In Holland, They Printed "death Machine" - Alternative View

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In Holland, They Printed "death Machine" - Alternative View
In Holland, They Printed "death Machine" - Alternative View

Video: In Holland, They Printed "death Machine" - Alternative View

Video: In Holland, They Printed
Video: Future Technologies For End of Life Dignity? 2024, September

There is no way the Western world will leave alone the topic of voluntary departure from life. The famous Dutch doctor Philip Nietzke presented a capsule for euthanasia. After a minute and a half in the capsule, the person is disoriented, after five minutes he is dead. But the process, if desired, can be stopped.

Sarco is a capsule machine with a futuristic design. All parts of the "death machine" are manufactured using additive technologies. It consists of two parts: a reusable base and a disposable capsule that separates and can be used as a coffin. A new capsule can be 3D printed and used again.

Drawings of the car will be posted on the Internet in the public domain. But not everyone can use it. The potential user must complete an online questionnaire. If, according to the results, he meets the criteria for the necessary euthanasia, he will be sent a four-digit code that will open the capsule. Inside, the user closes the lid and waits for 5 minutes. Death occurs from a decrease in the level of oxygen, replaced by liquid nitrogen.

The Sarco capsule known as "Doctor Death" is promoted by former physician Philip Nietzke. He is the founder of Exit International, an organization dedicated to euthanasia and the legalization of the right to it. According to Philip Nitske, death in the apparatus comes painlessly. And if the person changes his mind in the process, he can press the button and exit.

Experts questioned the legality of using such a machine. According to experts, it will give suicide an overly glamorous color and make people think that suicide is normal. In turn, Philip Nietzschke states that everyone should have the right to die.

Is euthanasia allowed in Russia? Doctors have a clear concept of helping a patient die is prohibited by law, but it is also impossible to interfere with care. Let's figure it out together …

At the moment - not yet, but this issue has been raised several times over the past 20 years. Medical professionals and scientists, philosophers and lawyers constantly argue over it. However, there is no legal provision that establishes a sanction for the implementation of an assisted death.


Promotional video:

Reasons for the ban

The question why euthanasia is prohibited in Russia cannot be answered precisely and unambiguously. There are several reasons:

high probability of fraud by relatives of seriously ill patients;

the inability to determine exactly how incurable the disease is;

the influence of Christianity, which negatively relates to any kind of suicide.

Euthanasia Prohibition Act

According to the existing law of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, euthanasia is qualified as murder - this is the deliberate infliction of death on another person, Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. There are, of course, mitigating circumstances of punishment - the motive of compassion is taken into account (clause "d", part 1 of article 61 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). More about the law …

On the part of lawyers, there is an understanding that euthanasia is the satisfaction of the patient's request - to ease his torment and hasten his impending death. Those. we are talking only about obviously incurable people who themselves are ready for the procedure and ask for it, or if the person is in a coma and there is no chance, then at the request of relatives.

Let's go back to Russia! The ban on euthanasia in the Russian Federation is quite serious, because despite the absence of a crime with such a wording, assistance in active or passive death will be considered a murder. Although in 2006 the deputies discussed the possibility of criminalizing euthanasia by allocating an article to it in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and imposing a special sanction (for a doctor it would be a restriction of freedom for up to 2 years and deprivation of the right to engage in medical activities for 2 years), however, this initiative did not receive support.

The legal regulation of euthanasia in Russia is carried out by several normative legal acts: the Constitution, which enshrines the right to life, and the Federal Law in the field of public health protection. The latter, in one of the articles, reinforces the impossibility of assisted death by doctors: medical personnel are also strictly prohibited from stopping life-support measures. However, everything is not so simple with this provision: another rule of the same law states that citizens still have the right to refuse any medical intervention with an explanation of all possible consequences, which is very reminiscent of a passive form of death. In this regard, the question arises: is passive euthanasia allowed in Russia or not? The legislator does not provide definite and clear explanations.


Obviously, due to these inconsistencies, a special bill on euthanasia in Russia is needed to define all the concepts associated with this procedure and establish a framework of responsibility.

There is no special punishment if active euthanasia has been committed: the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishing a sanction for premeditated murder will be applied in this case.

For the first time, euthanasia as a crime was talked about more than 10 years ago. Then two girls killed a paralyzed woman. They themselves argued that the motive was pity for the patient's condition. However, this did not become a reason for leniency, since the court also found that the victim was depressed, and also that she paid for her murder with gold jewelry. The girls were sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Also in 2007, in the Arkhangelsk region, a man euthanized a terminally ill woman at her request. The court sentenced him to 9 years in prison, since it was established that she paid him, and this is already considered a murder for mercenary motives.

It is obvious that euthanasia in Russia, examples of which are given above, is illegal.

Does Russia need euthanasia?

Let's figure out where and in which countries euthanasia is officially allowed - we have prepared a full list of countries that allow legal death of people.


A very small number of states agree to give a person the right to dispose of his life as he wants. However, if a seriously ill patient has financial resources, then he has the right to leave where assisted withdrawal from life is enshrined at the legislative level.

In which countries in which countries is the euthanasia of people allowed legalized and legalized full list:

- Belgium legalized "good death" in 2002;

- in the same 2002, the Netherlands legalized euthanasia;

- There are several institutions in Switzerland where euthanasia can be performed even for foreigners;

- Several US states also allow medical assistance for suicide;

- since 2009, “easy death” has been legalized in Luxembourg;

- Canada joined the states in which assisted death is possible in 2016.

- Passive euthanasia exists in other countries, including Europe. It is not allowed, but it is not prohibited either:

- Germany;

- Spain;

- France;

- Albania;

- Israel.
