1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View

1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View
1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View

Video: 1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View

Video: 1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View
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After the February Revolution, the Provisional Government honored Kirpichnikov as “the first soldier …

who raised arms against the tsarist system. He was promoted to the rank of ensign by the Provisional Government, and from the Volyn regiment was elected to the Petrograd Soviet.

Timofey Kirpichnikov
Timofey Kirpichnikov

Timofey Kirpichnikov.

However, after changing his "political views", in November of the same year, he tried to join the ranks of the Volunteer Army, where he was immediately shot by order of an ardent monarchist - Colonel Kutepov, to whom Kirpichnikov confessed that he was "the first soldier of the revolution."

Juncker in Petrograd. 1917
Juncker in Petrograd. 1917

Juncker in Petrograd. 1917.

How could the “first soldier of the revolution”, who was leading the Volynsky regiment to the street on February 27, 1917, know that on the same day and on the same streets General Kutepov defended the interests of the “obsolete class” with his army? And that on March 2, the Russian sovereign abdicated the throne, writing in his diary: "Around treason and cowardice, and deception!"

Of course, the sovereign had in mind people like Kirpichnikov, whose heroic face looked triumphantly at General Kutepov from all the Petrograd showcases..

Kirpichnikov was taken away behind the railway embankment. They took and destroyed all the documents and newspaper clippings with which he used to confirm his services to the revolution. The body was left in a roadside ditch.

Promotional video: