Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View

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Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View
Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Crimean Miracle Grandmother Attracts Irons, Spoons And Tames Ghosts - Alternative View
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Nadezhda Poselskaya, an 82-year-old pensioner from Simferopol (in two weeks - she is 83!), Announced her paranormal abilities at an advanced age, although she noticed unusual abilities from her childhood, but did not attach any importance to this.

“Every little thing stuck to me from an early age. But we didn’t pay any attention to it. As if it should be so, "- says" Today "Nadezhda Ivanovna.

Before retirement, she worked as a labor teacher in a boarding school in the village of Lozovoe, then also in a sewing studio - she lived for herself and did not dream of fame and fame. Everything changed when she accidentally came across a newspaper article about a phenomenal man-magnet with a photograph with a spoon on his forehead: “I remembered how metal objects stick to me and decided to try it too.

One spoon stuck, the second, the third … At that moment I realized that it was interesting and unusual, so I decided to take a photo for memory. I didn't have a camera - and how would I photograph myself? I went to the photo studio. And when the photographer saw me wearing a “necklace” made of spoons, he shouted: “Guys, everyone here! Look, she not only stands, but also walks with it!"

According to rumors, Nadezhda Ivanovna's photographs somehow began to be sold in thousands of copies far beyond the Crimea, the sellers convinced the people that they were charged, and applying the "grandma with spoons" could cure, if not all, then many diseases. It is clear that the pensioner did not have any interest from this "business", but the rumor rolled back to her. And Nadezhda Ivanovna even received the suffering at her home for some time - relieved headaches, removed pain syndromes.

And once, as in the story with the "Ghostbusters", she was called to fight a poltergeist - a family in the northeast of the peninsula complained that they were not giving them rest - the hostess was pushed out of bed at night, and the blankets were pulled from the children. And Nadezhda Ivanovna, after several night patrols, took the "otherworldly" out of the house.

Empirically, the "magnetic grandmother" found out that objects made of steel, aluminum, copper, bronze are attracted to her - even those that are devoid of magnetism and are not attracted by a magnet. I tried to hold the maximum weight on myself - one and a half pounds attracted, three old irons, 8 kg each, on my chest! I also found out that with her body she is able to improve the reception of a television signal - with the simplest antenna, the picture on the "box" is almost HD quality.

“This gift is inherited from my grandmother, a noblewoman,” says Nadezhda Poselskaya. - And already from me passed on to my daughter and granddaughter. Both are artists. Both Olya and Julia convey their energy through their paintings. They are related to art - and my great-granddaughter is already attending art school. I can charge water with my energy. And with this I help both people and myself. This water has wonderful healing properties!"

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Regarding the nature of Nadezhda Ivanovna's abilities, doctors and scientists only shrug their shoulders. Some experts even tried to convict her of fraud: “Scientists cannot explain what's what, so I often hear unflattering words addressed to me. They say that I also smear the body with glue before the performance and swallow magnets! But how many magnets do you need to swallow to dance with old irons weighing 8 kg ?!"


True, with age, complains Nadezhda Ivanovna, she is fed up with the hype around her magnetism, and it becomes more and more difficult to "carry irons on herself." But she continues to lead an active lifestyle and jokes about this: "Death will not find me, I am always on the way!"

An amazing pensioner also writes poems: after each trip, after any event, she leaves her impressions in rhymes. And not so long ago she was a guest on the program of Andrei Malakhov in Moscow. “They paid for everything - the flight, the suite, and they brought me to Ostankino by car. And on the program Andryusha had a very warm welcome.

They greeted me as if I was dear to them. I entered the studio without any rehearsals, they hung a microphone on me and the spoon suddenly fell. But everyone began to applaud me. And on the walls around on the screens - my photos with irons. There were experts and a priest there, and I was worried that they would start attacking me with questions, but no. The priest then got up and said to me: "Thank you for your shining eyes, for your smile, for God's gift that you have."

Unfortunately, I was never received with such warmth and understanding anywhere else. I am constantly invited to various concerts, but everyone is mostly interested in the show that I can show, and not myself. Although I have something to remember and tell about my difficult life - how I survived the occupation, how more than once I miraculously came out of the fire and did not drown in the water.

It's a little offensive that I practically don't receive any gratitude for my performances. Although I noticed that no one has ever demonstrated this. Yes, I almost do not agree to meet with anyone, and I have not been flying people for a long time. Not that I'm completely tired, but of course I would like to receive some kind of help, sometimes it is so necessary - I’m still a pensioner!”


The chief physician of the Crimean republican institution "Health Center", candidate of medical sciences Viktor Bridko revealed the phenomenal abilities of Nadezhda Poselskaya to the general public and often invites her to educational events. “Different grandmothers come to us - some with poetry, some with the gift of a healer. Nadezhda Ivanovna said: "I can't understand what's going on - everything sticks to me."

We still had her the same age - at the age of 80 she sat on the twine, but she worked on herself, and this one did nothing - first spoons stick, then irons … Each person has magnetism, but in all of them it is expressed in different degrees. Physicists claim that this is from birth, but someone says - this is how old age manifests itself … As a doctor, on the one hand, it’s funny, but on the other hand, it’s amazing: a person comes and objects stick to him!

By the way, the features of the skin also matter. I had a friend, a grandmother, who has a strongly pronounced lipid, fat, metabolism: skin is like oil. But this is not magnetism, but simply a feature of the skin. Does this magnetism affect the health of Nadezhda Ivanovna? God grant that all people feel like she did in her 83 years."
