Why Is The Navigator Lying? - Alternative View

Why Is The Navigator Lying? - Alternative View
Why Is The Navigator Lying? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Navigator Lying? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Navigator Lying? - Alternative View
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Orientation on the ground since ancient times has been the key to human survival. To be lost meant to find oneself to die from hunger or wild animals. A person had to learn orienteering, memorize numerous details, keep a lot of information about the surrounding area in his head. However, transferring this knowledge to others was extremely problematic. With the invention of writing, the first real maps appeared. In theory, this should have solved all the problems, but it didn't. Even in the middle of the last century, when most of the world's population was taught literacy, and the orienteering experience gained during wartime was extremely valuable, there were still people who could not navigate the terrain using a compass, maps or other devices.

The problem was solved unexpectedly. The United States has launched many navigation satellites into geostationary orbit. This is how the global positioning system GPS was created. Software developers quickly made applications that turned primitive handheld computers into the first portable navigators. By the beginning of the new century, developed countries already had a stable culture of using navigation devices. This system works almost flawlessly. For accurate positioning, it is enough to pick up a signal from three satellites. Since all satellites are always stable, it really was incredibly stable navigation.

The convenience of the new system seemed incredible. For several years, all ships, planes and practically all cars were connected to GPS. The system was perfect and should not give failures and errors, however, as it usually happens, the system crashed and serious shortcomings were revealed, leading to extremely unpleasant consequences, and people who actively use this system have a clearly expressed dependence. Then the first victims appeared.

The navigator doesn't work. Each of us has already faced this urgent problem. Why did the perfect navigation system start giving errors, getting the wrong location, and getting directions to nowhere? The problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance.

The first reason for such failures is simple - atmospheric phenomena interfere with the signal. Because of this, the satellite receives erroneous data from us and also sends erroneous geolocation calculations to the addressee. However, this is a natural problem. From time to time, even in the clearest weather, the navigator simply cannot get the route correctly, or puts it in the wrong direction. An ordinary person, having discovered a discrepancy, will begin to get to the destination using visual memory and a map, ignoring the instructions of the navigator. A person dependent on the navigation system, contrary to common sense, will continue to follow the wrong route. It’s good if this ends well, but on a regular basis all over the world people disappear without a trace.

All efforts of law enforcement agencies to find the missing do not yield positive results, or often lead to a dead end. In other cases, the person is found, but already in the state of a corpse. Finding themselves without navigation in an unfamiliar place, especially outside the city, people with topographic "cretinism" begin an immediate panic attack, disorientation, psychosis, loss of strength, premature dehydration due to the irrational use of available resources, and then all this gradually leads to the death of a person.

This was largely ignored until the Malaysian Airlines plane disappeared from radar a few years ago. It is only known that there was strong interference with GPS navigation that day. The plane was never found. The search parties could not even find signs of the crashed plane, which means that most likely the plane did not crash, but where did it disappear to? Where did the navigation equipment send him so that the plane was not tracked by any of the radars?

There are many conspiracy theories about such strange and completely inexplicable disappearances. The fact is that the operators of the orbital constellation of navigation satellites, in fact, can control the entire navigation system, namely, create interference, failures, errors in it, change variables in calculations and direct users anywhere. The operators themselves do not comment on the mysterious disappearances in any way; in their opinion, all charges have no basis. However, a super-stable navigation system cannot accidentally direct an airliner through a blind spot for all radars, it is simply impossible. One such failure could be mistaken for an accident, the second too, but the third already speaks of the regularity of what is happening, all this is not accidental.

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There are a lot of rumors among the people about secret laboratories conducting forbidden research, for which they kidnap people. And then the media, controlled by the masterminds, tell the whole world that this is not an extinction, this is a disaster, that everyone is dead. The whole world listens and believes. According to the theory of probability and human history, this theory has absolutely every reason to be real. The other theory is simpler. In accordance with it, secret world governments use the navigation system to covertly get rid of people who threaten them or, on the contrary, to recruit potentially loyal people. It is this theory that is the most realistic.

Recently, the world was shocked by the mysterious story associated with Cicada 3301. This secret society has not yet been revealed by anyone, and it itself is the greatest mystery of the Internet. This society operates openly, but at the same time, until now, no one has been able to find them. They recruit people with the help of riddles, the most difficult puzzles that only geniuses can solve. Even the simplest tasks are beyond the power of most of the world's population. The last time the Cicada was recruited was the navigation system. Having solved the riddle and understood the navigation algorithms, a person could pave a route to an unknown point, follow it and disappear without a trace. Cicada-related disappearances have occurred even in metropolitan areas. This case directly suggests that at least one secret society can use the navigation system for their own purposes.

A navigation system that gives everyone the ability to easily navigate the terrain. The civilian system is not as safe as it seems at first glance. The high probability of failures and errors, controllability of secret societies and military organizations - all this suggests that the GPS system is not what we imagine it to be.