A Strange Virus Is Spreading Across The USA Like Wildfire - Alternative View

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A Strange Virus Is Spreading Across The USA Like Wildfire - Alternative View
A Strange Virus Is Spreading Across The USA Like Wildfire - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Virus Is Spreading Across The USA Like Wildfire - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Virus Is Spreading Across The USA Like Wildfire - Alternative View
Video: The $5,200,000,000,000 Trick Killing More Than Covid, w Stephen Fry. 2024, September

A biological weapon experiment? The beginning of depopulation?

When you start coughing, it can become quite annoying, especially when that cough keeps you awake at night. Nevertheless, in all other respects, even with a severe flu, you feel quite comfortable and, as soon as the temperature drops, you immediately return to an active normal life.

However, to the great surprise of all doctors, a completely unthinkable new type of influenza virus appears in the United States: what you previously imagined as, at the most, a weekly slight nuisance, this virus turns into a real nightmare that lasts from four to six weeks!

Medical services across the country are now reporting an increase in the number of people suffering from a very unusual cough. It is caused by a virus and lasts from 30 days to one and a half months, and in some cases even longer.

Dr. Gary Gross of the Texas Medical Service says in a special interview with CBS DFW that during the day at least one patient who suffers from a new type of virus comes to him: his flu symptoms last an incredibly long time, days and weeks pass - and he everything is not getting better. And since modern medicine does not provide doctors with any reliable means of treating the flu, all that doctors can advise these unfortunate people is advice such as "drink more water" and "take pills for fever and cough."

Emergency specialists at the Cincinnati Medical Center say the same and publicly warn the public about a new virus that is becoming an epidemic. At the same time, in view of the especially long course of this new flu, it causes in patients not only the temperature and symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - after a week they are joined by edema, heart failure and shortness of breath.

Dr. Kenneth Patton of Bethesda North Hospital describes the problems faced by patients infected with this virus: “These people are not interested in anything around, as all their attention is focused on the movement of the ribs. You can see visually how difficult it is for them to breathe, because they involve the neck and all other possible groups of helping muscles to the process."

However, the biggest complaint of patients is the duration of the viral disease - people are forced to lie in bed for weeks, which ultimately weakens them even more and mentally depressing them.

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Now US doctors are asking themselves: what was the source of this virus? Is it the product of some kind of spontaneous mutation, or is it an experiment to test biological weapons? Perhaps the question is generally about the depopulation of the United States?

Many virologists and medical experts quite officially write and argue that there are no "spontaneous mutations" in viruses. For example, professor of plant pathology, Dr. Cyril Broderick, says that the Ebola virus does not occur in the natural environment, that it was deliberately synthesized and then released in Africa as a weapon.

Experts say the same about the AIDS virus, the Zika virus, the first consequence of which is children with birth defects if a woman has been infected with the virus during pregnancy.

And this crazy, at first glance, idea of a planned depopulation is supported by the statements of many influential people. For example, Bill Gates said quite openly in an editorial in The New York Times that population decline could help “save” the planet.

In addition, it is a well-known fact that pharmaceutical companies, which in 100 years have not invented anything new except names, can make billions from such outbreaks, instantly throwing tons of symptomatic pills and miraculous vaccines on the market of unknown origin.

Finally, the virus could simply have escaped from the laboratories by itself. For example, in the press there was a completely official message from a team of researchers from the Californian Scripps Institute, who developed a new deadly strain of bird flu that can infect humans as well. What if something went wrong in one of these laboratories?

Which of these versions of the appearance of the epidemic is correct, no one knows for certain, however, looking at everything that happens in the modern world in all its aspects, looking at how mysterious viruses completely spontaneously, without preliminary focal outbreaks, infect a huge number of people - it is very difficult to doubt the version of planned depopulation …