The Etheric World - Attacks Of Ethereal Vampires - Alternative View

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The Etheric World - Attacks Of Ethereal Vampires - Alternative View
The Etheric World - Attacks Of Ethereal Vampires - Alternative View

Video: The Etheric World - Attacks Of Ethereal Vampires - Alternative View

Video: The Etheric World - Attacks Of Ethereal Vampires - Alternative View
Video: Misery aka energy vampires loves to attack beautiful soul's 2024, October

Ethereal vampires

The etheric double knows one and only source of energy - a living person. He simply does not know other sources. Not trained to interact with them. And this ethereal double, with a robber whistle, rushes into the world of living people in search of life-giving juices to feed its diminishing strength.

Judging by the fact that there are relatively few reports of encounters with evil spirits, only very few ethereal counterparts manage to get to a living person at all. Probably, the overwhelming majority of them melt away on the way without doing, never reaching the goal. Perhaps only the most, so to speak, energetically strong, "muscular" get their way. They manage to break into the world of the living from the world of the dead, without disappearing along the way.

The most "muscular", the most rabid, the most assertive and arrogant, vicious and furious. They desperately need "life energy"! And in order to get to its source, it is necessary to smash the protective lines of that source to shreds, to punch a hole in the aura of a living person.

But this is not so easy to do. Because the aura envelops the human body in a dense egg-shaped electromagnetic cocoon. It is multi-layered and is a reliable cap that protects its wearer from harmful extraneous energy influences.

This does not stop the double. He has no choice. Getting sucked into a living donor is his only chance to survive. And the bombing begins!

A massive psychic attack is carried out on the donor, who does not even suspect that he is serving as such for the ethereal vampires.

Probably, the protective mechanisms in a person's aura give some kind of malfunction, or even fail for a very short time when a person experiences a stressful situation. It is enough to thoroughly intimidate him, and the protective potency sharply weakens. A frightened, panicky person is vulnerable to bandits rushing to his energy stores.

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Here are the bandits of the entities from the etheric world and hit all the hard in order to break into other people's storerooms. The key to these storerooms is fear.

Lacking physically dense arms, legs and bodies, ethereal vampires use for their terrifying tricks, demonstrations, two fields, of which, according to my guess, vampires actually consist. Namely, the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field.

These two fields are just enough for stools to "spontaneously" jump around the room, books fly in "by themselves", mysterious lights begin to light up.

Directly these two fields in their interaction are also needed for the dense blocking of the bioenergetic and motor functions of the human body. Auric bioenergy is suppressed by the electromagnetic field, and the motor functions of muscles are suppressed by the gravitational one. Uncleanness "crushes" a person. Or if it does not "press", then it paralyzes him.

The evil force terrorizes its victims, appearing to them in various guises, at the very sight of which the hair on the head of the terrorized person stands on end.

Again, to create frightening phantoms, you need exactly those two fields. Electromagnetic to excite the desired frequencies in the visible part of the spectrum: to reproduce the appearance of a particular creepy ghost. And gravitational to create the illusion that the ghost has a physically dense body: a person, gripping with horror, often feels like a monster grabs him by the arms and shoulders. According to contactees, touching a monster is one of the most unforgettable and unpleasant experiences.

When the need for a phantom created by evil spirits exhausts itself, in the blink of an eye it disappears and dissolves into air. And this once again indicates that he is a purely field formation. The ethereal double changes at the right moment the "setting", the field characteristics of the created phantom, and the object at the same moment simply ceases to exist … most of the time "turns off" its protective systems. And then it penetrates into the auric egg. There she becomes a comprehensive recharge to someone else's energy store.

Unclean power lives at the expense of living people!

According to many clairvoyants, each of us is released from above a strictly defined “package”, “volume” of personal bioenergy. “Volume” is gradually and very economically spent by the body and aura of a person throughout his life. Only yogis and professional psychics can, and even then only drop by drop! replenish their "volumes" at the expense of energy coming from outside, due to the so-called prana. The thieves' pumping of vital juices from the "volume" given to a person by birth, inevitably, as I understand it, should lead to a reduction in the life of the energy carrier.

An ethereal vampire steals minutes, hours, days and even, maybe months, years of his donor's life …