How To Order The Desired Sleep - Alternative View

How To Order The Desired Sleep - Alternative View
How To Order The Desired Sleep - Alternative View

Video: How To Order The Desired Sleep - Alternative View

Video: How To Order The Desired Sleep - Alternative View
Video: How to Have Better Sleep with Clete Kushida 2024, September

Dreams for a person can become a real storehouse of answers to questions of interest. Almost everyone can use their psyche in a dream as a search engine or as an individual assistant. To do this, you just need to order the desired dream.

The image and plot of a dream involves intellectual, emotional, physiological processes - all the components of our soul and body. Even the conscious part, like the tip of the iceberg of our psyche, participates in the dream. It is thanks to her that we can make decisions in a dream, evaluate the meaning of a particular character or event, and actually remember the dream.

Dreams always work for a person, but his consciousness cannot always serve his unconscious, that is, true, natural, needs and drives in a quality manner. In order to see the desired plot in a dream, you must first of all articulate exactly what you want to see.

Ordering a dream does not mean coming up with a plot and seeing it in full accordance with your intention. Dreams are the guides of our unconscious or the products of subconscious processes, their meaning is that they bring us something new, clarify the unknown, give what we need, but cannot receive in a state of wakefulness.

But we can tune in to receive an answer to our systemic request: to solve a creative or intellectual problem, get a hint in some problem situation, take a journey into a joyful and exciting world, or see the person we are worried about in the context of his life situation. In order to see what you want to see in a dream, you need to make the following settings.

1. Tune into remembering dreams. You need to develop the habit of recalling the dream immediately after waking up. The skill of remembering dreams is well established with the help of such a simple technique as writing. Place a notebook and pen next to your bed so that you can write down the brightest images right after waking up. Remembering a dream is facilitated by competent deep relaxation before falling asleep and a relatively calm, not abrupt awakening.

It is also necessary to program yourself so that when the goal is achieved, you need to give the command to wake up. A person sees about four or five dreams during the night, separated by time intervals, so to speak, night intermissions. And the answer to the question posed may, for example, appear in the first dream from one in the morning to two. And a person, when he wakes up in the morning, often remembers only the last dream. And so he may think that he failed, and the answer to the question was not received. But this is not so, he just woke up not then and had already forgotten the answer.

2. Formulate a "system query". When ordering a dream for yourself, it is important to determine what exactly you want to see - to realize and formulate. This could be a specific question. For example, during Christmas time, dreams are considered prophetic. You can tune in to dreams as an expression of the main trends in the events of the next year, and you will get just such dream-landmarks.

Promotional video:

If you think a lot about a person and want you to dream about him, then you need to think about him before bed. If you just want to see a spectacular dream - an adventure, a fairy tale or a journey - you need to formulate an appropriate request. Before going to bed, you need to remind yourself of this request.

The more accurately you formulate your request, and the closer it is to the actual life situation you are experiencing here and now, the more accurately it reflects your urgent needs, the sooner you will see the corresponding dream. Sometimes the desired dream is not immediately dreamed, this may take time - from several days to several months.

For persuasiveness, you can write down your order on paper. Or say it out loud before bed. After setting a goal, you can make an internal appeal to yourself, asking for assistance.

3. Focusing on the request in the "borderline" state between sleep and wakefulness. Borderline states play an important role in intellectual and creative life. They are characterized by the "transparency" of subconscious processes, so many ideas and insights happen exactly on the verge of wakefulness and sleep. Some people fall asleep immediately - only the head touches the pillow.

Focusing on the intermediate state requires self-regulation skills such as the ability to relax, get rid of disturbing thoughts, and think positively. In a calm, relaxed state, when falling into sleep begins, if you can focus on your request, this will direct the dream in the appropriate direction.

Before entering a dream, present in the smallest detail that environment, that picture with which the goal is inextricably linked. Imagine, fantasize, give your unconscious a context, an environment in which it will need to exist during sleep.

Olga Pavlova