Secrets Of Female Power - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Female Power - Alternative View
Secrets Of Female Power - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Female Power - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Female Power - Alternative View
Video: No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark 2024, September

Love and gentleness are, of course, good in the presence of a male protector, support and guardian. And if it is not there, then a woman has to survive in our material world and protect herself and her children herself.

You cannot, of course, be a bitch, a predator, but you must be able to stand up for yourself and your children. And service is also wonderful, but a woman who has already learned to stand up for herself wants to serve only a worthy man. The circle is complete.

Who is the stronger sex today and who is the weak is a big question. It is the "weaker" sex that solves such problems that the "strong" is too tough. The "weak" fight for their rights, the "strong" strive to give the rest of the responsibility to those "who care." Moreover, each of the sexes is unhappy. After all, we are mercilessly lying about what it means to be a woman or a man.

The role of women in society was once special. The life of entire states was based on the piety, purity and wisdom of women. She was the source of balance in the family and society. Reasonableness and prudence of a woman is a guarantee that peace will reign, and conflicts will be excluded. The world inside and outside is feminine nature.

So, the forgotten secrets of female power:

1. The secret of education

Having a girl in the family has always been a blessing from Heaven. The word "girl" itself is a diminutive of "virgin", which in Sanskrit (one of the most ancient languages) means "divine". Parents knew that with her birth, love itself, joy, divine light came to the family.

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When raising a daughter, parents always treated her kindly and gently. Neither severe punishments nor harsh statements about her were acceptable. On the contrary, the task of the parents was to preserve her purity and give the opportunity to maximize the manifestation and development of the qualities of a female character. After all, these are the divine qualities on which the world was held. This was the sacred duty of parents to GOD, to their daughter, to their family, and to people.

The girl, who from childhood was instilled with all the necessary skills and helped to reveal the qualities of female nature, became the keeper of the happiness of all people.

2. The secret of female magic

It has been known since ancient times that a wife is able to protect her husband, who is on the battlefield, by her purity and loyalty to him alone. Her feminine power surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unscathed from any battles: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target.

We understand this subconsciously even today. And many men who have returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return. Thus, Konstantin Simonov wrote:

A woman really has the ability to elevate a man to unprecedented heights if she is pure and reasonable. As the famous saying goes: "a woman can turn any fool into a sage, and a sage into a fool."

Becoming a mother, she acquired a sacred duty and the ability to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will develop life on the planet further. The woman knew that her children would germinate the seeds that she put in them. So, one of the vital tasks of every woman from time immemorial was: to give birth and raise children.

3. The secret of radiant beauty

To be beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Reading about mythical and fairytale heroines and goddesses, we always come across a description of their radiant beauty. Precisely radiant. Despite the different ideas about the standards of female beauty in different cultures, all mythical and fabulous beauties of all peoples are united by the fact that, according to the descriptions, radiance emanated from them.

Ayurveda describes this radiance emanating from a person, giving shine to the eyes, a radiance to a smile, a luminous freshness to the skin, and a serene expression of pure happiness to the face. According to ancient science, this is a natural phenomenon.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, and gained feminine strength in serving the family and society.

Appearance was part of female magic - love magic. Our ancestors used well-thought-out combinations of colors, ornaments, shapes and cut in their outfits - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energetic influence.

The jewelry worn by the woman, precious stones worked in the same way - all this was of great importance, so the woman strengthened her connection with the subtle worlds, harmonized herself and space.

The hairstyle was also magical. Hair is a conductor of cosmic energy (as an example, cosma is a single-root word with cosmos). Long hair allowed this energy to be stored and used in different ways depending on the situation. For example, hair gathered at the crown of the head provided a woman with a large flow of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair gathered below, on the back of her head, helped her enter a state of submission and deep humility.

4. The secret of happiness

Having lost themselves, now women are ready to seek happiness in anything. Either opposing himself to men, now trying to "get everything from them." It is fashionable to be a bitch today. There was even a "science" such a "bitchology". This is the only way to be happy - some psychologists teach. Unfortunately, this is a voluntary hammering by women into the coffin of their own happiness.

