Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View

Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View
Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A
Video: Conference "Soviet Spirituality": The Phenomenon and its... Day 2 Plenary Session 2 & Session 4 2024, July

- Part one -

One evening in 1924, his acquaintances from the OGPU came to Barchenko's apartment in Petrograd: Konstantin Konstantinovich Vladimirov (aka Simkha-Yankel Blumkin), Fyodor Karlovich Leismer-Schwartz, Alexander Yuryevich Riks and Eduard Moritsevich Otto. During a long conversation, Blumkin said that Barchenko's scientific developments related to telepathic waves are of great defense importance and that such weapons could become decisive in the battle of the proletariat for the world revolution, and therefore scientific research should be funded by the OGPU or the Intelligence Agency of the Red Army. By the way, back in 1911 in the journal "Nature and People" AB Barchenko published an essay "Transmission of Thoughts to a Distance. Experience with "brain rays"; so that the scientist had enough time to comprehend and test the mysterious rays.

The guests took part in several scientific experiments. All the participants sat around the table, holding hands, and after a while they already watched as the oak table, suddenly lifted off the floor, hung in the air. Barchenko also demonstrated experiments on fixing thoughts. In a darkened office, without light, there was a participant in the experiment, who was asked to present any geometric shapes: a circle, an ellipse, a square, a rectangle. Whereas special photographic equipment produced pictures of the space above a person's head, and these very figures appeared in the photographs.

Then, on the advice of new friends, AB Barchenko wrote a letter about his work to the chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, Dzerzhinsky, which Blumkin soon delivered to Moscow. A few days later, Alexander Vasilyevich was invited to the safe house of the OGPU on Krasnykh Zor Street, where he was secretly met by an employee of the Secret Department of the OGPU Yakov Agranov, who had specially arrived from the capital. “In a conversation with Agranov, I explained to him in detail the theory of the existence of a closed scientific team in Central Asia and the project of establishing contacts with the owners of its secrets,” Barchenko recalled.

To force the events, the Chekist Yakov Blumkin asks Barchenko to write another letter, but to the address of the OGPU collegium; and soon the scientist was summoned to the capital to report on his scientific discovery at the collegium. It was then, through Yakov Blumkin, with Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko, the head of the Special Department, Bokiy. According to other sources, even earlier, through Karlusha, Petrochek's employee Karl Schwartz, who in 1923 was a frequent visitor to Barchenko's apartment. “During the discussion with Bokiy, I attracted his interest in the mystical theory of Dunhor and establishing contact with Shambala in order to promote these issues in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks,” admitted AB Barchenko, arrested in 1937.

Having received the support of Gleb Ivanovich, the scientist moved to Moscow to first work in a biophysical laboratory, and after a short time to head the laboratory of neuro-energy. As for the latter, different sources indicate its different location; it means that the laboratory of neuroenergy was located in one of the buildings of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, then in the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine. Laboratory of the Special Department, in which E. E. Goppius, among other things, was engaged in the study of inexplicable phenomena and paranormal phenomena (we are talking about a laboratory, some of whose employees worked in the same way as the heroes of the well-known American TV series "Psi Factor"). Having moved to the capital, Barchenko continues to lead the "United Labor Brotherhood" society here,but only actually already by a new group with the old name. Whereas the Petrograd circle is headed by Alexander Kondiain. However, all newly received “brothers” were to receive initiation from Barchenko. In Moscow, the "ETB" included: the head of the OGPU Special Department G. I. Bokiy, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) I. M. Moskvin, Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs B. S. Stomonyakov, employee of the Special Department E. E. Gopius, as well as old comrades of Gleb Ivanovich at the Mining Institute, engineers Mironov and Kostrikin. Subsequently, from the "brotherhood" one more lodge - "Ancient Science" will be spun off. Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs B. S. Stomonyakov, employee of the Special Department E. E. Gopius, as well as old comrades of Gleb Ivanovich at the Mining Institute, engineers Mironov and Kostrikin. Subsequently, from the "brotherhood" one more lodge - "Ancient Science" will be spun off. Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs B. S. Stomonyakov, employee of the Special Department E. E. Gopius, as well as old comrades of Gleb Ivanovich at the Mining Institute, engineers Mironov and Kostrikin. Subsequently, from the "brotherhood" one more lodge - "Ancient Science" will be spun off.

