Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Resurrect After Death - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Resurrect After Death - Alternative View
Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Resurrect After Death - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Resurrect After Death - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Resurrect After Death - Alternative View
Video: Did Scientists Really Find A Way To Bring The Dead Back To Life? 2024, September

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the topic of resurrection. On account of this, for many centuries there have been disputes, books are written, fantastic films are shot.

Now scientists know the answer to the question: "Is resurrection possible?"

Before getting to the bottom of the truth, scientists drew attention to the fact that everything that surrounds us, like ourselves, consists of energy. This is how Rene Descartes came to the conclusion that man is a complex mechanism with an immortal soul. What is the soul, where is it, and how much it weighs - scientists have been conducting research on this topic for a long time.

During life, biological factors are involved that allow cells to extract energy from oxygen and glucose during chemical reactions, after which the substances necessary for the body, along with the blood, enter various organs. Under the condition of violation of molecular bonds, an irreversible process occurs - death.

Scientists believe that future technologies will be able to prolong the processes of the body, and nanorobots will transfer molecules to the right places and help a person to resurrect.