Volgogradka Has Become 20 Years Younger According To The Recipe Of A Tibetan Monk - Alternative View

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Volgogradka Has Become 20 Years Younger According To The Recipe Of A Tibetan Monk - Alternative View
Volgogradka Has Become 20 Years Younger According To The Recipe Of A Tibetan Monk - Alternative View

Video: Volgogradka Has Become 20 Years Younger According To The Recipe Of A Tibetan Monk - Alternative View

Video: Volgogradka Has Become 20 Years Younger According To The Recipe Of A Tibetan Monk - Alternative View
Video: ••• Live Interview to venerable Tibetan Monk Thubten Wangchen ••• 2024, July

According to Lyudmila Borisovna Svarich, a resident of the Novoanninsky district, this is not the limit. From Tibetan monks, our compatriot received a special technology, which, according to the woman, is capable of not only returning youth, but also curing various ailments without the intervention of plastic surgeons …


Found myself

Volgogradka graduated from the Institute of Finance and Economics, worked all her life in her specialty and was never interested in the "subtle worlds". Chance changed everything …

“In 1997 I came to St. Petersburg on business and there I saw an announcement about a Tibetan monk’s seminar,” Lyudmila Svarich tells “Hometown”. - I decided to go, we were taught alternative medicine, I didn't take these courses especially seriously. Upon graduation she received a diploma of a hypnotherapist.

The teacher of the course told Lyudmila that hypnotherapy is not her way, the woman has only to reveal her abilities. He gave Svarich a computer disk, telling her to use the information stored on it only for good, and added that the more good a woman does, the more knowledge she will receive.

Promotional video:

- I really felt in myself unusual abilities from childhood. People often said that after talking to me, their headaches, cramps disappear … When I was five years old, my mother suffered from lymphadenitis in the armpits, she was constantly making cuts in the affected areas to relieve pain. One day my mother asked me to put my hand on a sore. I did so, we fell asleep, and in the morning the ailment disappeared, even the scars resolved. I could foresee minor situations: for example, the arrival of guests, relatives, events in their families, I often saw prophetic dreams. But then, in Soviet times, no one paid attention to my abilities.

Upon returning home from St. Petersburg, Lyudmila Borisovna installed the program given to her by the Tibetan monk on a computer.

- There were various files with the names of human organs: eyes, stomach, thyroid gland … Each file can be turned on in a regular audio player on a computer, only we will not hear anything - healing frequencies are working. I started treating my family and friends: hernia, colds, cataracts, migraines - everything went away. She herself also connected to the frequencies every day.

Youth elixir

However, despite the success in healing, Lyudmila was tormented by her own long-standing pain - the issue of aging. A bright woman was always surrounded by attention, but more and more time left its traces on her face …

- I am now 70 years old … I was always afraid of old age. This is weakness, ignorance, and sometimes loss of reason … I decided to start using the program to roll back the aging process at least five years ago … But I didn't know how. Then she mentally turned to the higher forces, asked what is the reason for the aging of the human body. Then the answer came to me: it is necessary to achieve resuscitation of the thymus gland. It is she who "guides" the youth and development of a person up to 22 years old. For several years, the process was reversed by 20 years. Nobody gives me 70 years, the maximum is 50. But I wonder what is the limit? Will I be able to get my 30s back?

According to the Volgograd woman, the Tibetan monk, who presented her with a disc with the program for healing, said that initially, when humanity came to earth, people lived for at least 500 years. And to this day, in the secret monasteries of Tibet, there are monks who live up to 300 years. But humanity is destroying itself from generation to generation by wars and violence.

- The life path of a person has turned over time into a very short segment. This is because we are moving away from the energy of the creator. So, for example, a Tibetan monk reported that everything on Earth functions at a frequency of 432 Hz, it is given to us from above. In 1936, at the initiative of an influential American, this frequency was changed to 442 Hz. Because it is easy to control people at this frequency. Now all receivers in the world are tuned to the destructive 442 Hz, and nature - all living and inanimate - still operates at a frequency of 432 Hz. Of course, they come into conflict, and this does not benefit mankind … All devices in the house of Volgograd are tuned to a frequency of 432 Hz, which also contributes to the rejuvenation process, according to the woman.

- I continue to help people. I charge water from drunkenness using frequencies. For 10 days I cure a spinal hernia. As the monk said, as I help others, I receive more and more information … It comes in the form of thoughts, prophetic dreams. I can predict the date of a person's death.

We talked with one patient, Lyudmila Svarich.

“A year ago, purulent inflammation with blood on my chest began to appear,” says Lyubov Kashnova, 58, a resident of Uryupinsk. - I went to Novoanninsk to see Lyudmila Borisovna. For a month, every day she connected me to special healing frequencies. We applied two more small plates to the sore spot. After a week and a half, I could already sleep on my side, and after two weeks the abscesses disappeared altogether.

Atlantean heritage

According to Lyudmila Borisovna, she was given information that Atlantis, described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, really existed.

- The descendants of the Atlanteans - amazingly developed creatures - still live on earth. They can be identified by a number of signs: an extraordinary mind and … a panic fear of water. These people avoid contact with water, they cannot swim and do not seek to learn. This is a genetic memory, because Atlantis was swallowed up by the ocean, and all its inhabitants drowned.

According to Lyudmila, other more advanced civilizations are constantly watching the earthlings. Their life goes on differently, and for their own reproduction they need people from our planet, why exactly is unknown.

- Not all souls are immortal, if a person does a lot of evil, his soul will never again incarnate on Earth, moreover, cosmic forces transform it into dust. This, incidentally, concerns the future of ISIS fighters (the organization is banned in Russia). After death, they are not waiting for the paradise that they dream of and which their leaders promise them. Their souls are in for complete decay.

Now Volgograd continues to study aging processes. With the help of the frequency program, she is ready to conduct free research on volunteers who, like Lyudmila Svarich, dream of returning youth.

By the way

How to develop eloquence

To develop this skill and improve memory, Lyudmila Svarich advises to do the following technique for a few minutes every day: connect the index and thumb on both hands. Sit in a comfortable position. Remain in this position for two to three minutes. According to Volgograd, the first results will be obtained in a week and a half.

Artem Karasev. Photo of the author and from the personal archive of the heroine of the publication