Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View

Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View
Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View

Video: Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View

Video: Forks, Telephones And Hammers Stick To The Kostanay Grandmother And Her Grandson - Alternative View
Video: Please Like Me - Tia Peg defende na Igreja que deve amar seu neto Gay 2024, September

Kostanay (Kazakhstan) is vigorously discussing the anomaly: a pensioner was found in the city with forks, spoons, and remote controls sticking to her body. The most amazing thing is that all these utensils stick to her grandson. The relatives cannot explain their abilities. But we are sure that they are transmitted genetically.

70-year-old Nadezhda Sakharova found out about her unusual ability ten years ago - after watching a program about people-magnets.


- Somehow I accidentally looked on TV: a man - spoons, forks. I think let me try. I'm sticking, I'm stuck. I also went to work and showed them.

But she herself did not dare to go to television. Nadezhda Yegorovna glues everything to her body: spoons, forks, cups, telephones and remote controls. Recently, even a hammer was held on his chest. So far bad. But the pensioner is sure: you just need a few workouts.

- This is how this hammer stuck to me yesterday. Something was already scary. I think what is it?

All in spoons and forks a woman can walk, cook dinner, and drink tea. But I have not yet figured out how to turn the gift into a benefit. Meanwhile, the grandson also developed magnetic abilities. Heavy things don't hold up yet, but light things please.

- The main thing, I checked it in the summer, there was nothing.

Promotional video:

- I'm shocked myself.

- It's hereditary. It has my blood in it.

The phenomenon of human magnets has not yet been studied. It is believed that the attraction is due to a strong biofield. However, the Kostanay physics teacher is in no hurry to classify the family as unusual people.

Bergen Kalakov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences:

- The angle between the contact, in this case forks, between the human body and the ground is about 10-15 percent. For me, this experiment would be more illustrative if the angle was zero degrees, or even inclined in the opposite direction, would be negative. For me, this is not an indicator.

Nadezhda Yegorovna believes that the gift is transmitted genetically. Her deceased sister possessed the same magnetism.
