Awful Interest - Alternative View

Awful Interest - Alternative View
Awful Interest - Alternative View

Video: Awful Interest - Alternative View

Video: Awful Interest - Alternative View
Video: 10 More Video Game Advertising Campaigns That Backfired Massively 2024, June

When I was transferred to a new school, making new friends was a little harder than it seemed. Everyone thought what they wanted about me, because they didn't really let me prove myself. At the age of fourteen, I felt what loneliness is, perhaps this is too loud a word, as it seems to me now, but then it was precisely loneliness.

A few weeks later, my classmate Dima came up to me and offered to come to a party where the whole class would be. I agreed, because fun, I thought, is the best way to get closer.

I prepared very carefully for this, thought over all the options, but when it was time to go, they called me. I answered - Dima was there. He said that we were not going to school, as agreed, but at a certain address. There is no need to search and go anywhere, he will be brought by a taxi, which they have already sent for him.

Fifteen minutes later, a car actually appeared. The taxi driver kept looking back at me. I didn’t ask any questions, because navryatli he knows why everything was moved.

When I arrived, I found myself near a large five-story building. My whole class was at the entrance, a fire was burning in a barrel, everyone was having fun, drinking beer and laughing.

Seeing me, they began to say something to each other, until finally Dima came out. He was tipsy, toli from the fact that something great was about to happen, toli from beer.

Later I learned that they had gathered for a kind of dedication. That building was an abandoned psychiatric hospital, and the dedication itself consisted of me going to office 415 on the third floor of the building and photographing it. The whole point was that I had to walk alone, with a small flashlight.

I agreed, because this is exactly the same way to show myself, especially if I refuse, then it will be impossible to establish relations with the class.

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When I got inside with the door closed, it got a little scarier than I expected. I easily found the stairs up. I reached it looking back at every rustle but decided to open it not immediately, as it seemed as if there was someone there. Most likely, there is someone there, for sure one of the students sat there and should shout out as soon as I open the door.

Therefore, I opened the door cautiously, but what escaped from there was real horror. An elderly man with rotten cheeks and thin hair rushed to me, he was wearing an old light robe, and blood was flowing from his mouth.

From this horror, I threw the phone at him and rushed to run, but apparently he overtook me, as something very hard hit me in the back and I hit the wall. In flight, I hit my head and a wall and passed out.

I woke up in the hospital, but what I saw changed my life forever.