechen wars. The heightened perception of reality, so necessary in combat conditions, in civilian life simply interfered with a normal life. “Not everyone,” said Pyotr Petrovich, “is capable of reorganizing, and therefore I continue to live in front-line time. But if there it saved people, then here it brought to nervous breakdowns, caused alienation of those around who considered the former soldiers and officers to be damaged in their minds. Then Moshkov developed parapsychological training, which he called "the tape of time." Having mastered it, veterans could regulate the pace of time - slow down and speed up it.

As for the methods on the basis of which the hypnologist created this training, he said about it that these are the methods of shamans and North American Indians. That's all I know for now.

Victor Potapov