Rurik's Grave And Shum-mountain - Alternative View

Rurik's Grave And Shum-mountain - Alternative View
Rurik's Grave And Shum-mountain - Alternative View

The legend about the grave of Rurik, the first Russian prince, sounds like this:

“There was a battle in late autumn, on the northern bank of the Luga. Rurik was seriously wounded and died. It was cold, the ground was frozen, his body was covered with stones. 12 people remained with him. In the spring, Rurik's body was transferred across the river in the town of Kamenya with lights, to the southern bank of the Luga, where he was buried in a large mound, in a golden coffin, and with it 40 barrels of silver coins.

Buried with a horse and a gilded saddle. Together with him, these 12 people were buried with their heads in a circle. At that time, Rurik was left alone. Uncle sent a coffin, saber, helmet and shield to Rurik's funeral. A golden chain runs from the mound to the river. Rurik was buried in the fifth abyss along Luga, 60 versts from Novgorod and 60 sazhens from Luga.


They have been looking for the prince's grave for a long time, striving for barrels of silver, and for a golden coffin, and, of course, for the glory of the discoverers of the grave of a legendary man. This riddle worries Russian minds no less than the mystery of the Amber Room or the library of Ivan the Terrible.

Historians are still debating under what circumstances the founder of the Russian state passed away, when and where he was buried. Some are the same. of the researchers even doubt that Rurik ever existed at all.

One of the main sources of information about Ancient Rus is the Nestorovskaya "Tale of Bygone Years", which begins with the reign of the Scandinavian governor Rurik in 862. The currently accepted version concludes that Rurik died in battle around 879.

Two territories claim the place of the prince's grave: the bottom of the lake near the Tainichnaya Tower of the Ladoga Fort (Staraya Ladoga) and the city of Korela (present-day Priozersk). There is no documentary evidence for these versions, they are based solely on legends. Archaeologists work hard in Staraya Ladoga, and President Putin even visited the excavation site, and the Novgorod Emergencies Ministry, with the help of divers, is looking for Rurik's grave at the bottom of Ladoga. Legend has it that the prince's coffin, made of gold, was flooded.

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However, it seems that there are many reasons to believe that Rurik's grave is located in an ancient burial mound near the village of Podgorye, Batetsky district, Novgorod region. This mound is called Shum-mountain. This place is very unusual: boulders with bizarre ornaments, ancient stone altars, statues carved from stone come across.


And the Shum-mountain itself, rather, is a structure of powerful stone slabs, covered with soil from above. This entire territory is called the Peredolsky Pogost, which occupies land from the village of Podgorye to the village of Zapolye, along the Luga River. The area of the churchyard is about 10 hectares, and there are seven large mounds here.

But the largest mound is undoubtedly Shum Mountain. Its diameter is almost 100 meters, and its height is just over 13. It got its name for the strange sounds that are heard everywhere - the mountain "makes noise", "sings", because at the top of the mound there are ritual stones that emit a sound in a strong wind. just like crying.

Shum Gora is the largest unexplored burial mound in Europe. It is often compared with the "royal" mounds in Uppsala (Sweden), the kings' mounds in Oseberg (Norway), with the memorial mound of Harald Sinezuby (Denmark).

Stone slabs reliably protect Shum-Gora from "black diggers", or, as they were called in the century before last, "bumpers", that is, those who dig mounds or mounds.

The sounds of the Noise Mountain once greatly frightened the Novgorod search engine Artyom Novozhilov and his friends.

- Once, with my comrades, we arrived at the mound and spent the night next to him. But we couldn't sleep. By late evening, the mountain ached. We were very scared. And in the morning they realized and remembered from early studies that inside the mound there is a stone structure, in the form of a labyrinth, the wind blows there from the top of the mountain into the hole, and it comes out somewhere from the middle of the hill.

This is how crying sounds are born. Local legends give a clue to this stone structure: so there is an assumption that the hill was built on the site of a destroyed ancient church.

Novozhilov even believes that this place poses a serious danger to humans.

“It’s surprising that you rarely hear birds singing over the hill. But if you step back 20 meters to the side, nature seems to come to life. Here it is worth thinking about the fact that nature itself gives a sign to a person - do not disturb, entry is prohibited! The noise mountain really has some kind of mysterious power. It was not for nothing that in the 19th century, local residents went to her with a procession and climbed the hill.

Georadar research carried out by the Center for Regional Research and Museum Technologies "Petroskandika" NIIKSI St.

Also, GPR found a cavity at a depth of 14-15 meters, clearly oriented from east to west. Researchers have suggested that the cavity is nothing more than a burial chamber or sarcophagus. In addition, a “linear anomaly” was discovered in the southern part of the mound, which resembles a tunnel “going nowhere”. According to researchers, it looks like the tunnels of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.


It would seem that all the data have been obtained, the theory has been confirmed, it is time to excavate. But it's not that simple …

“Scientists were even going to start digging a mound, but local residents and the administration of the Batetsky district were categorically opposed and defended the hill,” said Aleksey Yegorov, a resident of the nearby village of Podgorye. - We live here, and these scientists came and left. Who knows what kind of power lurks in the mound.

- By the way, the place here is unusual, - Alexey continues the story. - They say that there are ghosts here that scare treasure hunters to death, and they come from the local cemetery. Once such a treasure hunter had just started digging, when a girl in a red dress and with bare feet approached him and said: "Nice man, how to get to such and such a village?"

The treasure hunter got scared, took a deep breath, began to explain, turned away for a minute, turned around, but her and her spirit were cold. He ran to our village, he says, stutters, he had to pour a glass.
