Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View

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Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View
Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View

Video: Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View

Video: Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View
Video: Renewable Energy 101 | National Geographic 2024, July

The energy industry around the world is undergoing revolutionary changes. The world's leading countries are increasing their share of energy from renewable sources. Russia was delayed at the start, however, a national project to create a new energy sector is already being implemented today. The current program to support the construction of up to 6 GW of solar, wind power generation and solid municipal waste (MSW) processing plants creates a demand for investments of up to 1 trillion rubles. If you believe the leading media, where for several years the excitement about the opening of more and more "clean" power plants all over the world has not subsided, which convert the free energy of the sun and wind into kilowatts that people need.

But in parallel with this, there is more and more information about the economic inefficiency of "green" energy. In the world of capitalism, where profit decides everything, these facts cannot be called anything other than a paradox. What real processes are behind all this and what goals are pursued, let's try to figure it out in this article.

What we have at the moment. Many countries are developing alternative energy by implementing various government programs. For example, here is a diagram showing the share of energy from renewable sources in the countries of the world and in Russia:


Tenders are being held, investors and executors of projects and construction of power plants are located. Lands are allocated, capacities are included in the energy systems of countries. What about payback? These data were found on the Internet.


This is the distribution of shares in the world energy sector by type of energy source. The second from the top (orange) bar shows the proportion of electricity generated by wind and solar power plants. As you can see, the share is negligible. But this graph shows financial investments in different types of power plants.


Promotional video:

Again, the orange stripe shows us that about 20% of capital investments go to alternative energy. How so? An obvious contradiction in the capitalist economy? Is everyone really so concerned about the environment? If we take the full life cycle of the same solar panel (from production to disposal), then there is no smell of nature conservation here.

In addition to economic problems, there are also purely technological ones. As you know, windmills and solar panels are highly dependent on the weather, and in order for the supply of electricity to be stable, you need to have reserve capacities of "traditional" energy in stock, which will stand idle when alternative stations produce maximum. This question is discussed in more detail in this video:

What's happening? States are subsidizing clearly economically and technologically unprofitable projects, spending their budgets on this. Moreover, many states do this. Just like on command. This suggests the assumption that the program is being pushed from the supranational level. The rulers of global politics, which are not tied by means, promote projects that, in their opinion, need to be developed within the framework of their goal-setting. And the states, represented by governments, together with business, regardless of the costs, carry out the task as if "entrusted" to them. From the level of a simple layman who does not think about the management processes taking place around, it is possible to argue that the goal of any management is always money. But there are those for whom money is only a means to achieve goals and a tool, and the goals themselves are orders of magnitude higher. Let's try to figure out what goals are pursued by the "world behind the scenes" (those who are engaged in global politics, that is, politics pursuing goals aimed at all of humanity, while we do not consider this some kind of "world government", since they may be completely unfamiliar with each other people or even algorithms that dominate the collective unconscious), developing "green" energy. We tried to take into account all possible versions and motives. So let's go.developing "green" energy. We tried to take into account all possible versions and motives. So let's go.developing "green" energy. We tried to take into account all possible versions and motives. So let's go.

Version 1. There is an evolutionary replacement of fossil resources with renewable ones. As we are told through the media, the reserves of oil and coal are not endless.


There is evidence that the processes of formation of hydrocarbon resources continue. We will not develop this topic in this article, we will agree that it is necessary to develop alternative energy production technologies.

And sooner or later humanity will have to find a replacement for fuel combustion technologies. But, if the version is correct, then there are a few moments that do not fit into it. For example, atomic energy can already provide mankind with energy in a stable, safe and sufficient quantity. Fuel reserves are enormous. Yes, even if you decided to switch to solar panels, wouldn't it be better to first refine the technology by scientific research so that you can get energy at night, and then invest in the construction of stations?