In Viktor Brachev's book "Freemasons in Russia: from Peter I to the Present Day" there is such a logical statement: "As for the Soviet leaders, the only thing that could have attracted them to AB Barchenko's ideas was the opportunity to" wake up Asia "in the light of the then among them are the ideas of the world revolution. Since workers in the countries of the East did not have much to count on, for these purposes, in principle, mystics could also come in handy. An important place in these plans was given, in particular, to India and Afghanistan. " And also - Tibet and Iran, where the Bolsheviks sent their secret emissaries.

To cover before the trip to the Himalayas, Yakov Blumkin was officially assigned to a position in the People's Commissariat of Trade and sent on a six-month business trip to Ukraine. While in fact, with the support of F. E. Dzerzhinsky was organizing an expedition to Tibet. A lot of money was allocated for the expedition from the funds of the OGPU - 600 thousand dollars. But the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin, as well as Dzerzhinsky's deputies Yagoda and Trilisser, opposed, and the expedition was temporarily postponed. But a few months later, in September 1925, Blumkin announced himself in Tibet, making his way through Tajikistan and India; Having survived dangerous adventures, under the guise of a Tibetan monk, he finds himself in the disposition of Roerich's expedition. The true inhabitants of neither China nor India expected these "guests";at that time, many Tibetan monasteries even served “Jeji” prayers for the destruction of the Soviets as evil spirits. Catching up with Roerich's expedition, Blumkin entered the Pamirs in August 1925, where he met the local leader of the Ismaili sect - the representative of the living god Aga in the Pamirs, who lived at that time in India, in Pune.

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Traveling with the Ismaili caravan, the "dervish" Blumkin fell into the hands of the British police, but escaped from prison, taking the secret maps and documents of the English agent.

Some authors already proudly call Simkha-Yankel Blumkin a super agent, praising the exploits of this professional in the matter of intelligence and terror. But then a rhetorical question arises: do you know at least one Iranian who would travel around the world, forcing peoples alien to him to make a revolution and kill his brothers in the name of unrealizable goals? By the way, Blumkin was a delegate from Iran (!) At the so-called First Congress of the oppressed peoples of the East, convened by the Bolsheviks in Baku. And a resident of India or Ceylon? Or a Frenchman, a Spaniard, a German?.. But the Russian people went and called, many readers will say. Yes, they went and campaigned, but how many of these true Russians were there and under whose leadership they acted, who were their teachers - answer these questions yourself, and you will understand the essence of the revolutions accomplished …

In the memoirs of the Stalinist defector Alexander Barmin "Trotsky Falcons" many pages are devoted to the activities of the communists in the struggle for world power; there are also memories of Y. Blumkin:

“A party cleansing was taking place at the Academy of the General Staff, this was partly required by the current situation … The next was a broad-shouldered listener with a proud bearing, Yakov Blumkin …

“I am a Jew by birth, from the bourgeoisie,” Blumkin began his confession. - After grammar school he became a professional revolutionary. He was in the left wing of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, in pursuance of the party's decision in July one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, he killed the German ambassador, Count Mirbach. Organized and directed the activities of underground groups in the rear of the White Army in Ukraine. As part of partisan groups, he performed several special tasks, was wounded several times. As a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Persia, together with Kuchuk Khan, he took part in the revolution in this country …"

This author, speaking of his officer's youth in the 1920s and 1930s, brings up thoughts characteristic of them, the restless Red warriors: “How, we asked ourselves, should we fight the imperialist powers? How can the peoples of the East be raised? And they answered themselves: it is necessary to study the eastern languages and, in the guise of merchants, penetrate into the heart of Afghanistan, to India and there prepare a national revolution.

