Sociologists Have Named The Main Fears Of Russians - Alternative View

Sociologists Have Named The Main Fears Of Russians - Alternative View
Sociologists Have Named The Main Fears Of Russians - Alternative View

Video: Sociologists Have Named The Main Fears Of Russians - Alternative View

Video: Sociologists Have Named The Main Fears Of Russians - Alternative View
Video: The Man Putin Fears The Most 2024, July

The researchers named the main fears of the inhabitants of Russia. Most of all, Russians are worried about the diseases of their loved ones. Also in the top three were wars and loss of working capacity.

Levada Center is a non-governmental research organization that regularly conducts sociological and marketing research within the framework of its own programs or at the request of clients. Now the organization's specialists have presented new data on the fears of Russian residents. The poll was conducted on October 20-24 this year. It was attended by 1,600 people aged 18 years and older, living in 137 settlements located in 48 regions of the country. The study was conducted at the respondents' homes through personal interviews. The respondents were offered cards. Several answers were allowed.

The greatest fear of Russians is associated with the illness of loved ones, children. This was stated by 47% of the respondents. In second place were wars: fighting frightens 37% of the study participants. Personal illnesses and loss of working capacity are of concern to 32% of the respondents. Poverty is feared by 22%, old age and helplessness - 21%. About the same number of people are afraid of natural disasters. 17% of those surveyed said they were afraid of physical pain and torment, and 11% are worried about the arbitrariness of the authorities and lawlessness. The list of the main fears of Russians is closed by the fear of national conflicts and the death of humanity, as well as the fear of their own death.

Sociologists received similar results in 2016. Then 45% of respondents said that they are also most worried about the diseases of their loved ones. Caused great fears of war and disability.

If we compare the results obtained in 2017 with the results of a similar study conducted in 1989, then there are significant differences. For example, in those years, significantly fewer people feared poverty (13% of respondents in 1989 versus 22% in 2017). But many more people expressed fears about the death of humanity. If at the end of the 80s 27% of the study participants expressed this fear, then in 2016 and 2017 only 7 and 9 percent expressed such fears, respectively. Also in 1989, more people feared criminals and public insults.

Fears of Russians / Levada Center
Fears of Russians / Levada Center

Fears of Russians / Levada Center

Recall that not so long ago, sociologists named the main fears of US residents. The main fear of Americans was corruption among officials. The second line went to cyber terrorism, and the third line went to the collection of personal information by various organizations. In addition, the fears of US residents are raised by the terrorist threat, biological weapons, and poverty. In addition to all this, Americans are quite worried about possible fraud with credit cards.

Ilya Vedmedenko

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