Weapons Of Armageddon - Alternative View

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Weapons Of Armageddon - Alternative View
Weapons Of Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Weapons Of Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Weapons Of Armageddon - Alternative View
Video: EMBERS OF ARMAGEDDON - Weapons & Upgrades Showcase [DOOM 2016 Mod] 2024, September

Nuclear weapons have for many years embodied perhaps the most palpable threat to human existence. Its principle of operation is based on an uncontrolled chain reaction of nuclear fission.

Traditionally, it is believed that nuclear weapons were developed during World War II, in 1944. The first bomb was detonated during testing; the second and third were dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are well-known facts, but they were predicted long before the 20th century.

Monk's predictions

The appearance of this terrible weapon was seen by a contemporary of Nostradamus, the Franciscan monk Nero. Using the language of his time, he very similarly described an atomic explosion with a huge black mushroom in the air, sowing death over great distances. He also said that there will be several explosions, the first three - the most terrible. Nero also predicted another explosion in Eastern Europe at the end of the 20th century, about which no one will know for the time being and which will bring unprecedented "white diseases".

Fire lightning of the third reich

As you know, the "weapon of retaliation" was a kind of fix idea back in the days of Nazism in Germany. For example, SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler once said: “We have not yet used our latest miracle weapon. Of course, V-1 and V-2 are very effective, but still our main weapon is so powerful that no one can imagine. One or two shots are enough to make London or New York disappear from the face of the earth. " This is confirmed by a letter from Kurchatov, who, having received the intelligence report, immediately informed the Kremlin that “recently the Germans have made two powerful explosions in Thuringia. They took place somewhere in the forest in the strictest secrecy. In a radius of five hundred to six hundred meters from the center of the explosion, trees were felled … The prisoners of war who were in the very center of the explosion died, and many of them did not even have a trace. Other prisoners of war … had their faces and bodies burned … The explosion of the bomb generated a powerful shock wave and was accompanied by an extremely high rise in temperature. The bomb itself is a sphere with a diameter of 130 centimeters … It supposedly contains uranium-235 ".

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Interestingly, Kurchatov's employee, G. N. Flerov, visiting Germany, immediately went to Thuringia, as he was ordered to survey the territory of tests. According to Claire Werner, a resident of a small village near which the "secret weapon" was tested, "at half past nine in the evening … it suddenly became so bright, as if hundreds of lightning flashed. Everything was glowing red in the middle, and yellow at the edges. The newspaper could be read in that light. But it lasted for a few moments, and then everything went out again, and we only noticed that a strong wind had risen. " There is evidence of local residents who helped the SS to destroy people dying from a monstrous experiment, many of whom were Russians. One of the prisoners of war - our compatriot - said that the dying muttered the words: "huge lightning."

It is believed that on the day of the explosion in Ohrdruf, up to seven hundred people were killed. These were the first victims of atomic weapons, which were still inferior in power to the American and Soviet bombs of the 1950s. Residents of the surrounding villages complained in the following days of severe headaches; many had blood in their throats.

The terrifying effect of the "weapon of retaliation" resembles the power of the "divine weapon" described in ancient sources. This is quite likely, since the Nazis always respected the occult sciences and seriously studied the mythology of peoples who preserved the knowledge of deep antiquity. Many researchers associated the famous expedition to Tibet with the development of a "secret weapon". Moreover, descriptions of the weapons of deities are kept in India and in Buddhist monasteries. Access to them is limited, at least from the point of view of uninitiated people.

A light brighter than a thousand suns

But is it possible to imagine that our distant ancestors fought not with a spear and a bow, but used technologies comparable to modern ones or even superior to them? We find traces of such wars in legends, myths, and legends of many nations.

The most serious work of these is the Mahabharata. For the first time, a parallel between ancient legends and the atomic bomb was drawn by Professor Oppenheimer when, amazed by what he saw during nuclear tests, he read an excerpt from the Mahabharata about "light that is brighter than a thousand suns." During the battle of the gods, in addition to the usual weapons, they used something else - belonging to the gods. It was charged with “all the power of the universe”: “An incandescent column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the whole race of Vrishnis and Andhakas … the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; the dishes broke for no apparent reason, and the birds turned white … after a few hours all the food became poison … to escape this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into streams,to wash yourself and your weapons … "Is the given text not a description of an atomic war!

Mentions like this are not sporadic; battles using a fantastic arsenal of weapons and flying cities are common in Indian epics. The Mahabharata texts tell of a powerful explosion following the appearance of “blinding light” and “smokeless fires” in the sky; from the scorching heat, "the water began to boil," and "the fish looked like burnt."

