How To Raise A Brilliant Child? - Alternative View

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How To Raise A Brilliant Child? - Alternative View
How To Raise A Brilliant Child? - Alternative View

Video: How To Raise A Brilliant Child? - Alternative View

Video: How To Raise A Brilliant Child? - Alternative View
Video: How to raise a super smart baby | Ep 1 | Full episode 2024, April

"How to Raise a Genius?" - Google gives 330 thousand links to this question. Open any and follow the instructions: techniques that promise to turn your child into a child prodigy, apparently invisible. You can also send your baby to some children's center: now there is such a developing center of culture in almost every yard, and he is ready to discover hidden talents in any baby. Early development is fashionable now. But can any child really be turned into a genius?

The Japanese simply advise future parents to eat more fish: the phosphorus contained in it will have a beneficial effect on the mental potential of the child
The Japanese simply advise future parents to eat more fish: the phosphorus contained in it will have a beneficial effect on the mental potential of the child

The Japanese simply advise future parents to eat more fish: the phosphorus contained in it will have a beneficial effect on the mental potential of the child.

Needless to say, modern parents literally went crazy on the early development of children. But this is not their fault: they just could not resist the flurry of educational systems that fell on them from all over the world. Glenn Doman's system reached us from America, the Italians bombed the Maria Montessori program, the Japanese shared the revelations of Masaru Ibuki. These programs are completely different, but all without exception are based on one single fact, however, scientifically based. Scientists have found that the human brain grows and develops only in early childhood. Moreover, it is especially active - up to three years. It is at this time that 70-80% of the “bridging” connections between cells are formed in the brain, which in the future will ensure human development. Simply put, a kind of foundation for the future house is being laid: the more solid it will be,the stronger and stronger the house itself will be. And therefore, the most active construction should be carried out until five - up to a maximum of six years: then the brain activity declines, the connections between neurons weaken and the susceptibility drops dramatically. So we must hurry. Unfortunately, this is what most parents hear about “hurry up”! And now, under the watchful eye of their fathers and mothers, babies begin to develop continuously: they read at two years old, play chess at three, start speaking English at four, calculate fractions at five … But do all of them become geniuses as a result? Not at all. And why? Practice shows: in order to grow a genius, you need to devote your whole life to this, as Laszlo Polgar did.connections between neurons weaken and the susceptibility drops dramatically. So we must hurry. Unfortunately, this is what most parents hear about “hurry up”! And now, under the watchful eye of their fathers and mothers, babies begin to develop continuously: they read at two years old, play chess at three, start speaking English at four, calculate fractions at five … But do all of them become geniuses as a result? Not at all. And why? Practice shows: in order to grow a genius, you need to devote your whole life to this, as Laszlo Polgar did.connections between neurons weaken and the susceptibility drops dramatically. So we must hurry. Unfortunately, this is what most parents hear about “hurry up”! And now, under the watchful eye of their fathers and mothers, babies begin to develop continuously: they read at two years old, play chess at three, start speaking English at four, calculate fractions at five … But do all of them become geniuses as a result? Not at all. And why? Practice shows: in order to grow a genius, you need to devote your whole life to this, as Laszlo Polgar did.fractions are calculated at five … But do all become geniuses as a result? Not at all. And why? Practice shows: in order to grow a genius, you need to devote your whole life to this, as Laszlo Polgar did.fractions are calculated at five … But do all become geniuses as a result? Not at all. And why? Practice shows: in order to grow a genius, you need to devote your whole life to this, as Laszlo Polgar did.


The Polgar sisters - Zhuzha, Sofia and Judit - have become a real sensation in the chess world. But their achievements are those of their parents, and first of all their father, Laszlo Polgara.

In the mid-1960s. the Hungarian teacher and psychologist pondered the same question that parents are pondering today. But since he was a scientist, he began by studying the biographies of great people. And I came to a very simple conclusion: the secret of success is work, work and more work. And if so, then everyone can become a genius. However, a 100% result can be obtained only under the guidance of an experienced teacher. To test his theory, Laszlo took unprecedented measures. He put up an advertisement in the newspaper, in which he bluntly stated: "I am looking for a wife who would give birth to children to participate in the experiment." And such a woman was found!

