Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View
Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View

Video: Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View
Video: Conspiracy Theories and the Quest for Truth | Rachel Runnels | TEDxTexasStateUniversity 2024, September

Research and experiments of many modern scientists have unequivocally proved that extrasensory abilities are an innate property inherent in absolutely all people.

Thus, American scientists R. Targ and H. Puthoff declare: “Scientific research has shown that almost all people have the ability to function mentally, only they are latent (dozing). We are sure that psychic abilities are a common manifestation of the activity of consciousness and that a person can purposefully develop them … And although we believe that psychic functioning is a truly natural human ability, for many people it is still an unusual thing."

It was the forbiddenness of knowledge about the true nature of man that made these abilities "unusual" and "supernatural", gave rise to the fires of the Inquisition in the dark Middle Ages and pseudo-skeptic "commissions to combat pseudoscience" in modern times.

Many scientists and researchers who study "supernatural" abilities and parapsychological phenomena are under serious pressure from certain forces and their accomplices among humanity. It is no coincidence that Academician N. Bekhtereva noted: “I know how dangerous it is to move into this“Through the Looking Glass”. I know how to stay calm on the broad road of science, how the “citation index” rises in this case, and how the danger of trouble decreases - in the form of devastating, destructive criticism, sometimes with unforeseen threats and even actions. But it seems to me that everyone on earth, to the best of his ability, must fulfill his duty … ". Thus, bringing to the public the truthful information about research in the field of extrasensory perception and parapsychology is the duty of every true scientist.

Meanwhile, now more and more researchers are inclined to believe that people of the most ancient civilizations of the Earth possessed many psychic abilities. This fact underlies many religious myths about the "fall of man" who, once, during the "golden age", had many miraculous abilities and was equal to the gods. However, at a certain moment, some "gods" opposed this fact and actively intervened in the evolution of mankind, depriving him of these abilities, as if "as a punishment for pride." The divine spirit of freedom and creativity began to be carefully etched out of the consciousness of mankind, and blind fanatical obedience to the "gods" who had seized the Earth was just as carefully implanted.

Despite the fact that most people, due to education in the spirit of the materialistic paradigm, consider myths and legends to be fictions, fictional stories, the fruits of fantasy and imagination, the innovative works of K. Jung, J. Campbell and many other researchers give reason to consider such an understanding of mythology superficial and wrong. These works proved that true myths are manifestations of fundamental organizing principles that exist in space and affect all life.

According to Jung, who called these principles archetypes, they are expressed through the psyche of individuals, but at the same time they have independence, since they are not created by man. They affect the human psyche from the outside and represent the action of universal governing principles on the events of our life. Archetypes can influence not only our individual processes and behavior, but also major cultural and historical events. And since myths are associated with archetypes, then they are an independent structure in the endless sea of the collective unconscious - the information field of humanity.

In altered states of consciousness, a person gains access to this information field and reads out information, which he transforms in the form of oral traditions and legends. The experience of studying these altered states of consciousness confirms the possibility of a strikingly similar perception of the mythological world of archetypes by people of different eras, nationalities, ages and religions.

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All this confirms K. Jung's conclusion about the independent existence of the mythological world from the consciousness of people, from their imaginations and fantasies. Consequently, the analysis of ancient myths, legends and legends provides us with a source of objective information about the surrounding reality. It is no coincidence that more than a hundred years ago, E. Blavatsky argued that any legend, myth and legend have a real basis. Since then, many archaeological discoveries have confirmed the reality of historical myths, which reflected the interpretation of events of distant antiquity. All this allows us to pay more attention to the ancient mythological knowledge.

Thus, A. Korneev in his work “World Religions. Shamanism”notes that in ancient times shamans were very powerful: they could see spirits with ordinary vision, and not with their inner eyes, and even raised the dead. In those "heavenly" times, such actions could be performed by all ordinary mortals. Yu. Zemun also notes that shamans who lived in the "beginning of time" created at the level of the gods and were able to do "things that we cannot imagine today." Even, Buryat, Yakut and Caribbean myths assert that the "overthrow", "fall" of shamans, the loss of many miraculous abilities occurred after their confrontation with certain "gods" (demons).