According to. "Mahabharata", at the end of the IV millennium BC. as a result of a large-scale war with the use of nuclear and other types of weapons, more than 80% of the population of then humanity died. It is especially interesting that people, according to the Mahabharata, ask the deities to give them the opportunity to master the science of astravidya, which allows them to use divine weapons. After trials, only Arjuna receives such a right and retires to the heavenly cities to study for five years.

Nuclear death of the world

An indirect confirmation of the fact that humanity in distant eras has already experienced a nuclear war is the fact that in 1962 during excavations, archaeologists discovered skeletons, and the level of radiation penetrating the bones exceeded the norm by more than fifty times. Similar skeletons were found on the streets of Mohenjodaro. According to the conclusions of scientists, people apparently died instantly. Ancient cities, whose brick and stone walls were literally glazed, melted together, have survived to this day in India and Ireland. Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the glazing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion. One gets the impression that the world that has reached the heights of civilization as a result of a nuclear conflict has again slipped back to the Stone Age,and the few survivors tried to transmit the fragments of miraculously preserved information to descendants through myths and legends.

But such memories of the horror experienced, unfortunately, were not the prerogative of only the peoples of ancient India. The Hindus themselves consider the Mahabharata to be the history of mankind.

And researchers are finding giant funnels all over the world, which, according to all the laws of soil formation, should have smoothed out, if you calculate the time of their occurrence according to academic dating. Found more than a hundred funnels.

Scientists are also surprised by the ruins of the fortresses of Dundalk and Ecosse in Ireland, which keep traces of exposure to enormous temperatures, so high that the blocks of granite, of which the walls are composed, are melted. The melting point of granite is 1000-1300 ° C. One might think that it was here that the terrible weapon of ancient legends was used.

Note that on the territory of Russia - in Karelia, in the local history museum, they show a unique footprint of a shod human foot, which was imprinted in molten granite. A colossal image of a man of gigantic proportions has also been preserved there. Local legend says that this is Kuiva, a freak from birth, embittered by the whole human race, came to exterminate it. Then the shamans turned to the spirits, and the spirits incinerated the aggressor. Most of all, Kuiva's image resembles the well-known shadow prints in Hiroshima. Only he is much taller.

Another trace of the possible use of nuclear weapons was found in Turkey during excavations of the deceased capital of the ancient Hittites, Hattusas. Its ruins are located near the city of Bogazkoy, not far from Ankara. Hattusas was once destroyed by a sudden, terrible heat. The brickwork of the houses melted and turned into a homogeneous red mass. The stones baked and cracked. There is not a single house, temple or wall left in the city that could escape this terrible heat. It is clear that an ordinary fire, even on a citywide scale, could not create such a temperature.


There is another argument in favor of the likelihood of a global nuclear catastrophe that occurred on Earth in the very distant past. A number of legends speak of territories that have become centers of the total cataclysm.

A closer look at the map reveals that almost all of these areas coincide with the zones of modern deserts. According to Chinese legends, a number of such places are located in the little-explored part of the Gobi Desert. In India, parts of the Indus Valley, where many prosperous centers of civilization were located in ancient times, have now also turned into a desert. In Egypt, the Sahara occupies a huge territory. But it is among its sands and lifeless rocks that archaeologists find more and more monuments of material culture. And over the ancient centers of civilization in the Middle East, the ruins of the great countries of Sumer and Babylonia, the wind rolls sand waves of many meters thickness. The same can be said for the deserts of Mongolia, the American continent and Australia:on vast and completely uninhabitable spaces, scientists discover traces of settlements that in the distant past turned into ruins.

Academician BL Smirnov remarks in his comments on the translation of the Mahabharata: “One cannot but be amazed at the highest moral sensitivity of the people, who already tens of centuries ago managed not only to pose the moral problem of the permissibility of using the“absolute weapon”, but also to resolve it." The existence of restrictions on the use of "higher" types of weapons is emphasized in the "Mahabharata" many times. The same Arjuna receives brahmashiras in his hands with the order: “… This extraordinary and completely irresistible weapon … should never be used by you against people, for, thrown at the weak, it can burn the whole world … If some inhuman enemy attacks you, hero, then use this weapon in battle to defeat him."

So atomic weapons were perceived by the ancients, first of all, as directed not against people, but against species of intelligent beings, now unknown to us.

The tragedy of bygone eras should serve as a warning today. The same Indian treatises read: “Arjuna, do not use a wondrous weapon!.. After all, you must never use it aimlessly. And they should not hit the target unless absolutely necessary … If this weapon is misused, great misfortunes can occur!"

Author: O. Pogoda