Version 2. Preparing for a global catastrophe. As you know, we are not the first civilization on planet Earth. This is confirmed by some archaeological artifacts that could not have been made in antiquity at the level of technology described in history textbooks. This means that a new catastrophe is possible. How can it happen? Will a supervolcano explode, a meteorite will fall, or will people unleash a nuclear war? Thinking about the future, some of the "elite" and the rulers of global politics care about the post-apocalyptic period. And the considered power plants will be able to provide in the regions where they are located, the supply of energy to vital facilities in the context of the destruction of the system of extraction and transportation of raw materials, at least for the period of restoration of "traditional" energy. Well, the version justifies the construction of economically ineffective objects, but,in order not to fall into conspiracy theories, let's say that preparing for a disaster requires a whole range of measures. This is the closure of nuclear power plants, at least in potentially dangerous places, and the construction of "arks", and much more. Let's leave this version as possible for now and continue to consider the main issue.

Version 3. Stimulating the development of energy production technologies. This is similar to how the rise in interest in bitcoin has spurred the mining process that uses high-performance graphics cards.

The demand for video cards has stimulated their accelerated improvement. So it is here. The rapid development of the network of power plants stimulates the improvement of technologies. This will lead to the development of new types of devices for generating energy. Good version. However, one fact does not fit into it.


On July 15, 2015 on the website there was a message that a talented young scientist Dmitry Lopatin was detained for having prescribed a certain solvent from China for his developments, which is on the list of prohibited substances.

According to the website, Dmitry has developed a solar panel that can work in fog and at sunset. I wish I could grab hold of this technology, but someone hinders the development of the technology or directs it in the right direction.

This event led to the following idea. Does the “world behind the scenes” (aka the rulers of global politics) really need for every person to become energy-independent? Imagine, after a while a device appears that allows you to receive free energy. What will happen? There will be no need not only for the power supply and heating system, but also the need to work 8 hours 5 days a week. And if for an individual person such a state of affairs is desirable, then for the rulers of global politics this means the final loss of control over humanity. Hence the next version suggests itself.

Version 4. Controlled progress. Please note that when it comes to alternative energy, only two of its varieties immediately pop up. These are wind energy and solar power plants (we know that there are also tidal power plants, both geothermal and biofuel, but from the information field it is clear that these are the main directions). As if fundamentally other directions do not exist. Thus, developing these two directions, the process of “development” of “alternative” energy is going on (all the quotes are not accidental), and, at the same time, you will hardly be given funds for research in another area. In addition, by developing these two directions, it is possible to control this process without giving the opportunity for quality breakthroughs. This is confirmed by the above example with a young scientist. And how many more similar examples have passed public attention?

If you cannot stop an unwanted process - lead it. While “developing” “alternative” energy, the “world behind the scenes” in many ways tries to take control of the process of evolution of energy production technologies. In the current financial, economic and legal system, this is easy to do through the allocation (or non-allocation) of funds and through the system of patents.


The development of mankind has always depended on the development of energy production technologies. And they acquired special significance with the development of the technosphere. Anyone who can control the development of technologies in the energy sector will largely control the entire process of human development. But we are not alone in the Universe. There is God the Almighty (for atheists - the highest all-inclusive government). And there is an objective process of technology development. Including technologies for obtaining energy. An attempt to subjectively control this objective process is visible. There are traces of the withdrawal of humanity from technologies that were developed by the same Nikola Tesla. There is information that there is an unspoken ban on the research of the "vacuum". At least the same information about the presence in the original version of the "periodic table" of such an element as "ether".


In this study, we saw how a certain tunnel scenario is built, in which there are only two bands - the wind and the sun. But even here the "hand" of the Almighty is visible. Even in the study of these "allowed" technologies, young scientists through discrimination open up knowledge that can lead to breakthroughs, qualitative leaps. And these breakthroughs have to be closed by the "owners of the system" so that the process does not get out of their control.


As mentioned above, new knowledge is revealed to people through the discrimination that is given from Above. The process of technology development is closely related to the process of moral growth of society. If the former outstrips, then there will be a danger of self-destruction of mankind, therefore, if we want new discoveries that will lead to a new quality of life, we must take care of the moral development of ourselves and society as a whole. Only then will discrimination be given and the walls of the "tunnel" will fall, allowing you to see the wide possibilities that are inherent in the Universe. Only then will the energy become truly "green", will allow us to live in harmony with nature and not spend so much effort and time getting this very energy, but use our time for the development of society, leading to new discoveries, to new horizons.