Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View

Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View
Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View
Video: Human Population Through Time 2024, September

Nobel Prize-winning candidate Dr. Melvin Cook has been researching natural sources of helium in the earth's atmosphere. When radioactive elements on Earth decay, they release helium, which is released from rocks and enters the atmosphere, and only a small amount of it goes into space.

If the Earth were billions of years old, then the atmosphere would contain several orders of magnitude more helium than it is now. According to Dr. Cook's calculations, the age of the Earth is very small and cannot be more than 1.8 million years.


Thousands of meteorites fall to Earth every year. And if geological layers were formed over billions of years, then finding ancient meteorites in them would be common and frequent. In reality, this happens very rarely. Consequently, the geological layers were formed very quickly. This strongly confirms the present concept that geological layers were formed rather quickly due to a tectonic catastrophe and subsequent stratification by the Berto mechanism.

If the solar system existed for 5 billion years, then on the Earth there must be a huge layer of dust, kilometers thick. However, there is no such amount of dust on Earth. Of course, the dust is washed away by the rains, but it is not found in large quantities at the bottom of the seas. Nor is it in the glaciers. But on the moon, it should have been preserved, because there are no rains and winds. There should be a layer of dust several hundred meters thick on the moon! This is exactly what scientists believed before the Americans flew to the moon.

However, when the Americans landed on the moon in 1969, they found that the layer of dust on the moon was only about 1-3 centimeters. This clearly indicates the small age of the moon and solar system. And under the layer of dust is a rock so hard that it barely yielded when it was drilled.


It is clear that the age of the Moon, and therefore of the solar system, is less than millions of years, and much less than 5 billion years. Another well-known English physicist Kelvin drew attention to the fact that the removal of the Moon from the Earth indicates the youth of the solar system: the Moon was never closer to the Earth than the Roche limit, otherwise it would have been torn apart by the Earth's gravity.

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With the help of demographic calculations, one can also make sure that the age of mankind on Earth is very small - only thousands of years. If the average number of children (married) in a family is 2c - with boys and girls. Then in the first generation it will be from families, and in the second - 2c² people, etc. The number of the nth generation with an average life expectancy of x generations and with an average number of 2c children is expressed by the formula:


Even if we underestimate the real indicators, that is, if we assume that the average life expectancy (taking into account wars, epidemics) is about 35 years (i.e. x = 1), the age of a generation is also about 35 years, and the average number of children in a family 2.2 (i.e., c = 1.1), then according to the calculation, the population of Pn = 6 billion people will reach at the 229th generation, that is, in a time of about 8000 years.

It is clear that the age of humanity cannot be counted in millions of years. Even if we assume that the population grew much more slowly, with practically zero growth (which in itself is contradictory and very controversial), then all the same for the supposed million years, billions of people would have lived on Earth.

Our common misfortune and misfortune of all human culture is that archaeologists and paleontologists, knowing full well the shortcomings of determining age by the rate of sedimentation, continue to use this method. God forbid "stick out", break the silence of the conservative temple of science! Then do not expect anything good: you will be eternally unrecognized with all the ensuing consequences.

In this regard, I will quote the words of A. Oleinikov (geologist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences) about the method for determining the geological age by the rate of sedimentation:

“Research in this direction was carried out simultaneously in many countries, but the results, contrary to expectations, were disappointing. It became obvious that even identical rocks in similar natural conditions can accumulate and erode at very different rates, and it is almost impossible to establish any exact patterns of these processes.

For example, it is known from ancient written sources (link to the official chronology) that the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II reigned about 3000 years ago. The buildings that were erected under him are now buried under a three-meter layer of sand. This means that for a millennium, about a meter layer of sandy deposits was deposited here. At the same time, in some areas of Europe FOR A THOUSAND YEARS, only 3 centimeters of precipitation accumulates. But in the estuaries of estuaries in the south of Ukraine, the same amount of precipitation is deposited ANNUALLY”.

From the book by Alexander Bogdanov "Secrets of a Lost Civilization" (2010)
