New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View

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New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View
New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View

Video: New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View

Video: New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View
Video: Bloomberg Green: The Next Industrial Revolution 2024, June

The conventional wisdom is that the United States has had no national strategy since the end of the Cold War.

A higher-order strategy describes an image of the world that one seeks to establish and that all governments must respect. So, if you fail in one particular theater of war, the fight continues on others, and ultimately ends in triumph.

At the end of World War II, Washington chose to follow the instructions given by Ambassador George Kennan in his famous diplomatic telegram. It proposed to describe the alleged Soviet expansion in order to justify the strategy of containing the USSR. Indeed, although the United States lost the wars in Korea and Vietnam, it ended in their supremacy.

It is very rarely possible to rethink a strategy of a higher order, even if there were others during this period, in particular, the strategy of Charles de Gaulle in France.

Over the past eighteen years, Washington has gradually managed to set new goals and new tactics to achieve them.


1991-2001: a period of uncertainty

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When the Soviet Union collapsed on December 25, 1991, the United States, under the leadership of Pope Bush, believed it now had no rivals. The victorious president automatically demobilized 1 million soldiers and imagined peace and prosperity. He liberalized the movement of capital to such an extent that capitalists had the opportunity to become richer and, he believed, would make other citizens richer as well.

However, capitalism is not a political project, but a means to make money. Leading business circles in the United States - not a federal state - have become allies of the Chinese Communist Party (the reason for Deng Xiaoping's famous phrase about "travel south"). They moved their very low value-added business from the West to China, where workers were uneducated and their wages averaged 20 times lower. A long process of deindustrialization of the West began.

To deal with international affairs, big capitalists moved their assets to countries with low tax rates, where they understood they could avoid social responsibility. These countries, whose tax exemptions and incentives are indispensable for international trade, suddenly found themselves caught up in a giant wave of tax optimization, even a massive fraudulent system that was quietly benefiting from. The reign of financial circles over the economy began.

Military strategy

In 2001, Secretary of Defense and a permanent member of the "succession apparatus" Donald Rumsfeld created the US Defense Forces Transformation Office, which he transferred under the leadership of Admiral Arthur Chebrowski. This man had already computerized the military and was now assigned to modify their missions.

In the absence of the Soviet Union, the world became unipolar, that is, it was no longer ruled by the Security Council, but solely by the United States. In order to strengthen the dominant position, it was necessary to “lose something in order to gain more,” in other words, divide humanity into two parts. On the one side, stable states, meant the members of the G8 - with the participation of Russia - and their allies, and on the other side, the rest of the world, viewed simply as a source of minerals. Washington no longer considered access to these resources as vital in itself, but intended to make them available to stable states only with US permission. From that moment on, it became necessary to destroy - preemptively - all state structures in resource-source countries so that no one could either challenge the leading world power or do without it.

Since then, this strategy has been continuously implemented. It began in the Greater Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Yemen). However, contrary to what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said (a turn to Asia), due to the development of China's military capabilities, it spread not to the Far East, but to the Caribbean (Venezuela, Nicaragua).

Diplomatic strategy

In 2012, President Barack Obama intercepted the GOP leitmotif and made it a national priority to extract oil and gas by hydraulic fracturing. In a few years, the United States increased its investments and became a major global producer of hydrocarbons, changing the paradigm of international relations. In 2018, former president of oil equipment company Sentry International, Mike Pompeo, became Director of the CIA, and then Secretary of State. In the State Department, he created the Bureau of Fuel and Energy Resources, which he handed over under the direction of Francis Fannon. BER is the equivalent of the Pentagon's Office of Military Transformation. Pompeo is pursuing a policy that is fully focused on taking control of the hydrocarbon market. For this, he introduced a new type of alliance,like the Free and Open Indo-Pacific. It was no longer the creation of military blocs like the Quadripartite Security Dialogue, but the organization of alliances for economic growth based on guaranteed access to energy sources.

This concept has been integrated into the Rumsfeld-Chebrowski strategy. The point was not to take hydrocarbons from the rest of the world (Washington does not need them at all), but to determine who can use them for their own development, and who will be deprived of them. It is a complete overhaul of the doctrine of oil depletion, promoted since the 1960s, first by the Rockefellers and the Club of Rome *, and then by the Dick Cheney National Energy Policy Development Group. From that moment on, the United States decided that oil would not only not disappear, but despite the sharp increase in demand, mankind would have enough of it for at least another century.

Using multiple pretexts, Pompeo blocked Iran's access to the world market, then did the same with Venezuela, and finally retained American troops in eastern Syria, seeking to discourage anyone from exploiting the oil fields there. At the same time, he is increasing pressure on the European Union, seeking it to abandon the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and putting pressure on Turkey to abandon the Turkish Stream.

Commercial strategy

In 2017, President Donald Trump tried to reclaim some of the jobs that had been withdrawn from the United States to Asia and the European Union. Based on the advice of aide leftist economist Peter Navarro, he ended the Trans-Pacific Partnership and reopened negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement. At the same time, he imposed exorbitant customs taxes on German cars and most goods from China. He combined this with tax reform that encourages capital returns. Such policies have already provided an opportunity to rebalance trade and revitalize the labor market.

* * *

The military, economic and diplomatic systems are now complete. Each part is in tune with the others. Everyone knows what they have to do.

The developers of the American national strategy - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his adviser, Admiral Arthur Chebrowski, President Donald Trump and his commercial adviser Peter Navarro, and finally, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his adviser Francis Fannon
The developers of the American national strategy - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his adviser, Admiral Arthur Chebrowski, President Donald Trump and his commercial adviser Peter Navarro, and finally, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his adviser Francis Fannon

The developers of the American national strategy - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his adviser, Admiral Arthur Chebrowski, President Donald Trump and his commercial adviser Peter Navarro, and finally, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his adviser Francis Fannon.

The main strength of this new higher-order strategy is that it has not been understood by the elites of the rest of the world. Therefore, Washington maintains a surprise effect, reinforced by Donald Trump's deliberately chaotic messages. If we look at facts instead of presidential tweets, we note the progress of the United States after a double period of uncertainty under Presidents Clinton and Obama.


* - “… for half a century of its existence, this“brain trust”has generated 43 reports. What is in the "solid residue"? And the remainder are three ideas, imposed from report into report and disseminated by the national associations for the promotion of the Club of Rome.

The first idea is that the world should stop growing its economy and population. This is the minimum task. The maximum objective is a sharp decline in the scale of economic activity and a radical decline in the world's population. Most members of the Club of Rome believe that there should be no more than one billion people on Earth. In fact, the Club of Rome is developing an "intellectual" rationale for the policy of global genocide, carried out under the control of the owners of money.

The second idea says that state sovereignty is an obstacle to solving global problems of mankind. In particular, the thesis “pollution of the biosphere does not know national borders” is being thrown in; Consequently, in order to combat the pollution of the oceans and the atmosphere, to prevent "heat death", to protect the ozone layer of the Earth, international cooperation is necessary, which will be effective only if state borders are removed. The same applies to other global problems of mankind (energy, food).

The third idea is final: a world government is needed to save humanity. Over time, globalization should completely destroy nation states, their functions will pass to the world government."

“Three Ideas of the Club of Rome”, Valentin Katasonov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society. S. F. Sharapova.