Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View

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Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View
Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View
Video: The death of Adolf Hitler | DW Documentary 2024, September

In 1980, some Argentine newspapers carried the sensational news that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive. In 1953, he met with his personal pilot Hans Baur, released from Soviet captivity, and he conveyed to him a message from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Beria. In it, the omnipotent head of the Soviet special services informed the former Fuhrer of the Third Reich about plans to re-create a united Germany and offered to provide him with political support through the Black International, which has a lot of weight in many countries of Western Europe.

Two corpses

Of course, it is impossible to verify this incredible information, published 20 years ago. But to answer such questions: "How justified is the version of Hitler's death in April 1945?" and "Could Hitler have been hiding for many years in a place inaccessible to the Allies?" - quite possible.

Let's start with the first question. On May 5, 1945, two charred corpses belonging to a man and a woman were found in a shell crater next to a bunker in the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery. According to the captured SS man Harry Mengerhausen, who was involved in the cremation of the Hitler couple, they were Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

Stalin was immediately informed of this find. But he did not believe it and made an official statement to the leaders of the United States and England that Hitler was alive and was hiding somewhere. At the Potsdam conference held in June

1945, the British Prime Minister Attlee - the country with the most informed intelligence at the time - also declared that Hitler was alive.

Many years later. Secret archives were opened. They were carefully studied by the Russian writer Leon Arbatsky and the British physician-historian Thomas Hugh. And both came to a unanimous opinion: Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive, and the evidence of the death of both himself and Eva Braun is fake.

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From the archival documents it followed that no traces of a bullet wound were found on the skull of a body belonging to Hitler, although, according to many witnesses, he committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. An examination of the blood stains on the couch where the Fuhrer shot himself showed that it was an imitation of blood, not blood, and the blood type of the body found in the funnel did not correspond to Hitler's blood type.


Eva Braun's declassified autopsy records indicate that her chest was ripped apart by a direct hit of shrapnel. Moreover, her blow fell on a living body. How, one wonders, could Eva Braun have received such a wound in the bunker? The corpse had a golden bridge in its mouth. However, according to the testimony of doctors, the bridge was not installed for Eve, although it was made.

L. Arbatsky believes that, most likely, the substitution of the Fuhrer by a double and a staged suicide took place on April 30. On that day, at about 13 o'clock, Hitler said goodbye to his subordinates and left with Eva Braun to the bunker. Of the surviving witnesses, only one person saw Hitler dead - Linge's personal valet! All the others observed only the removal of the body wrapped in a blanket.

Hitler at this time changed his clothes, changed his appearance and left the bunker. Hitler's adjutant Gunsche testifies in his testimony that he ordered the guards to leave the premises adjacent to Hitler's apartments and removed the sentries from the emergency exit.

An indirect evidence that Hitler could have escaped from besieged Berlin is the following fact. After the official death of the Fuhrer, on May 1, 1945, a group of German tanks broke through in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division from Berlin, and left at high speed to the northwest. In the center of the tank group, powerful "Horchs" and "Maybachs" were seen leaving the formation of tanks on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The next day, May 2, the tanks were completely destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish Army about 15 kilometers from Berlin. Nothing is known about the fate of the vehicles, the breakthrough of which was covered by tanks.

Convoy of the Fuhrer

Most likely, Hitler could have gone to the coast of the Baltic Sea to Hamburg. Here at the pier there were 10 ocean-going submarines intended for the evacuation of the Reich government. On April 13, 1945, the submarine U-530 from the special unit "Fuehrer's Convoy" left Kiel with boxes of documents and Hitler's personal belongings. This boat also sailed several mysterious passengers, whose faces were hidden by surgical dressings. Later in May, the U-977 sailed; it is not known who and what it was transporting. It is natural to assume that the personal belongings of the Fuhrer and he himself were sent to the same place.

Now it remains only to determine where this place is, in which Adolf Hitler could have been hiding for several decades.

On the eve of World War II, Hitler unexpectedly took a keen interest in the distant and lifeless continent. An expedition to Antarctica, unique in terms of the scale of research and the amount of funding, was organized. The budget of the expedition at that time was huge, it was about 3 million Reichsmarks. It was sponsored directly by the state and the Luft-Hansa company. The ship "Schwabenland" was used for the expedition. He was stuffed with all kinds of equipment, which included a seaplane, and prepared for a long journey. The ship's crew was carefully selected and underwent special training.

On December 17, 1938, the ship left the port of Hamburg and headed for Antarctica. A month later, on January 19, the expedition safely reached the coastal ice of the mainland. Germany declared itself the owner of a huge territory called "New Swabia" (Queen Maud Land).

Submarines with "sea wolves" of Admiral Karl Doenitz secretly headed to the shores of Antarctica. The secret exploration of the ice continent began. After the end of World War II, documents were found in the top-secret SS archives indicating that there was a whole system of warm-air caves connected to each other in Antarctica.

Battle for "earthly paradise"

Reporting on the results of the expedition, K. Doenitz uttered a mysterious phrase: "My submariners have discovered a real earthly paradise." And in 1943, another phrase, incomprehensible to many, sounded from his lips: "The German submarine fleet is proud that at the other end of the world it created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer."

It was to this impregnable fortress that Adolf Hitler could have gone in May 1945. Moreover, long before the death of the Third Reich, it was being prepared for an autonomous existence. From the beginning of 1939, for several years, submarines delivered mining equipment, trolleys and huge milling cutters for tunneling. According to Vitaly Shelepov, who studies the history of the development of Antarctica by the Germans during World War II, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, prominent scientists with their families, as well as members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure" race, were transferred to the southern continent as a labor force.

The existence of a secret base in Antarctica was well known to the leaders of the allied states. At the end of 1946, American Admiral Richard E. Byrd, an experienced polar explorer, received a special assignment to lead a research expedition to Antarctica, code-named "High Jump", which included: an aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, a submarine, 25 aircraft and helicopters. The staff of this "scientific expedition" is curious: 25 scientific workers and … 4100 marines, soldiers and officers!

A year later, in May 1948, a sensational article appeared on the pages of the European magazine Brizant. It turns out that the work of the expedition was interrupted due to "tough enemy resistance." During the collision, one ship was lost, four combat aircraft, dozens of people were killed. Nine more planes had to be left as unusable.

V. Shelepov, together with some other Russian and foreign scientists studying the activities of Germany in the Southern Hemisphere, believe that it was in this impregnable fortress after the defeat of the Nazis that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, who lived to a ripe old age under the ice of the southern continent, could have found reliable refuge. …

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №47. Author: Ivan Reshetnikov