Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

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Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View
Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

Video: Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

Video: Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View
Video: 10 Mind Blowing NEW Technologies That Will CHANGE the WORLD 2024, September

What will the future of humanity look like? What will happen in 25 years? What innovation will change the world? Which invention will have the most dramatic impact on what planet Earth will look like in a quarter century?

Homes can be hacked

As the Internet of Things brings more and more devices, electronic devices and other elements of daily life connected to the online world, opportunities for hacking are opening up. Just like now you need to watch out for viruses and hacker attacks on your computer, soon you will need to do the same with your home.


Self-driving cars will become the norm

Despite the problems that self-driving cars went through in the early stages, this aspect of the technology does not seem to go away and is likely to become the norm in the coming years. Most of the largest automobile concerns will offer their versions of self-driving cars in the next two to four years.

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Driving your car will become a stigma

However, not only will self-driving cars become commonplace, driving your own car will become almost a stigma. Automation will have positive effects such as less traffic congestion, increased car sharing, and so on.


Transport will be sponsored by corporations

Another positive side effect of self-driving cars is that they will be less expensive or even free, but you will most likely have to listen to some form of corporate message to use them.


Money will get smarter

By combining the power of artificial intelligence and blockchain, the concept of money is evolving into electronic units that will involve a much larger number of assets that can be exchanged within a single "currency".


Currencies will become corporate

While cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have experienced massive growth in popularity in recent years, additional brand-focused currencies can be expected to be issued by major tech companies in the coming years.


Say goodbye to privacy

A quarter century ago, even the most paranoid ideas about surveillance and privacy breaches could not predict how easy it would be for people to transfer their personal data to faceless corporations and data collectors.


Security will become more centralized

However, this loss of privacy will not happen without additional changes. Given the fact that technology is becoming an increasingly important part of human lives, the concern for safety will also grow.


3D printing will become ubiquitous

Further development of 3D printing can be expected, in particular as the technology becomes more affordable and easier to use. Few modern technologies are more impressive than 3D printing.


Artificial everything

Artificial intelligence will increasingly dominate almost every area of life: healthcare, education, entertainment, financial services and more.


Chatbots will be on the rise

Chatbots will continue to evolve in customer service and marketing. They could be the next breakthrough. If you want to stay on top of the marketing trend, you need a chatbot.


People will have digital twins

Each person will have their own online avatar. Over the next 25 years, each person will have a digital twin, which doesn't have to be a specific creature with a specific age or gender.


Interacting with digital people will become the norm

Just like people are used to chatbots and conversations with Alexa and Siri, they will soon be comfortable interacting with fully digital characters. By 2024, everyone will be interacting with digital people in one way or another.


Cinemas will disappear

Virtual reality continues to evolve as a form of entertainment, and the quest for the immersive experience that is now attracting many people to cinemas will end up just being able to buy a VR headset.


Visiting the university will be a thing of the past

Given the fact that more and more virtual opportunities appear on the Web, universities will become unnecessary. They will resemble television studios, where professors will read material in front of a green screen for students to watch videos at home.


Technological resistance

Given the fact that augmented reality and virtual reality are becoming ubiquitous, it is worth expecting that a certain number of people will resist these fictional realities.


Antitrust reaction

Just as the rapid development of technology will lead to many people resisting, the development of media and technology companies will lead to government intervention and government control.


The weather will get crazier

Extreme weather conditions are likely to become the norm. Hurricanes, tsunamis, forest fires and a wide variety of natural disasters will happen much more often. In the next 25 years, due to climatic changes caused by human activity, it will be possible to observe a statistical increase in the number of such weather phenomena.


Dependence on technology will rise

In addition to the fact that people are already addicted to constantly checking their phones, more and more of their daily life will be controlled by automation and artificial intelligence, more and more tasks and activities will be entrusted to technological devices.


The labor market is transforming

As artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things become the norm and retail continues to fall into oblivion, the labor market will be highly reshaped, and not always for the better.


Sadness will turn digital

Anyone who has lost a loved one in recent years can appreciate how memories of someone have changed in the age of social media, given that Facebook pages are becoming memorials and places to share memories of a person.


The emergence of smart cities

An era of exponential change, boasting new ideas for asset ownership, radical leaps in artificial intelligence, ever more efficient electronic engines, and the emergence of smart city infrastructures.


Artificial meat will become popular

While the concept of artificial meat may seem unusual today, it will be more widely accepted in the next 25 years as its benefits become more evident.


Food chain transformation

While we're on the subject of lab-grown meat, it's also worth noting that this kind of innovation, along with artificial intelligence and vertical farming, will revolutionize the food chain.


Antibiotics will stop working

As pathogens become more immune to the modern antibiotics available on the market, the pharmaceutical industry will have to become more creative and innovative.


Marina Ilyushenko