Energy Vampires Among Us. How To Deal With Them? - Alternative View

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Energy Vampires Among Us. How To Deal With Them? - Alternative View
Energy Vampires Among Us. How To Deal With Them? - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires Among Us. How To Deal With Them? - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires Among Us. How To Deal With Them? - Alternative View
Video: 6 Signs You're Dealing with Energy Vampires 2024, July

Today was a completely normal day for you during the working week. You woke up at the usual time, had breakfast, as usual, and went to work. As usual, we had several meetings with clients, carried out routine orders from the boss. The day was no different from its own kind, but the evening has just come, and you already feel oppressive fatigue, drowsiness, body aches, mood is at zero. And you are trying to understand why you are so unsettled, or who? There is only one answer - your powers were taken away by an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?

An energy vampire is a person who forcibly takes away your energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange. An energy vampire is a person who forcibly takes away your energy, contrary to all the laws of mutual energy exchange. Vampirism these days takes on the scale of an epidemic, yes, it is an epidemic, because vampirism is a disease. Energy vampires themselves are susceptible to various diseases, they also provoke the development of ailments in the people around them.

Energy vampires can be divided into two types: those who are unaware of their illness, and those who consciously feed on the energy of others.

The first type is not so socially dangerous. And by the way, anyone can become a vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us, at times, experiences energy starvation, as, for example, during periods of illness or in stressful situations at work. Some of these "hungry" recuperate in nature, the other part - takes energy from the people around them.

Much more dangerous is another type of energy vampires who deliberately take away human energy. Around such people, there is always a cloud of aggression and negativity. They blow up a huge fire with a small spark. They suck the vitality of the people around them. And only when they sweep everything away in the stream of their aggression, energy vampires begin to feel noticeably better, even become smiling and benevolent.

So what is "energy vampirism"? Some kind of mystical unknown force with a minus sign? Disease? Or maybe just lack of spirituality and ignorant licentiousness? The answer must be sought in the nature of vampirism.

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Where do energy vampires come from?

The essence of an energy vampire begins to take root in a person from childhood. The essence of an energy vampire begins to take root in a person from childhood. The fact is that the children's energy field is very weak and unprotected, and the baby easily absorbs the energy of his parents and caregivers. Therefore, if a baby does not feel love for himself and often hears rough and cold remarks from his parents in his address, then such a baby will grow up capricious, and when he grows up, he will begin to be rude to his parents in response. As you can see, even in infancy, vampirism can arise in a person.

Vampire teenagers gather in flocks, they are full of aggression, enmity, negativity. Such adolescents are looking for an energy boost in destructive activities - they paint porches, set fire to mailboxes, and treat animals cruelly.

From such adolescents, in the future, tyrant fathers, monster bosses grow.

Vampirism can manifest itself in the so-called "prosperous" family, where peace and love reign. Why? Because, unfortunately, in our schools teachers do not take aptitude tests. And it often happens that the teacher and educator of the child turns out to be a real energetic vampire. Needless to say, children under the care of such a person will also be subject to the manifestation of vampirism.

Energy vampires among us

Perhaps there are vampires even in your family. A person has to deal with energy vampires all the time. Perhaps there are even vampires in your family. Jealous is an energy vampire by definition. With his mistrust and suspicion, he sucks the strength of the one he supposedly loves. Often the relationship between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law, between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, turns out to be the relationship of a vampire and his victim. A sick person in your family can temporarily turn into an energy vampire, with his whims and whining, he will take your strength in order to quickly recover himself.

It is hard to work under the guidance of an energy vampire. Such a boss will disrupt his aggression on subordinates, insult in the face and arrange regular "dragging" of employees.

The largest concentration of energy vampires can be found in bureaucratic offices, post offices, and utility bills.

But if it is still possible to somehow protect oneself from such vampirism, then it is almost impossible to protect oneself from the energetic vampirism of the crowd. Only vampires always take part in any rallies and demonstrations.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

Most importantly, never come into conflict with an energy vampire Now that you already know a lot about energy vampires and could already identify them in your environment, you must know how to defend against them. Most importantly, never come into conflict with an energy vampire. After all, he, in fact, openly provokes you to clarify the relationship in order to feed on your energy in an argument. Try not to look the vampire in the eyes, it is through the eyes that he most actively takes away vitality from you.

MirSovetov recommends that you avoid communicating with people who constantly complain about their lives, registering as losers, blaming fortune, fate and the entire population of the world for their failures. Do not be afraid or ashamed of condemnation from society, they say, you are indifferent to the problems of other people. Society in this matter, in fact, is a community of active energy vampires who need a conflict with you. Take a look around and lend your hand to those who really need it, but don't complain about life and smile every new day.

When forced to communicate with an energy vampire, cross your arms over your chest, join your feet together, so you "close" your energy.

For people whose work is constantly based on communication, MirSovetov recommends learning how to build "barriers" from energovampires - in the process of communication, you must mentally, with the same images, build a brick wall between yourself and an energy suspicious person. Build this wall straight brick by brick, imagine placing cement, placing a brick on top. Such a shaped wall will protect you from the attack of the energy vampire.

Another psychological technique is to try during a conversation to mentally put yourself in a glass ball, and communicate with a person through the "glass" that you imagined between you.

If, nevertheless, you were devastated by an energy vampire, then try to quickly restore your strength. To do this, take a contrast shower, a good psychological boost to which will be your thought that all negative energy is washed off you along with water. Then sip hot herbal tea and go for a walk in the nearest forest or park.

And in conclusion MirSovetov will reveal the secret of how not to become an energy vampire yourself? The key is never to let negative emotions guide you. You probably know that certain emotions in a person are also caused by the production of certain chemicals in the body. If you are constantly irritated, angry, then the body gets used to it, and over time, your body will need to be fed with these very chemicals, which are produced for negativity. In other words, constant irritability is the direct road to vampirism.

Never forget that for a person with positive emotions, the world is bright, joyful and benevolent!