The Maya-Quiche has a similar tradition, who claim that in ancient times, after their creation, people possessed unlimited knowledge and abilities. In the classical translation of the Indian manuscript "Popol-Vukh", made by R. V. Kinzhalov, one can read about this: “They (the first people) were endowed with insight; they saw, and their gaze immediately reached its goal. They have succeeded in seeing, they have succeeded in knowing everything in the world."

According to legend, it was these all-knowing sages who were the ancestors of the Maya Indians. According to the same legend, the "gods" opposed this, since this state of affairs was not part of their plans: "What if people do not give birth and multiply when dawn comes, when the sun rises? And what if they don't multiply? - so the gods said. Then the Heart of Heaven cast a fog on their eyes … Their eyes were covered, and they could see only what was close, only it was clearly visible to them. Thus, their wisdom was lost and all knowledge was destroyed."

What kind of "gods" did it take for the blind man to become "cash cows" deprived of most of the awareness and capabilities of his brain (wisdom and knowledge)? Some researchers believe that they feed on our awareness, and their servants - on the energies of negative feelings and emotions.

There is no doubt about the conclusion about which forces intervened many millennia ago in the evolution of mankind, slowing down its spiritual development and focusing on technical expansion in relation to nature. However, in the beginning, for this it was necessary to split humanity itself and try to destroy those who did not want to become a puppet in the hands of the "new masters" of the Earth. On the other hand, those who obediently bowed to the dark will of the forces of evil were encouraged in every possible way and rose in the created Pyramid of Power. So a world war, provoked by the invaders, took place.

As a result, during this war, most of humanity was destroyed, and along with it, colossal ancient knowledge was buried. Remaining on the surface of the Earth, the remnants of ancient civilizations ran wild, retaining only the memories of the former power in the form of myths, legends and legends, distorted and overgrown with superstitious layers over the course of many centuries and millennia. The increased level of radiation on the planet has significantly reduced the life expectancy of people, which also increased the ability of the "owners" to manipulate their consciousness, which has become more primitive and one-sided compared to the times of distant antiquity.

To improve the "quality" of this manipulation, and to conceal the very fact of the seizure of the Earth, these invaders created an intermediate structure - a kind of "world government" from among the submissive accomplices, the so-called "elite of humanity", completely controlled by the invaders, but unlike the rest of mankind, enjoying the benefits of the most advanced technologies, the development of which among humanity itself is constantly hampered by them.

All governments and transnational corporations that rob ordinary people by obtaining super-profits are just puppets of the "world government", and it itself, in turn, is invisibly controlled by forces that are referred to in the scriptures as "demons", "opponents of God", " princes of this world ". It was they, through the human structures under their control, that they imposed on people a lifestyle based on violence, the cult of power, the cult of the "golden calf" and the fear of death.

To do this, it was required first to distort the essence of the scriptures coming to Earth, replacing the spirit of the teachings with blind worship of the letter of dogmas and the personalities of their creators, and then erase from the minds of people information about the advanced civilizations of antiquity and their knowledge, which significantly exceeds the level of our materialistic science, knowledge. The remnants of the fragments of ancient knowledge, transmitted from generation to generation in the oral tradition, were declared "fairy tales", "legends" and "myths", and, therefore, something fictional and not worthy of attention. Meanwhile, it is quite clear to a really sane person that not a single legend and legend could have arisen except on the basis of events that were really happening once.

But in order to prevent such dissent, the "struggle for the purity of the faith" was invented at first, and much later, such actions were covered with slogans of "the struggle for the purity of the party or scientific ranks." The main purpose of such measures, which gave rise to the Inquisition, religious and revolutionary wars, modern terrorism of all forms and directions, was to destroy people with free thinking and "breed" a devoted breed, a submissive will, the existing Pyramid of Power on the planet.

Even entire civilizations of ancient peoples following the path of Light were ruthlessly destroyed. Their cultural monuments were destroyed, and written sources disappeared without a trace in secret depositories (for example, in the Vatican library), the path to which for ordinary people was prohibited. And such a tactic of the invaders could not fail to bring results.