Children Receive Part Of The DNA Of The Mother's Former Lovers - Alternative View

Children Receive Part Of The DNA Of The Mother's Former Lovers - Alternative View
Children Receive Part Of The DNA Of The Mother's Former Lovers - Alternative View

Video: Children Receive Part Of The DNA Of The Mother's Former Lovers - Alternative View

Video: Children Receive Part Of The DNA Of The Mother's Former Lovers - Alternative View
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Biologists recalled the long-forgotten or artificially forgotten and ridiculed by the official science of the phenomenon - telegonia, once again proving its reality.

It is well known that the genetic material of the unborn child is equally composed of the DNA of the mother and the father, but scientists have shown that the "left" genes of former sexual partners have no less influence.

Drosophila researchers have found that offspring size is also influenced by the size of the female's previous mate.

As noted by the Daily Mail, scientists have found that the chemicals in the semen of males have a much longer and more important effect than previously thought.

They found that the organisms of flies not only "assimilated" information about partners with whom they did not even produce a common offspring, but also partially passed it on to offspring from other males.

Experts are sure that this is also characteristic of the human body.

The theory called "telegony" is not new. It was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

The very word "Telegonia" comes from the Greek phrase "born away from his father" and refers to the legend of the mythical son of Odysseus - Telegon. According to this myth, Odysseus was ruined by chance and his ignorance of his son, born far from him.

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It was this theory that became one of the reasons why in ancient times marriages of tsars with divorced were prohibited. It was assumed that the woman's body transmits information about her ex-husband to children and the heirs of the king become "not pure blood."

Dovecotes or dog owners know: if a non-purebred male "spoiled" a female, then even if the offspring have not been born, when crossed with a thoroughbred male, she will no longer have an "elite offspring".

In the Soviet Union, telegonia was remembered in the sixties of the last century. Nine months after the 1958 World Youth Festival, many black babies were born in Moscow. Few were surprised by this, and the bulk of the newborns immediately replenished the local children's homes. But a few years later, in some Moscow families, negroes were suddenly born.

At the same time, the unfortunate mothers admitted that they made their first sexual intercourse several years ago during a festival with a guest from Africa, and gave birth to a child years later from their white husband, whom they did not even think to cheat on.

There is also a scandal with a student at Moscow State University from an elite family who gave birth to a black man. It turned out that she once had a classmate-lover - a Negro before her white husband.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the effect of telegony applies to humans in the same way as to all highly organized biological species.

If the conception of a child was preceded by sexual relations between his mother and one or more partners besides the father in the flesh of this child, then the child also had elements of the chromosome set of the mother's former lovers. At the same time, the result was not influenced by the use of contraceptive drugs.

Later, geneticists discredited and ridiculed the theory of telegony, calling it a delusion. Official science has recognized this scandalous theory as a myth.

Naturally, at the present time the theory of telegony has countless opponents. It causes violent attacks, it is sarcastic about it, but more and more scientists declare the discovery of genetic mutations in the child's chromosomal chain, which can only be explained by telegony.

According to the director of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology Arthur Mingraim, DNA analysis of the same people at different periods of their lives made it possible to establish that a woman's DNA undergoes noticeable changes after giving birth - she has the genes of her child's father. Swedish scientists have found that hyaluronic acid, which carries DNA chains, found in male mucous secretions, gets into the ovaries, where eggs are stored, and is introduced into them. Thus, a woman, even without becoming pregnant, will carry eggs in herself, into which the DNA chains of all her previous sexual partners will be embedded.

In turn, Professor Russell Bonduriansky from the University of New South Wales in Australia, who discovered a system of such genetic inheritance in fruit flies, said: “Conventional science suggests that the transmission of father's DNA during mating is carried out only in the case of conception, however we we think the process is much more complicated."

A 2014 study of flies found that the female is continuously associated with previous partners. Moreover, if the offspring was conceived with a second "spouse", then its size did not depend at all on the father, but on the previous "lover".

The professor believes that this effect of "long-playing chemical elements" transmitted to a female from a male individual developed in the process of evolution. The body of a female fly stores the DNA of all previous partners and "chooses" the best ones, embedding them in the offspring.

In addition, according to the professor, the same was observed when studying gibbons and hawks. Their females passed on to offspring from the last “husband” “bonuses” from the strongest male representatives of the species, with whom they entered into short-term marriages without giving birth to offspring.

"The paternal RNA is too complex a system that is still poorly understood," Bondurianski said, noting that the theory of telegony works great at the chemical level, despite the fact that it involves the exchange of information using a biofield.

He also suggested that this theory could also apply to males: information about all previous partners may be able to gain a foothold in the male's body and be transmitted to offspring through the mother. However, Bondurianski has not yet conducted research in this direction.

Pavel Gorokhov