Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View

Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View
Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View

Video: Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View

Video: Khrushchev's
Video: Charles de Gaulle | Wikipedia audio article 2024, July

Many of modern historians (especially "God's chosen"), as well as many propagandists from various political directions, are trying to present to us the destructive for the USSR activities of the Trotskyite who came to power after the assassination of I. Stalin and the agent of foreign special services Perlmutter-Khrushchev, as supposedly "stupidity and excesses" "A narrow-minded, but honest communist." However, in reality, this servant of the world government carried out a clear plan of his masters for the collapse of the Soviet state, which, together with the Soviet people, hindered the implementation of the anti-human plan to establish a "new world order" developed by the world "elite" to achieve absolute world power over all mankind.

One of the main destructive actions of Khrushchev was the so-called. "Military reform", which deprived the Soviet state of the strongest army and navy on the planet. Here's what you can read about her in the book of the Russian writer G. Sidorov "The Leader's Secret Project":

Does this all remind you of nothing? I mean those people who were already of a conscious age in the "dashing 1990s", when the followers of Perlmutter-Khrushchev managed to complete the project of the collapse of the USSR, developed in the bowels of the Western special services and carried out with the help of high-ranking leaders of the Soviet state working for these very special services … And in this respect, the treacherous activities of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and other corrupt servants of the West were just a continuation of that unified plan that began with the treachery of Khrushchev. And it is quite understandable for whom all this "brotherhood" is working, trying to present all the crimes committed by these enemies of the Soviet state and people just as "stupidity and excesses."

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