Pets Of The Future - Alternative View

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Pets Of The Future - Alternative View
Pets Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Pets Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Pets Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: Future Pets 2024, September

Science and technology are rapidly advancing: the automotive industry is developing rapidly, the population is increasing, and agriculture is in the process of chemicalization. It is natural that all of the above factors lead to the maximum use of natural resources, as well as have an impact on flora and fauna. How will all of the above facts affect our pets? We can make the following assumptions:

- a person will not be interested in tamed animals, since robots will be in their place, for example, like the Pleo robot dinosaur or the Aibo robot dog;

- due to genetic changes, mini-horses or aquarium dolphins will live in houses.


But these are just assumptions. In this article, we will try to analyze all kinds of scenarios and outcomes of this issue.

Taming animals

Not every animal is able to get along with humans, however, some people have domesticated. Nowadays, pets provide tremendous benefits, while acting as a source of wealth, as companions to brighten up human leisure. There are several billion dollars in the domesticated pet products industry, and this is in the United States alone.

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As a result of the development of technology and changes in living conditions, we can observe the replacement of the practical functions of pets: cats do not get rid of rodents, dogs do not guard houses.


Animals today are part of the family, they give a person a good mood, relieve him of a feeling of loneliness, while a person, in turn, creates maximum comfort for them. However, where in a person's life will they be in the future? Many experts believe that these living creatures will not be replaced by cybernetic pets, but is that so?

Reasons why people love pets

Statistics show that 62% of Americans keep pets at home, while Russia is ahead in this matter, here the number of such residents is 72%. The reasons for this are the following facts:

- when communicating with animals, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which helps relieve stress and brings a person into a relaxed state;

- the person gets rid of the feeling of loneliness, the level of physical activity rises, the contact also provides social support

- a person's well-being improves, as the cholesterol content decreases and blood pressure normalizes


The favorableness of the union of man and pet is undeniable. Therefore, the emergence of a huge number of robotic animals is obvious, which differ from living ones by their unpretentiousness. There are a huge number of robots that functionally copy real pets.

Animal robots

In animal robotics, modern technology has reached the highest level. Robot pets functionally imitate real animals very well, consider a few examples:

- a dinosaur robot Pleo. This robot was created by the American company Ugobe. Pleo is the prototype of the baby Camarasaurus, it has all the senses, senses the surface and is able to respond to touch. In addition, as a descendant of a pet, it can grow and develop, and its character will entirely depend on the attitude of the owners towards it. Each individual Pleo robot develops its own personality.

- robot belek Paro. It mimics a baby seal, and is considered largely a therapeutic robot. Includes five types of sensors: tactile, light-sensitive, temperature, voice and body position sensor. Thanks to this, Paro reacts to the actions of people.


Its therapeutic properties include reducing stress in the patient, improving the motivation and socialization of patients, improving the main indicators of the state of the body, such as blood pressure, respiration, temperature, pulse. Unlike real animals, Paro does not cause allergic reactions, does not tolerate bacteria, and does not scratch or bite. It is in special demand among people of age, as it causes a lot of positive emotions and returns interest in life.

- intelligent drones created by Falkor Systems can also be considered full-fledged pets. Their creator is Samir Parekh. He created them in order to achieve complete human security. The robot not only monitors a person at a safe distance, photographs and sends pictures to social networks, but is also able to call the police in the event of an attack or robbery. The creator claims that the drone can act as a person's personal assistant.

For the next generation of humans, pet robots will become the norm. Today they are very similar to children's toys, however, they will soon acquire a natural look, simulate body heat and have the same behavior as animals. The developments of the engineering company Boston Dynamics, which produces robots for military purposes, cannot fail to impress. Robots climb stairs, descend hills, maintain balance, and it is likely that in the near future a pet will be created in their likeness, which will be able to frolic with children or become an irreplaceable assistant and guide of an adult.

If we compare robotic animals with living pets, then we can conclude that they have many advantages. They do not need to be fed, there is no need to walk with them. And if the robot gets bored, you can just pick it up and turn it off. Studies have shown that real dogs have a positive effect on robots, and, probably, while the owners are at work, the robot will be able to brighten up the loneliness and living pets.

However, some scientists are unsure of the ability to replace pets with robots.

One of them is Nigel Shatbolt. He argues that humanity is still far from producing robots that will fully simulate the behavior and intelligence of a pet.

Individual cybernetics professionals do not want to create intelligent robots that can experience both pain and pleasure. They do not know how robots will be used by humans, so they do not want to be held responsible for this. Experts argue that the development of robotics will create many new challenges to preserve the moral foundations of humanity.