In 1969, the first child appeared in the family - Zhuzha. Laszlo was determined to raise a mathematician from a girl, but a three-year-old child accidentally caught the eye of his father's chess. The game interested her very much. This interest, fueled by the parents, decided the fate of Zhuzha, and then her sisters. Chess turned out to be an ideal testing ground for my father's theory. But they demanded a colossal response. The Polgar Sisters' Day was built like this. Getting up at six in the morning, jogging at any time of the year. And then - study, study and study again. At least four hours were devoted to chess (after all, it was they who were chosen as a specialty), another three hours - to foreign languages. At first, the girls learned Esperanto, which then “lay down” in English, Russian, German, French, etc. As a result, it took three more hours to learn languages. An hour was allotted for the native Hungarian language and natural science, another hour for psychology and pedagogy, and, finally, another hour for physical education. In total - 10 hours of classes daily! True, every twenty minutes the girls took a break to listen to an anecdote: laughter was also a compulsory part of the program of "cultivating" geniuses.

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Of course, it turned out to be impossible to combine such a schedule with studying in a regular school, and the parents, having ditched several years for butting with all sorts of educational departments and authorities, won the right to teach their daughters at home. This is a separate feat of Laszlo Polgar, who even had to resist the police, who somehow came to his house to save the children from their crazy father. He and his wife had a lot of things to hear about him: that he keeps his daughters in captivity, as if in prison, and that he turned their lives into hell, and that he profits from his own children … There is some truth in these words: Zhuzha began making money at the age of 10 when she first performed at the Hungarian adult championship and became the sixth. The fees of the young chess player grew from year to year, and this allowed both parents to quit their jobs to devote themselves entirely to raising their daughters. All of them achieved exceptional success: they became real chess queens, beating the recognized male chess kings. They climbed one height after another, never ceasing to praise their father. But here's the paradox: all the sisters, as soon as they turned 20, got married and preferred motherhood to further development and self-improvement! Moreover, they did not bring up their children according to the Laszlo Polgar system, which became famous all over the world. And the grandfather himself was not very eager to nurture his grandchildren. In an interview with Ogonyok magazine, Zhuzha said: “Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "beating recognized male chess kings. They climbed one height after another, never ceasing to praise their father. But here's the paradox: all the sisters, as soon as they turned 20, got married and preferred motherhood to further development and self-improvement! Moreover, they did not bring up their children according to the Laszlo Polgar system, which became famous all over the world. And the grandfather himself was not very eager to nurture his grandchildren. In an interview with Ogonyok magazine, Zhuzha said: “Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "beating recognized male chess kings. They climbed one height after another, never ceasing to praise their father. But here's the paradox: all the sisters, as soon as they turned 20, got married and preferred motherhood to further development and self-improvement! Moreover, they did not bring up their children according to the Laszlo Polgar system, which became famous all over the world. And the grandfather himself was not very eager to nurture his grandchildren. In an interview with Ogonyok magazine, Zhuzha said: “Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "they were barely 20 years old, got married and preferred motherhood to further development and self-improvement! Moreover, they did not bring up their children according to the Laszlo Polgar system, which became famous all over the world. And the grandfather himself was not very eager to nurture his grandchildren. In an interview with Ogonyok magazine, Zhuzha said: “Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "they were barely 20 years old, got married and preferred motherhood to further development and self-improvement! Moreover, they did not bring up their children according to the Laszlo Polgar system, which became famous all over the world. And the grandfather himself was not very eager to nurture his grandchildren. In an interview with Ogonyok magazine, Zhuzha said: “Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "“Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say. "“Father devoted his whole life to us. This demanded incredible efforts from him, and he simply would not be enough for his grandchildren. As for us, we try, of course, to give our children everything we can, but whether they will grow into champions - I cannot say."

As you can see, the secret of success is known. And he is akin to a feat. You are ready? It's good. However, keep in mind: even a feat does not guarantee a result.