And indeed, the Bolsheviks, having trampled all the norms of human existence, in the fulfillment of their plans, performed such monstrous deeds that where their "glorious" disciples, the Nazis, could go! For example, in 1922 a Red Army detachment disguised as Afghans invaded northern Afghanistan, unleashing hostilities. The archival documents contain evidence of the Civil War, when, say, Chapaev's Red Army men dressed up and conducted raids under the guise of a white reconnaissance detachment. These performances with dressing up and setting up others (including other nations) will be repeated more than once; modern researchers argue that this took place even during the Great Patriotic War, when, in order to inflame the hatred of the Soviet people towards the invaders, special groups consisting of communists of Chekist-Comintern training, dressed in Nazi uniformwill carry out separate punitive actions among the civilian population.

In the same 1925, with the same purpose of establishing close ties with the Ismailis, an expedition to Afghanistan took place, prepared with the participation of G. I. Bokiya and AB Barchenko. “I directed the government circles towards the Aga Khan, the head of the Ismailis, the president of the All India League of Muslims, as the keeper of the revolutionary traditions of the East,” Alexander Vasilyevich later admitted. In 1937, the investigation blamed the mystic scientist for a planned meeting with the head of the Ismailis, acknowledging this as evidence of ties with British intelligence.

At the same time, AB Barchenko established close contact with a large, but always competently overshadowed by Soviet official Vladimir Ivanovich Zabrezhnev (also Ildar Georgievich, Vladimir Georgievich, Vladimir Vladimirovich, etc.), a freemason of the “Great East of France”. “By the way,” AB Barchenko testified in 1937, “Zabrezhnev wrote about me to Chicherin before my expedition to Afghanistan was being prepared. In a conversation with me Chicherin mentioned that he received this letter from Zabrezhnev. " If you remember, this most mysterious Zabrezhnev was still that dark horse of the Soviet regime (for more details about him in my book "Secret Antarctica, or Russian intelligence at the South Pole"). At one time he worked for the Imperial Intelligence Service of Nicholas II, then began to cooperate with Metropolitan,who later headed the secret Stalinist party intelligence. It was Zabrezhnev who made it so that many of Barchenko's achievements fell into the system of closed institutions of Metropolitan, or rather Comrade Stalin.

Barchenko's long-nurturing trip to Tibet and Mongolia fell through due to the fact that the leadership from Glavnauka, where the scientist was at that time, did not let him go on a scientific trip. Despite the persistent requests of the Mongol Hayan Hirva, an expedition to Shambhala to learn

Karachakra, as "ancient scientific natural philosophy", was postponed. It is known that in 1927 Hayan Hirva was to provide assistance to another Soviet "ambassador for peace" - the Tibetan embassy of Nicholas Roerich. And, by the way, in the same 1927, the brochure "Community", written by Helena Roerich, was published in Mongolia as one of the books of the new spiritual teaching of the world - "Agni Yoga".

In Moscow, Barchenko urged the Soviet leadership to pay closer attention to the East. His proposals fit into the rules of the then big politics; but the spread and strengthening of Bolivist-communist influence in the East could take place only if it was possible to use the mystical communities, which, according to a long tradition, enjoy indisputable authority on the Asian continent, and force them to join the political game. In the words of Alexander Vasilyevich: "to achieve this by changing the political course and breaking through the revolutionary base to the East."