Genetic modifications in the animal kingdom

In order to increase the efficiency of cattle breeding, as well as to obtain the necessary medicines, many genetic experiments are being carried out today. Back in 1982, a mouse was genetically modified in the laboratory, as a result of which its body began to secrete a high amount of growth hormones. The mouse has reached the size of a rat.


Genetic modification is actively developing in the field of agricultural animal husbandry. Genetic engineering in this area has been developing for a long time, many activists argue, and all the changes were carried out using the traditional method of selection. In modern conditions, scientists combine DNA, while the genome of the animal changes. Scientists today cut, paste, recombine, edit, program and transform genetic material. Animals become resistant to viral diseases and other diseases, develop and grow faster. Experiments with the selection of fatty acids Omega-3 and pigs are being actively carried out. Currently, many transgenic animals have already been created, for example:

- chickens lay eggs, the protein of which contains potentially useful human protein;

- researchers from Guelph created an enviro pig, the manure of which contains 60% less phosphorus;

- goats that have human insulin in their milk.

Mini animals

Recently, photographs of mini-horses have appeared, which cause great delight among the population. But these horses really exist, and they arose as a result of selection. Mini-horses are of the same height as large dogs and are very trainable. These animals have gained great popularity, they are kept as decoration not only in mini-zoos, but also in apartments. Dwarf animals are peaceful, benevolent, they cause special joy in children.


Dwarf antelopes, llamas, mini-sheep - all these mini animals have a gene that does not allow them to grow to normal size. However, all limbs, body sizes are proportional. Recently, information leaked on the Internet that the mini-giraffe had cubs, which, of course, was a joke. However, this information caused a storm of delight among humanity. By injecting a gene into animals that stops growth, we will be able to see both mini-lions and pygmy hippos in the near future. One disadvantage of this process is the fact that these animals have health problems: abnormal development of organs is observed, metabolism is disturbed, the spine becomes ill, the teeth may be too large for the jaw. Despite this, the boom of dwarf animals continues.

What will the modified animals look like in the future?

In the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, LifestylePets announced that they have created a cat breed that does not emit an allergen. Their cost was within seven thousand dollars, however, their hypoallergenicity has not been proven, since lawsuits were recorded, since the animals still caused allergies.


Luminescent fish, which were created by American scientists, amaze with their grace. Available in six colors: green, red, orange, starfire, sunburst and electric, these fish were bred to draw attention to ocean pollution. California authorities banned the sale of these fish in pet stores, as they were afraid of their falling into the oceans, which would lead to unforeseen consequences.

Using the method of genetic engineering, scientists from Uruguay managed to create sheep that glow in the dark. According to experts, they are no different from ordinary sheep, they develop like ordinary animals. Glow-in-the-dark experiments are continuing on other animals.

All these attempts to change genetics say that evolution does not stand still, and soon we will be surrounded by new living beings.

Clone pets

Cloning opens up great prospects for the acquisition of new pets. According to the executive director of animal cloning company BioArts, there are a huge number of people in Western countries who want to clone their pet, and at the same time pay a lot of money.


The company Genetic Savings & Clone invites its former owners to create a genetic copy of their pet. Cloning can take place immediately after death, the company's specialists take a sample of the animal's DNA. According to the owners of the company, there are already several hundred orders, and one such procedure costs an average of 50 thousand dollars. However, is it worth giving so much money for this procedure, will the result meet your expectations?

Science writer John Vostendieck says that outwardly cloned animals will be similar to deceased pets, but the intellectual level will be different.

Cloning is still at a developmental stage, however, many researchers argue that with the help of this process it will be possible to return extinct animals to the world. For the successful reproduction of genetically homogeneous organisms, DNA that does not have any damage is needed. Scientists are discussing the possibility of returning 24 creatures, which include the marsupial wolf, giant sloth, caroline parrot, woolly rhino and many others.

The head of a well-known company of biotechnological sciences in Yakutia, Hwang Wu Sak, considers cloning to be a method of reviving extinct and extinct animals. They managed to revive one of the species of coyotes that disappeared from nature. Thanks to this technology, they will be able to influence the conservation of giant pandas, as well as rare species of animals such as monkeys, antelopes, etc.

The restoration of animals, according to biologists, is possible only by integrating the biomaterial of a deceased animal with the biomaterial of its modern descendant.

Therefore, it is quite likely that in the near future we will be able to see marsupial wolves or wandering pigeons in zoos.

Conclusions on the material:

- mankind has tamed many animals, while they act as a source of material wealth, or as companions, brightening up human leisure;

- modern technologies have led to the emergence of animal robots. Robot pets mimic real animals very functionally.

- the genetic modification of animals began to develop actively. In modern conditions, scientists combine DNA, while changing the required animal gene. The consequence of this was the appearance of dwarf animals.

- the process of cloning animals is also developing, which will help return the owners of their beloved pet