In our country, the Nikitin family became a pioneer of early development. From all over the Soviet Union went to the labor teacher Boris Pavlovich, librarian Lena Alekseevna and their seven children: journalists - for a report, ordinary parents - for advanced experience. Both those and others watched with admiration as the children of the Nikitins selflessly pulled themselves up on the horizontal bar, did push-ups and walked barefoot in the snow. Isn't that a miracle? One-year-olds dress themselves, two-year-olds clean up after themselves and siblings, and five-year-olds go straight to school! One of the children - Anton - moved from the second grade to the eighth. And seven-year-old Anya immediately entered the second grade, from which she jumped to the fourth.

The main thing for Boris Pavlovich, who traveled all over the Union with pedagogical lectures, was to develop the intellectual and creative potential of children. Plus hardening, plus physical education, plus iron discipline. Nikitin senior considered school as a kind of brake, stupefying the child. And I was sure that the faster the child will pass this step, the better. But in the end, all his children at school had huge problems with both teachers and peers: being the youngest in the class, they became outcasts … The school turned into hard labor, and the brilliant first graders - into poor and C grades. None of the "Magnificent Seven" became either a medalist or an outstanding athlete. Being in the center of attention from the cradle, the Nikitin children, nevertheless, had a hard time finding a common language with other people. And his own house became both a fortress and a prison. According to the recollections of the Nikitin children, most often they felt as if they were living in a zoo. Today they are all adults for a long time, fathers and mothers themselves. And all as one are in no hurry to develop their offspring according to the paternal system. And most importantly, their own sons and daughters go to school in first grade, like all ordinary children, at seven years old and none of them jumps from class to class. The Nikitins-children have other priorities: “Full communication with peers, even at the expense of intellectual development, is more important,” Anna Nikitina is all ordinary children, at seven years old and none of them jump from class to class. The Nikitins-children have other priorities: “Full communication with peers, even at the expense of intellectual development, is more important,” Anna Nikitina is all ordinary children, at seven years old and none of them jump from class to class. The Nikitins-children have other priorities: “Full communication with peers, even at the expense of intellectual development, is more important,” Anna Nikitina is convinced.

So this experiment failed. Although the feat - both for children and for parents - also took place.


What makes genius? Scientists to this day do not know the answer to this question. Some researchers are convinced that 70-80% of this issue is solved by heredity, others, such as the American psychologist E. Erickson, argue that child prodigies are a myth: everyone is equal before nature, you just need to work well. After all, only 10% of the brain is responsible for mental activity, and the remaining 90% for motor functions. In recent years, genetics have also joined in the search for genius. But the genius gene has not yet been discovered. Moreover, today scientists are inclined to believe that there is no single talent gene, but there is a certain combination of genes, as a result of which the Mozarts and Bill Gates are born. But science doesn't give up. Biologists at Princeton University have found:to facilitate the processes of memorization and learning, it is enough to increase the production of NR2B protein in the body. The Japanese simply advise future parents to eat more fish: the phosphorus contained in it will have a beneficial effect on the child's mental potential. And the Germans recommend thoroughly practicing calculations before getting married: in their opinion, the mother's age should be half the age of the father plus 7 years. That is, if you are 27, then your chosen one should be 40 - no more and no less.the mother's age must be half the age of the father plus 7 years. That is, if you are 27, then your chosen one should be 40 - no more and no less.the mother's age must be half the age of the father plus 7 years. That is, if you are 27, then your chosen one should be 40 - no more and no less.


It turns out, goodbye, a dream? Yes and no. If you lower the bar, do not aim at “eternity” and “memory for centuries”, then you can try to raise just an intelligent child who can easily find his place in life and realize his possibilities to the maximum. Indeed, by and large, this is what parents mean by "genius". And if this is your goal, then you need to think about raising an heir even before the baby is born. From the point of view of esotericism, the formation of a personality begins with thoughts about it. So even before conceiving, imagine your future offspring as smart, strong, healthy and happy as often as possible. Drive away fears and worries: you must be confident in success. Also, take the trouble to calculate the time of conception: statistics show that the most outstanding minds are born in January, February and March. And the leanest months for genius is June,July and August. Another fact worth taking into account: the older the parents, the higher the intelligence of their children. From this point of view, the ideal female age for childbearing is 29 years old, male - 36. In general, fathers-producers should be looked for among the stronger sex in the prime of life - at the age of 30 to 42 years: sperm activity at this time decreases compared with young years and therefore only “proven fighters” hit the bull's-eye, leaving weak and defective comrades behind.the activity of spermatozoa during this period decreases compared to young years and therefore only “proven fighters” fall into the bull's eye, leaving weak and defective comrades behind.the activity of spermatozoa during this period decreases compared to young years and therefore only “proven fighters” fall into the bull's eye, leaving weak and defective comrades behind.

