By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View

By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View
By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View

Video: By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View

Video: By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View
Video: Underwater Buildings That We Have Actually Created 2024, September

Self-sufficient underwater cities intended for permanent residence sounds like an idea for a science fiction film, right? But Japanese architects say that this could become a reality by 2030.


Japanese construction company Shimizu Corp unveiled blueprints for its incredible $ 26 billion underwater city project in Tokyo last week. The eco-city project is called Ocean Spiral. According to the plan of the creators, it will be able to shelter about 5,000 people and will be provided with energy extracted at a depth of several thousand meters at the bottom of the ocean.


The project has already received support from a large number of research companies and Japanese government agencies, Shimizu said. But for its implementation, it is necessary to solve a huge number of problems, so the implementation of this project will take at least 15 years.

According to the drawings, a huge research and residential complex, approximately 15 km long, begins just below the surface of the water and sinks deep into the ocean floor.

The whole complex can be roughly divided into three main parts:

At the very top is a plane with a 500-meter sphere above it. It is followed by a long, spiraling central section, which will house a business area, a residential complex and a hotel for 5,000 people. At the very bottom, the spiral will be connected to the research center responsible for the development of energy sources.

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The company says that the spiral part of the complex will be submerged to a depth of 14 km, where the research center, using microorganisms, will produce methane and the energy necessary for life.

Scientists from the University of Tokyo have already commented that such "techno-utopias" are a response to such crises as climate change and rising sea levels - and in addition, they can protect people from the consequences of serious earthquakes and tsunamis.

It is worth noting that earlier the Shimizu company has already participated in the development of plans for a floating city and a 400 kilometer "belt" of solar panels around the Moon.