Resonance As A Key To Understanding Oneself - Alternative View

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Resonance As A Key To Understanding Oneself - Alternative View
Resonance As A Key To Understanding Oneself - Alternative View

Video: Resonance As A Key To Understanding Oneself - Alternative View

Video: Resonance As A Key To Understanding Oneself - Alternative View
Video: Как узнать себя 2024, July

It is known from the school physics course that resonance (from Latin resono - "I sound in response, I respond") is a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillation of any oscillatory system as a result of the coincidence of the natural frequency with the frequency of the driving force.

Resonance is the key to determining the qualities inherent in an object, as it helps to identify even minor fluctuations. For example, if two musical instruments, tuned in the same way, are placed side by side and start playing one of them, the other will sound in response.

The methods of resonance studies of processes occurring in living organisms are based on the same principle. The method of cognition and understanding of oneself as a living system is based on this: it is possible to identify and enhance those properties, qualities, characteristic features that already exist within us.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the impacts should not be intense, harsh, energetically powerful. Especially at a time when the mind or body has not yet become accustomed to the changes.

So, the key to creating a miracle can be a kind word, spoken at the right time. And many fateful decisions in our life, spiritual insights, steps towards understanding ourselves, our inner essence, are the consequences of such resonances.

Man is a complex system, which is both integrity, merged into an indissoluble unity, and a huge number of constituent parts of different sizes, vibrating with a period from a year (hormonal changes) to several fractions of a second (ion flows, oscillations of molecular compounds). And all this abundance of components, thanks to resonant synchronization, is a single whole.

Harmony of interactions

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We are in continuous contact with all kinds of objects and phenomena. What are the conditions for resonant interactions? The answer-key that opens the door to understanding oneself in the context of the Macrocosm is similarity, the correspondence of internal components to external influences. The like in us resonates with the like outside of us, and if the forces that influence us are beneficial, harmonious, then our own harmony under the influence of them increases, sounds in unison.

The resonant connection of parts into a single integrity occurs according to the principle of "minimum energies": participants in a common cause (and they can be people united by a common goal, and organs of the body, and pendulums strung on a common thread) spend much less energy on doing their own work, than when acting separately. This does not mean that parts of the system are working half-heartedly. A group of people, performing work with full dedication, is quite capable of doing something that each individually cannot realize. A single whole is characterized by a qualitative superiority over the usual sum of its constituent particles.

Resonance as a way of self-knowledge

Nikola Tesla believed that connections between phenomena are determined exclusively by simple and complex resonant states - consonant vibrations of physical systems.

When we strive to understand ourselves, our desires, gravities, we seek and find exactly what corresponds to our individual states. And the key to perceiving new information is the resonance of the external with the internal. Anyone who is tuned in to a given result is capable of catching the necessary practical knowledge from the bottomless ocean of information. The knowledge of secrets is the response of the world to the call of the aspirations of the researcher.

The discovery is preceded by a search, and new information resonates with the already existing in us. Beneficial sprouts grow in fertile soil, well fertilized with the knowledge that we have received and applied earlier. The key point is understanding that resonance with the known greatly increases the ability to accept and assimilate new things.

As for self-knowledge of the highest level (i.e., knowing oneself as a pure soul), this is a separate topic, large and important, and we talk about this in other articles.

Resonance of thoughts and feelings

Whether we like it or not, the thoughts and feelings of the people with whom we communicate in everyday life affect us. Someone's bad mood can find a response in our own state and then a pleasant inner state flows into an unpleasant one. To understand yourself, the reasons for changes in internal states, it is useful to take a closer look at those around you: friends, colleagues, family members. And here the key is the awareness of the very act of resonance with others. Having realized the moment of the flow of other people's emotions or thought forms into our consciousness and realizing that it is much more useful for us not to respond, to remain neutral in this situation, we may not resonate. With a conscious volitional effort, you can stop the process, not allow the feelings and mental structures that are present in us, but undesirable, not suitable for the given situation, to intensify.

The second key to understanding yourself and changing the inner state will help open the gates to positive life changes. If everything is bad, there is no joy in life, a good mood has long been forgotten - look for something that will cause a beneficial resonance in you and fill you with the desired emotions, give life a taste. It can be a person who radiates joy, works of art, music, communication with nature, engaging in favorite hobbies, creativity - in a word, everything with which, entering into resonance, you will bring pleasant changes into your daily routine.

A person, as a complex living system, is like a musical instrument, and how well the instrument is tuned and with what vibrations it resonates, depends on its own sound inside and outside.

Tune in for the best, leaving the worst aside, and your life will change for the better. Tune in to pure consciousness - and your consciousness will be quickly cleared! This will be facilitated by other articles on the site, as well as their discussion on the esoteric forum.