The Polgar sisters from early childhood devoted 10 hours a day to study
The Polgar sisters from early childhood devoted 10 hours a day to study

The Polgar sisters from early childhood devoted 10 hours a day to study

Believe it or not, the more children there are in the family, the lower the intelligence level of each of them. The averaging mechanism works: after all, it is known that in large groups everyone's abilities are not enhanced, but leveled out. Truly smart children tend to appear in families with no more than three offspring, and the older ones are usually smarter than the younger ones. According to the theory of "uterine fatigue", the age difference between children should be at least 5-6 years: the female body must properly rest and recover, otherwise it will simply have nothing to give the child.

But a family member like a grandmother is simply necessary in raising a gifted child! Those unfortunate people who do not have grandmothers show worse results than affectionate grandchildren and granddaughters. And the point here is not at all in worldly wisdom, which the grandmother gladly shares with the younger generation, but in emotional return. Grandmothers usually pamper their grandchildren and thus give them the opportunity to express themselves, which increases children's self-esteem. Ultimately, children become more motivated to draw, sing, play chess, solve geometric problems - in a word, achieve success. But it is motivation that is the key to achieving your goal. A talented child is primarily an interested child. And this is the basic rule of educating clever and clever people. The second rule is: to be successful,the child must be able to set goals and achieve them. And you, as a parent, must be ready to walk this path to the end with him. Finish, finish, finish solving, finish your studies, etc., etc. That is, it is not enough to shove the offspring into the drama circle, a circle from a photo: get ready to learn the plays with him and learn to expose the lens, otherwise - nothing else. Only arm in arm with an experienced mentor can a child go from a promising toddler to a gifted adult. In short, if you want an intelligent child, get ready to show miracles of patience, be consistent and take your time: according to the latest research, the human brain can grow and develop throughout his life. As the saying goes, talent is like a runny nose - someday, yes it will sneeze!must be ready to walk this path with him to the end. Finish, finish, finish solving, finish your studies, etc., etc. That is, it is not enough to shove the offspring into the drama circle, a circle from a photo: get ready to learn the plays with him and learn to expose the lens, otherwise - nothing else. Only arm in arm with an experienced mentor can a child go from a promising toddler to a gifted adult. In short, if you want an intelligent child, get ready to show miracles of patience, be consistent and take your time: according to the latest research, the human brain can grow and develop throughout his life. As the saying goes, talent is like a runny nose - someday, yes it will sneeze!must be ready to walk this path with him to the end. Finish, finish, finish solving, finish your studies, etc., etc. That is, it is not enough to shove the offspring into the drama circle, a circle from a photo: get ready to learn the plays with him and learn to expose the lens, otherwise - nothing else. Only arm in arm with an experienced mentor can a child go from a promising toddler to a gifted adult. In short, if you want an intelligent child, get ready to show miracles of patience, be consistent and take your time: according to the latest research, the human brain can grow and develop throughout his life. As the saying goes, talent is like a runny nose - someday, yes it will sneeze!otherwise - nothing. Only arm in arm with an experienced mentor can a child go from a promising toddler to a gifted adult. In short, if you want an intelligent child, get ready to show miracles of patience, be consistent and take your time: according to the latest research, the human brain can grow and develop throughout his life. As the saying goes, talent is like a runny nose - someday, yes it will sneeze!otherwise - nothing. Only arm in arm with an experienced mentor can a child go from a promising toddler to a gifted adult. In short, if you want an intelligent child, get ready to show miracles of patience, be consistent and take your time: according to the latest research, the human brain can grow and develop throughout his life. As the saying goes, talent is like a runny nose - someday, yes it will sneeze!