Arrested in 1937, Alexander Vasilyevich confesses, talking about his acquaintance in 1924 with Naga Naven, who secretly arrived in Moscow: “Naga Navei informed me that he had arrived for a personal meeting with representatives of the Soviet government in order to achieve rapprochement between Western Tibet and the USSR. He also hoped to illuminate political issues to the Soviet government and the Comintern through Chicherin and reported a number of information about Shambhala. Naga Naven spoke about the possibility of coordinating the actions of the Comintern with the tactics of all the mystical teachings of the East; “From meetings with Naga Naven, I received from the latter a sanction to communicate to the Bolsheviks my mystical research in the field of Ancient Science through a specially created group of communists and to establish contacts between the Soviet government and Shambala. I also received an indication from Naga Naven on the desirability of convening a congress of mystical associations of the East in Moscow and on the possibility in this way to coordinate the steps of the Comintern with the tactics of the performance of all mystical currents of the East, which, in particular, are: Gandhism in India, Sheikhism in Asia and Africa."

And this confession contains information about why, in the second half of the 1920s, Alexander Barchenko was actively involved in preparations for the congress of the carriers of Ancient knowledge belonging to different confessions and mystical movements. As you can see, Barchenko brought to life not his own idea, but the idea thrown into him by Naga Naven, who was pursuing his own selfish goals.

Concluding a superficial story about the advancement of communist ideas to the East, I will sum up that after the inclusion of the strongest KGB agents in the person of Roerich, Blumkin, as well as Zorge, Vertinsky and others, the split in the Buddhist world, the conflict between its higher hierarchs, the Dalai Lama and Tashi -lamy has already reached its highest point. By the way, the named Alexander Vertinsky, who gave concerts in the Shanghai Russian Fascist Club, was the son of Karl Marx's secretary and … a protégé in the NKVD Martin Bormann, who secretly collaborated with the Soviets (Stalin's party intelligence).

The Eastern Secretariat of the Comintern is involved, spreading the so-called "Prophecy of Shambhala and Maitreya", where the role of the true ruler of the East was assigned to the 5th Dalai Lama, whose "avatar" (incarnation) was eventually declared … the Soviet false lama Nicholas Roerich. By the way, in the rich artistic heritage of Nicholas Roerich there is a painting "The News of Shambhala", which depicts another false lama - Yankel Blumkin, a majestic security officer in the colorful vestments of a Buddhist mentor.

“It seems that the latter,” writes the historian A. Kolpakidi about Nicholas Roerich, “(while remaining an agent of the special services) was like a bridge between the secret societies of the West and the East. In the East he is the embodiment of the Dalai Lama, in the West he is a delegate of the Great White Brotherhood of Rosicrucians (by the way, he was officially in Tibet as a representative of the American Buddhist organization). Noting the patronage of the "Great East of France" in awarding the artist with the Order of the Legion of Honor, V. F. Ivanov in the book "The Orthodox World and Freemasonry" (Harbin, 1938) notes: "A talented artist, of which there is a sufficient number in Russia and the emigration, Roerich, according to the Masonic desire and command, turns into a value of world significance … money and advertising" made him such a name " … Ambitious and selfish, a complete selfish and large scale adventurer,Roerich turned out to be the most suitable figure for the dark Masonic game."

Roerich could get power from the hands of the Soviet rulers, becoming a false lama of the East; and he was honored with this honorable opportunity after he arrived in Moscow in June 1926 to present the Commissar Chicherin with a message allegedly received by him after contact with the mahatmas - "spiritual teachers" of all India and Tibet. The “Message of the Mahatmas” read: “In the Himalayas, we know what you are doing. You have abolished the church, which has become a breeding ground for lies and superstition. You have destroyed the petty bourgeoisie, which has become a conduit for prejudice. You destroyed the parenting prison. You have destroyed the prison of hypocrisy. You burned an army of slaves. You crushed the profit spiders. You have closed the gates of the night dens. You have rid the land of money traitors. You have recognized that religion is the doctrine of the comprehensiveness of matter. You have recognized the nullity of personal property. You have guessed the evolution of the community. You have pointed out the meaning of knowledge. You bowed before beauty. You brought the children all the power of the Cosmos. You have opened the windows of the palaces. You saw the urgency of building palaces for the Common Good! We stopped the uprising in India when it was premature, we also recognized the timeliness of your movement and send you all our help, affirming the Unity of Asia! We know that many constructions will take place in the years 28-31-36. "Greetings to you seeking the Common Good!"

