Black Slimy Ball With Eyes And Other Completely Surreal Creatures - Alternative View

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Black Slimy Ball With Eyes And Other Completely Surreal Creatures - Alternative View
Black Slimy Ball With Eyes And Other Completely Surreal Creatures - Alternative View

Video: Black Slimy Ball With Eyes And Other Completely Surreal Creatures - Alternative View

Video: Black Slimy Ball With Eyes And Other Completely Surreal Creatures - Alternative View
Video: Fever The Ghost - SOURCE (official music video) 2024, September

Alien robot sunflowers

In 1974, Evelyn Wendt, an elderly resident of Pascoe County, Florida, told the story of what happened to her in 1924 when she was still a girl. She was playing on the street near the school and suddenly saw a very bright egg-shaped object nearby. It was so bright that the girl closed her eyes, and when she opened it, the object turned into a dark disk.

The girl stood in amazement and looked at this object and there was no one nearby, and then a small "door" opened in the disk and quaint little people emerged from there.

"They were little people, like toy robots, and their faces were like the tops of flowers, like sunflowers."

The strange flower-men suddenly raised some weapon that seemed to the girl to be dangerous, and pointed it at the school building. At that moment, something telepathically conveyed to the girl that they would destroy the scientific office, as they were doing dangerous experiments there.

Suddenly everything seemed to be canceled. The little men put away their weapons and began to climb back to their disk, and with them they invited the girl to climb. She refused and then they said that they would fly in for her later, when she grows up.

“They promised to come back for me at 35, but that never happened. All that I can remember now about that first meeting is that their saucer was like lead and the surface was uneven. Then, as it rose, it changed its texture and color, becoming a silvery gray. Then the disk flew up vertically, hovered for a minute, and disappeared from view."

Later, one of the ufologists tried to put Evelyn into a state of hypnosis in order to get new information from her, but he failed. But the strangest thing was that one day the building of this school was nevertheless destroyed by someone, which leads to the thought that perhaps the robotic flowers returned to finish the work.

Promotional video:

All this is more like a sick delirium and whether it was at all real is unknown. If this really happened, then what were these robotic flowers - mechanisms or aliens? And why did they want to blow up an ordinary high school building? Were there really some secret experiments carried out there?

Black slimy ball with eyes

Another surreal meeting took place in 1961 also in the USA in the town of Rogers, Kentucky. It was a warm summer and an eyewitness by the name of Quinn woke up one night from a strange noise. She claimed that she saw a truly unearthly entity near her bed.

She described it as a large black slimy lump without hair or neck, but with a small round head, huge round eyes, and "wrinkles that glowed." The woman gave this creature the nickname "roly-poly" (can be translated as "tumbler") and this "child-ball with eyes" began to fly through the rooms, including flown into the room where Quinn's daughter Judy was sleeping.


Subject contacted Judy telepathically and Judy later revealed that “it wanted me to get up and go somewhere. I found myself starting to fall out of bed, and then everything was gone and this creature too."

It is difficult to even imagine what kind of creature it could be, especially since there are no other similar stories. Maybe a spirit or even a demon, or maybe an inhabitant of another world or an alien. Maybe it didn't even happen, but they all dreamed about it, although the connection to the history of the memories of the second person excludes the dream.

Spider-Legged Hemp

Now let's move to 1966 in Oregon. On the night of April 5, 1966, 16-year-old Katie Reeves was walking with a friend along a remote dark road in the small town of Newport. Suddenly, the girls had a strong feeling that they were being watched.

The girls assumed that it was someone of their acquaintances who was watching them in order to try to scare them. But then they saw something that seemed to them as a bouncing beam from a flashlight and it followed in their direction.

The girls were already really scared and ran away, and the light followed them, and then a very bright beam of light flashed and they saw something hanging in the air. It was huge and domed.

Horrified, the girls began to run as fast as they could to their home, but three of these smaller creatures quickly blocked their way. According to the descriptions of the girls, these were three completely unearthly creatures that they had never seen before.


The objects were described as headless and armless and looked like living stumps, but moved with the help of many slender spider legs, which were dressed in some kind of multi-colored rags. The creatures, fortunately, seemed to have no purpose to attack the girls, they just ran along the road in front of a large dome that was still hanging nearby in the flickering dark haze.

Then the girls told about what they saw to reporters and this case attracted a lot of public attention and was later described in Jim Brandon's book "Weird America: A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States," and See Jerome Clarke's Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings.

Living cloud

The next incident happened in 1975 with Tom Derkole, a science teacher from a high school in New York. On an early summer morning waking up at his home on Long Island, Tom noticed that the weather was clear and sunny, but a small dark cloud was floating towards his house.


Everything became much more strange when he realized that the cloud floats very quickly and against the wind, and even grows in size and changes shape. And when he went outside and examined it more closely, he realized that it was not even a cloud at all.

“At first it was no bigger than a basketball and it floated back and forth over the roof of my house. Then it became much larger and egg-shaped, and then completely extended into an object that was one and a half meters wide, and as tall as an average person."

Then the object began to change shape again. It turned into a "mouth with lips", and then … splashed out of the "mouth" a stream of incomprehensible liquid that poured the teacher from head to toe. After that, the object instantly disappeared, as if it had dissolved.

Subsequently, Tom repeatedly tried to prove that he was telling the truth and even showed people his wet clothes, but the analysis of the liquid showed the most ordinary water.
