Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View

Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View
Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View

Video: Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View

Video: Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View
Video: Reflections - Ernie Kurtz - Chapter 1: The Early History of Alcoholics Anonymous 2024, July

Maybe I don't understand something, but why did the beer advertisement appear on the TV again? First, videos with non-alcoholic counterparts of well-known brands were released, and just a couple of months ago, already real beer.

When the law banning the advertising of low-alcohol drinks was introduced, the producers scared us that television would be dead. Leave, they say, beer, and Malakhov will have nothing to pay wages with.

A few years later, Malakhov only became richer, and remedies for constipation and diarrhea came to the place of beer advertising. However, look what happened!

Beer consumption dynamics in the period 2010-2014 decreased by 26.62%. If earlier the company of teenagers and a bottle of beer in hand was a common occurrence, now I don't even remember the last time I saw such a thing.

Why are there teenagers, remember, mothers with strollers, there are a couple of ovules, and in their hands they have a bottle of Cooler. Such a sight was a common occurrence, no one was even indignant!

It is clear that the role was played not only by the ban on advertising on television. It was forbidden to drink alcohol in public places, and to buy it right on the street at any hour of the day or night. But the main factor, in my opinion, was the ban on advertising. Drinking beer is not cool now, not fun, not fashionable.

Do you remember those beer videos? Slogans like: You are the only one, For your beloved, With you in any endeavors, Together we are strong and so on. We were taught that with beer a person becomes strong, creative and successful.


Promotional video:

Stupid teenagers with not yet formed psyche swallowed the bait. Chickens, their husbands did not see anything terrible to give their child a taste of sips. The country was actively drinking too much, considering the consumption of beer by the iPhone. Cattle, however, need to be in trend.

Seeing a beer advertisement on TV, I started looking for what had happened. Really corrupt deupats still sold out to the beer lobby, allowing people to get drunk again.

The reason was different, it turns out that we are going to hold a football championship. The International Federation of this game is sponsored by brewing companies. The FIFA requirement for holding the Mundial in Russia was permission to advertise beer.

On July 1, 2014, the State Duma adopted amendments to Article 21 of the Federal Law "On Advertising", which allows advertising of beer and alcoholic beverages based on beer until December 31, 2018. This amendment is caused by the FIFA requirement for the FIFA World Cup, the final part of which will be held in Russia in 2018. (Source: Interfax).

Did I already say that the World Cup-18 is not necessary for us? So now it is still not only useless, but also harmful.

It is clear that you cannot watch the game of our football team sober. And in general, the game itself is the height of despondency. If you don't add alcohol to the viewer, you can hang yourself out of boredom at the stadium. All fans are therefore beer drunks, but how else? While the match is going on, they drink, and then, with blue eyes, they go to fight and beat shop windows.

For the sake of this dubious event, hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens will again be drunk. Only now, it seems, the beer boys won, but no, Western brewers need money from us. Pay and drink, Russians, and we will show you football!

How do you feel about the lifting of the ban on beer advertising?