Celebrities Who Are Considered Aliens - Alternative View

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Celebrities Who Are Considered Aliens - Alternative View
Celebrities Who Are Considered Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Celebrities Who Are Considered Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Celebrities Who Are Considered Aliens - Alternative View
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Disputes about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence in the world have been going on for a long time. In 1971, a special conference was held dedicated to this problem. Soviet and American astronomers took part in it. The famous American astrophysicist Carl Sagan was the soul of the conference.

However, even before this moment, talk about the presence of life on other planets was ongoing. Until now, it is not known where the amazing abilities of the Serbian physicist Nikola Tesla came from, but in addition to him, there are at least 5 personalities in the world who could be influenced by aliens.

Leonardo da Vinci

The world famous Renaissance artist discovered many of the great technical inventions of the 20th century. living in the XVI century. In his works were drawings of tanks, submarines, modern weapons. However, it was only recently that da Vinci's diaries were deciphered by attaching them to a mirror. In all likelihood, the scientist knew when people would be able to read his notes, so he wrote only about those inventions that are known to mankind at the moment. Nothing is said about future inventions. Could the aliens have had any effect on da Vinci's brain? Hardly. However, there are facts that cannot be denied. The genius of the Italian has not yet been solved.


Vladimir Lenin

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There are many legends about Lenin. According to one of them, a little three-year-old Jew, Blank, walked around Simbmrsk and … disappeared. Two weeks later, he came in the company of peasants to the city from haymaking. It is believed that in the evening of 1873, at the time of the Dormition service, a UFO appeared over the city. Now it is impossible to figure out where is the truth, and where is fiction, but ufologists claim that aliens abducted Blank and held him captive for two weeks!

When Volodya returned home he was in a trance and said that Israel would be reborn in 75 years! When Lenin's brain was examined after his death, it turned out that it was filled with limestone.


On the one hand, all this seems to be nonsense. Why should aliens revive the state of Israel? If they planned to destroy humanity, then why do it in such a strange way. Limestone in Lenin's brain may well be the result of his illness, and could have formed at the end of his life and even after the death of the leader of the world proletariat.

There is no real evidence of Lenin's contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. But his unique abilities, extraordinary thinking, amazing philosophy are evident. All this will for many years make people ponder the question of whether aliens could interfere in the life of this person or not.

Adolf Gitler

Another extraordinary personality. The leader of the Third Reich, hounded and cursed by the entire Jewish press, did the impossible. Born in the little-known Austrian provincial town of Braunau, he became the man who came closest in the history of mankind to possessing complete absolute power over the whole world. This alone makes one believe in the participation of aliens in his life. He led millions. When people listened to him, they fell under hypnosis.


On the one hand, Hitler was just lucky. Everyone played into his hands: the communists themselves, who wanted power over the world, the world crisis, the defeat of Germany in World War I, and other reasons. But … Hitler did the impossible. He was able to unite in one army the eternal enemies: the French, Germans, British, Russians and lead them against the common enemy of Jewry and communism. No matter how universal evil communism is, the contradictions between European nations are too strong for them to fight together in one army. Therefore, the personality of Hitler, his unique ability to attract the public to himself, is one of the greatest mysteries of history.

There is a version that Hitler did not die in a bunker in Berlin, but escaped and lives in Antarctica with aliens. Many modern Hitlerists believe in this !!! He continues to be God for at least 1% of the world's population. Considering all the power of the internationalists' power over the world and the power of anti-fascist propaganda, this is at least surprising. Therefore, the idea of the participation of aliens in his life will always be accepted by ufologists.

Elvis Presley

Another extraordinary personality is the singer, who also followed millions like Hitler and Ulyanov. His fans seriously believe and claim that he did not die, but flew to his planet and lives there. The Briton managed to defend his doctoral dissertation, which proves the extraterrestrial origin of the famous Briton.


In the late 1980s, sects around the world began to appear awaiting the "second coming of Presley." That is how he is. He cannot live without idols and worship of his own kind. Therefore, religion was born. Ufology is also something like a religion. It is impossible to prove that there are aliens, but it is impossible to refute. Elvis Presley possessed such extraterrestrial abilities that he continues to fascinate the fans from the records today.

Nika Turbina

An amazing girl in a dream came poems that she wrote down in a notebook. The poems turned out to be so accurate and beautiful … that she was awarded the Golden Lion when she was 10. Among Russian poetesses, only Anna Akhmatova was awarded this prize.


Who dictated the words to the poetess in a dream is unknown. She said she was God. But her fate was tragic. At 27, she fell out of the window. This brings to mind how people with extraordinary abilities live on Earth. Can they live happily on it?

At the same time, the number of such people is only growing from year to year. Communist totalitarianism dealt a blow to religion, and the subsequent computerization of the population left a person alone with himself. The need for believers to fight the ideology of militant atheism made them look for new ways to prove the existence of God. As a result, more and more often people are able to make direct contact with Him, and even … see the Heavenly Kingdom. According to John, this is one of the signs of the approaching End of the World and the coming of the Antichrist. We will look after the further evolution of mankind.

Vasiliev Andrey