Roerich, unlike Barchenko, pursuing other goals while exploring Tibet. He understood that the Soviets first of all needed geographical expanses and a sphere of influence, not a spiritual sphere and a connection with an incomprehensible Cosmic Reason.

It is curious that when Roerich organized the next expedition to penetrate into Lhasa and realize his great plans, to keep up the spirit, he and his team members inspired themselves with Wagner's music performed on the gramophone "Flight of the Valkyrie" and "Parsifal" - the favorite works of Adolf Hitler … True, despite all efforts, including those fanned by musical mysticism, Roerich's expedition was not allowed into the capital of Tibet.

So, we do not know what exactly the communists and Nazis got from the mahatmas of Tibet; Did they know any deep secrets of Shambhala, did they use them. In this light, the meeting of the 14th Dalai Lama in London in 1994, at which Heinrich Harrer and several other former SS officers were present, were among the friends of the head of the Buddhist church. Harrer was a legendary Austrian mountaineer, the author of the sensational bestseller "Seven Years in Tibet", hiding from the public all the post-war years that he was a member of the NSDAP and SS since 1933. He ended up in Tibet in 1944, after escaping from the English camp for German prisoners of war, located in India. Bruno Beger, one of five participants in the famous scientific expedition to Tibet carried out by the Nazis in 1938–1939, was also considered a friend of the spiritual leader of Tibet.

I can add that Adolf Hitler, even before he became Reich Chancellor, more than once visited the Buddischer Haus - the only Buddhist idol in Germany, set up in the northwestern suburb of Berlin in a private estate in Fronau. He had intimate conversations with an old Tibetan monk who served in the idol; perhaps this man even taught him the art of meditation, as was the case with his other students. Himmler also visited the guru, calmly throwing an orange robe over his military uniform during these meetings.

And the famous Fuhrer's bunker "Wolfschanze" (Wolf's Lair) was designed on the model of the highest Tibetan monastery "Kept by the Sky", the plan of which was made by the surveyor and architect Otto Renz (his parents were a German father and a Buryat mother). Which specially for this secret purpose, and with the blessing of Himmler, flew to Tibet in 1940 on a Dornier plane, with a landing in Moscow, Omsk and Khabarovsk (!). However, for a more detailed description of the relationship of the Nazis with the Tibetan gods, it would be necessary to write a separate chapter …

In the mid 50s of the XX century. The USSR will once again send an expedition of scientists and heirs of the Chekists to Shambhala. They will follow Blumkin's route, guided by his precise topographic data; But whether they will reach Shambhala is a big mystery … The modern popularizer of the sensational idea of Shambhala, writer, scientist and traveler Professor Ernst Muldashev, who recently visited the City of Gods with a scientific expedition and compared the sacred mountain of Tibet Kailash with a man-made pyramid, believes that this and other Tibetan mountains are the pyramids are connected with huge stone "mirrors" placed on the mountain slopes, the effect of which is to change the characteristics of Time. This is confirmed in the sacred Tibetan texts … A scientific expedition of the Russian Geographical Society, which has visited the mysterious and inaccessible corners of Tibet, made many discoveries. Returned in 2006, the head of the team of this expedition, Alexander Silvachev, admitted in one of his interviews: “In addition to the areas closed to travelers on the border with India, there are also secret areas on the border with Nepal, which are also legendary. The current masters of the country are not too willing to admit scientists and tourists here."

And yet, despite the difficulties, specialists and scientists, philosophers and clairvoyants, pilgrims and ordinary people, bewitched by the mystical secrets of Shambhala, are striving to get to this amazing region of the world.

Greig Oleg

- Part one -
