Physiologists Talked About The Misconceptions About The Human Body - Alternative View

Physiologists Talked About The Misconceptions About The Human Body - Alternative View
Physiologists Talked About The Misconceptions About The Human Body - Alternative View

Physiologists talked about misconceptions about the human body. There were quite a few of them.

For example, the fact that the venous blood is blue. It's not like that at all. Veins are often located closer to the surface of the body; when light is refracted through the skin, they appear blue with a tint of green. But the blood circulating through them is still red.

Brown sugar is considered beneficial by many. Unremoved molasses give the sweet product a brown tint. But it still negatively affects it when it enters the body: it depletes the pancreas, promotes the multiplication of harmful microorganisms, primarily Candida albigans, gives a temporary burst of energy, after which a state of exhaustion comes, shifts the acid-base balance towards alkalosis due to transformation sucrose into fructose and glucose, depleting the supply of hydrogen ions, flushes minerals from the bones, relieves the body of nutrients, weakens the immune system, etc.

The idea that alcohol kills brain cells is also wrong. He doesn't kill anything. The negative effects of alcohol molecules are based on chemical reactions that hit the liver, which significantly reduces its ability to cleanse the body of numerous toxic substances, as a result, this leads to constant intoxication, which has a detrimental effect on all cells of the body, not just the brain. It is worth recalling that in the classification of narcotic substances, alcohol is one of the most dangerous, and in the ranking of harm it is higher than morphine and heroin.

The idea that vitamins cure was also wrong. In fact, vitamins are involved in many chemical transformations within the human body. Their deficiency, like the surplus, can lead to irreparable consequences, causing metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is impossible to take vitamins constantly, only in courses and on a doctor's prescription, if he finds it appropriate in a particular situation. In order to replenish vitamin reserves, it is better to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Rustic Khorev