“Love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life” - roughly this is suggested by the new psychology of female behavior, the behavior of the so-called “bitch”.

Until recently, this word was not proper to pronounce in a decent society. And now many of the fair sex proudly declare: "I am a bitch."

Initially, this word meant "dead man, corpse", then - "carrion". The transition to abusive meaning occurred due to a disgust towards the dead ", -" Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language."

So, it turns out: "I am a corpse" - this is what some women manage to be proud of today. They are not so far from the truth, because the psychology “think only of yourself and get what you want in any way” suggests that the Soul of such a woman, at best, is in a deep swoon.

Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that in the Universe there is no more power than the power of Love. This energy is capable of changing anything. Therefore, the most loving can be called the strongest. A woman's strength lies in her ability to love and mercy.

Nobody and nothing can resist this. In ancient times, they said that a woman is the one who wins without a fight. When a woman learns to achieve her goal with aggression, cunning, reproaches or insults, she loses her strength.

5. The secret of harmony

How can women return to their divinity today? To a state of serene happiness?

“I am the Soul” is the secret knowledge that allowed a woman to be peaceful, loving and happy all her life. This was the secret not only of her happiness, but also the key to the prosperity of states. How does this knowledge work?

The woman felt: “I am the Soul”. What are the qualities of the Soul? The soul is eternal, so there is nothing to be afraid of: problems come and go, but life never ends. The soul is full of love - love does not dry out, the more you love, the more happiness. The soul is happiness, being happy is the norm. The soul is beauty, it awakens the best feelings. The soul is mercy and kindness. The soul is softness and warmth.

A woman who follows her soft loving nature is always attractive to a strong noble man. This is the law of harmony. This is the law of life that our ancestors knew and practiced. The woman's purity, kindness and gentleness were the guarantee of her happy life.

So, the fair sex has been under the protection of men all her life: at first she was under the protection of her father and brothers, then under the protection of her husband, and in old age under the protection of her sons or other relatives. But who raised such noble strong men? Woman! When women complain about the stronger sex today, they need to pay attention to how they are raising their sons.

6. Secret of the Golden Age

The fulfillment of each gender's unique role guarantees harmony and a happy life on the planet. The last centuries of the life of mankind prove this statement by the method of contradiction.

For many hundreds of years, a woman has been deprived of her divine status in society and family. The balancing principle of peace in nature has long been in the special position of "sex without the right to vote." Then the situation turned to the other extreme. The feminist movement emerged.

But for some reason this does not make women and men happy. The divorce statistics are staggering, and the belief in the possibility of creating a happy marriage for a lifetime becomes synonymous with naivety.

Marriage is the embodiment of absolute harmony, a reflection on earth of the heavenly union of GOD AND GODDESS. Husband and wife are those who complement each other.

The famous sage Srila Prabhupada said, “You cannot change the differences in your abilities. This is the law of GOD, the law of nature. This is unity: to be together, to act in different ways, but for the sake of a common goal. Unity is in diversity, that's what is desirable."

7. Secret of the Future

All religions of the world, philosophers and humanists are united in the opinion that compassion, love and kindness are the only path to perfection. Adhering to these qualities, a person develops spiritually. Society with such citizens flourishes. For women, these qualities are as natural as light is for the sun.

The life of a woman is the spiritual path described in many scriptures of various religions. Service is her happiness. Caring for others is a source of energy. A woman lives with her heart. She makes decisions with her heart. And the heart has a direct connection with the Source of Life.

It is not for nothing that it is said that women are only one step below the angels.

With the advent of the third millennium, a new era entered into law - the Age of Aquarius. In many sources it is called the Age of the Woman. This is a time of unity, harmony, peace and prosperity. This is the time when the fair sex will again take the once lost divine position.

To establish a new order on Earth, women must realize their purpose, restore balance and bring the beginnings of love and high spirituality into the world. And they have all the possibilities for this.