A 27-year-old Woman Has Aged 40 Years After Giving Birth - Alternative View

A 27-year-old Woman Has Aged 40 Years After Giving Birth - Alternative View
A 27-year-old Woman Has Aged 40 Years After Giving Birth - Alternative View

Video: A 27-year-old Woman Has Aged 40 Years After Giving Birth - Alternative View

Video: A 27-year-old Woman Has Aged 40 Years After Giving Birth - Alternative View
Video: I Had a Baby at 47 After Going Through the Menopause | This Morning 2024, September

The face of a young girl from China six months after the birth of a child became covered with wrinkles and sagged. The 27-year-old mother has become like an old woman.

A Chinese woman named Wu amazed doctors with amazing changes in her appearance that occurred shortly after the birth of her second child. A young girl in the six months that have passed since the birth of the baby has turned into an elderly person: the skin on her face has sagged and covered with deep wrinkles.

According to the married woman, instead of enjoying the joys of motherhood, she is forced to hide herself from people. People around them always believe that Wu is not the mother of children, but their grandmother.

- I used to be confident and cheerful. I tried to continue living a normal life, dressed like all my peers. But now they take me for an old woman, and I can't do anything about it … Everyone gives me from 60 to 70 years, - said Wu.

The Chinese woman admitted that she noticed some changes in her appearance after the birth of her first son, at the age of 21.

- Then I noticed that my skin became less elastic, but did not attach much importance to this. Now the situation has become just catastrophic, - complains Wu.

Oppressed by the state of her face, the woman even thought about suicide, but still decided to seek help from doctors.

The physicians who examined the patient came to the conclusion that the girl developed a rare disease called anetoderma, in which there is a partial atrophy of the skin, characterized by a lack of tissue elasticity.

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Experts say that Wu's poorly understood disease may be related to her genetics. The only way to help a desperate woman is plastic surgery.