7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View

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7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View
7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View

Video: 7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View

Video: 7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View
Video: 10 Technologies That Will Change The World 2024, September

The modern world is a world of technological development. Today, robots are increasingly used in a wide variety of industries, which can often work more efficiently than people, because they do not need time to rest, they do not go on vacation or take a lunch break.

Today, the use of technology has reached record levels, even in areas that were previously impossible to think about.

The level of technology development has reached such proportions that experts are seriously concerned that some technologies will lead to the fact that many people simply find themselves out of work.

Below we will talk about the main technologies that “take” work from people.

Technology: self-driving cars

More recently, the idea of a self-driving car seemed like an idea for a sci-fi movie.

However, today many manufacturers are already testing such vehicles, and these tests are proving to be quite successful.

Promotional video:

Over the past few years, Google's involvement in the development of this technology has led to the fact that such cars no longer seem like fantasy.

Today, many transport companies around the world are conducting research on the use of self-driving cars.

Experts predict that from now until 2030, self-driving cars will become an integral part of our lives.

Self-driving transportation services will become a very popular replacement for daily commutes by metro and other public transport.


Professions under threat:


1. Taxi drivers

2. Limousine drivers

3. Bus drivers

4. Personnel of car rental services


5. Truck drivers

6. Postmen

Public safety

7. Car inspectors

8. Supervisors in the paid parking lot

9. Judges for traffic violations

10. Lawyers for traffic violations

11. Prosecutors for violations of traffic safety

12. Service personnel in courts for traffic safety violations


13. Parking staff

14. Parking staff

15. Car wash employees

Technology: drones

Flying drones can have completely different shapes and sizes.

They can fly low and high, they can make a lot of noise, or they can be completely silent.


They can be both your best friend and your worst enemy.

Without adequate protection, drones can be very dangerous.

They can deliver food, but they can carry bombs or poisons.

They can watch the workers or they can watch the enemies.

Of course, drones will lead to the disappearance of many professions, but they will also create new opportunities for the work of specialists.

However, some professions will still disappear.

Professions under threat


16. Couriers

17. Food delivery

18. Pizza delivery

19. Mail delivery


20. Consultants and Observers

21. Spraying services

22. Shepherds

23. Cattle Drivers

24. Extermination of pests

Topographic observation

25. Surveyors

26. Environmental Engineers

27. Geologists

Rescue operations

28. Rescue teams

29. Search commands

30. Firefighters

News service

31. Vans for news filming


32. Construction monitoring

33. Construction inspectors

34. Security

35. Parole Supervision Inspectors

Technology: 3D printers

3D printing is the process of making 3D parts and objects based on digital modeling.


This is the process of creating one layer after another until the piece is complete.

Whereas in the past, production required enormous efforts using blocks of metal, wood, or other material that could be processed with drills, lasers or other machines, but now everything has become much easier.

In addition, in the past, manufacturing required an employee with special skills.

With 3D printing, the need for skilled operators has disappeared as parts can now be made cheaper and easier.

This technology is already being used in areas such as jewelry, footwear, industrial design, architecture, engineering, construction and much more.

Professions under threat


36. Plastic press operators

37. Machinists

38. Shipment and cargo

39. Representative of trade unions

40. Warehouse employees

Technology: contour manufacturing

Contouring is a type of 3D printing that uses robotic arms and nozzles to extrude layers of cement and other materials, which are necessary to create large objects.


This technology is used in construction. It has great potential as it has a low cost, and the construction of buildings is faster, which leads to a reduction in harmful emissions.

Not so long ago, WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Company built 10 houses in one day using contour manufacturing.

Professions under threat


41. Carpenters

42. Concreters

43. Overhaul staff

44. Urban Planners

45. Insurance agents

46. Real estate agents

Technology: datasets and artificial intelligence

A few months ago, shortly before his death, Stephen Hawking warned humanity about the dangers of artificial intelligence, which could surpass humans, in particular in the financial markets.


Another famous person, Elon Musk, recently announced that artificial intelligence can "release demons."

Despite these warnings, artificial intelligence technology is advancing at a tremendous rate.

Professions under threat


47. News reporters

48. Sports Reporters

49. Financial Observers

50. Journalists

51. Authors of articles


52. War strategists

53. Cryptographers


54. Nutritionists

55. Nutritionists

56. Doctors

57. Uzists

58. Phlebotomists

59. Radiologists

60. Physiotherapists

61. Psychologists

Financial services

62. Financial planning and consulting services

63. Accountants

64. Tax consultants

65. Auditors

66. Economists

Legal services

67. Lawyers

68. Specialists of the Internal Control Department

69. Collectors


70. Event planning services

71. Cost Estimators

72. Fitness trainers

73. Logistics specialists

74. Translators

75. Customer Service Specialists

76. Teachers

Technology: energy storage

Any reliable way of storing energy will significantly improve the position of renewable energy in the market.


So far, this technology has not received significant development, however, there are already significant technological breakthroughs, which suggest that the situation with energy storage will improve in the very near future.

Electricity that is produced but not used is waste of money. However, according to experts, this situation will soon change for the better.

Professions under threat

77. Energy planners

78. Specialists in environmental protection

79. Energy auditors

80. Power plant operators

81. Miners

82. Rig operators

83. Geologists

84. Counter Operators

85. Gas delivery services

Technology: robots

Robots are increasingly being used in a wide variety of applications. Now technologies are developing in such a way that in the very near future robots will be able to replace us in almost any area of life.


Anything that can be automated will be automated. Robots will assist in medical diagnostics, surgery, and many other fields.

Professions under threat


86. Retail store employees

87. Cashiers

88. Warehouse employees

89. Employees to control the condition of goods

90. Holder of advertising signs


91. Surgeons

92. Medical services at home

93. Pharmacists

94. Veterinarians


95. Painters

96. Cleaning Ladies

97. Landscape designers

98. Pool Cleaners

99. Services for the maintenance of green spaces

100. Extermination of insects

101. Lumberjacks