The World Will Change Very Soon - Alternative View

The World Will Change Very Soon - Alternative View
The World Will Change Very Soon - Alternative View

Video: The World Will Change Very Soon - Alternative View

Video: The World Will Change Very Soon - Alternative View

For many years now, the world has lived in strict accordance with the postulate, which says that in order to create something new, it is necessary to destroy the old. Even the very first people on Earth combined two contradictory sides, this is a craving for creation and a love for destruction. War, over time, became the main driving force of human progress. The greatest scientific discoveries have been made to create weapons of incredible power. So, many household appliances, devices and even toys, familiar to us, had military purposes in the past.

For centuries, people have been creating and improving their deadly arsenal and are gradually approaching a new breakthrough. The discovery of the possibility of nuclear fission and an uncontrolled thermonuclear reaction led to the creation of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, as well as their delivery vehicles. The development of rocket technology has led to space exploration. Surprisingly, few people know that the rocket on which Yuri Gagarin flew into space is a modernized German intercontinental ballistic missile FAU-2. This is how the weapon gave life to space programs. Today the world is on the verge of new achievements and new wars. Old weapons are no longer relevant and are not an effective means of countering the enemy. The world froze in anticipation of the emergence of a new superweapon based on not absolutely unusual principles.

The military and scientists of all countries have been puzzling over the question of moving away from the old methods of warfare for many years. Some states are focusing on the development and improvement of guidance and fire control systems, as well as robotics. This approach has led to the fact that already now there are "smart" bullets capable of changing the trajectory of flight and maneuvering. And the development of robotics will save humanity from the need to take a personal part in battles. The work on the neural interface is already bearing fruit. Very soon it will be possible to control combat vehicles while sitting in a comfortable armchair at home, and the loss of a piece of equipment will not lead to the death of a soldier - an operator. Units designed for special operations behind enemy lines will receive refractive fields that will make them invisible, and guided bullets. These innovations will lead to the fact that an avalanche of political assassinations will sweep across the planet, because the fighter now does not need to go into a straight distance to shoot, and it will not be difficult to leave the place of sabotage, because he is invisible.

Priorities in the development of weapons of mass destruction have long given way to the development of high-precision systems. Mass wars, let alone the use of nuclear weapons, are not beneficial to anyone at all. The development of space-based systems and the technology of forming a focused microwave beam will make it possible to eliminate any target directly from orbit, avoiding unnecessary casualties among the civilian population.

But all this was long ago invented by science fiction writers, and some technologies have probably already appeared. And therefore, countermeasures are already created in advance.

But the world is not what it used to be. The achievements of scientists in the field of genetic engineering have already given birth to the first rudiments of genetic weapons.

Genetic weapons are a completely incomprehensible and absurd type of weapon. It seems so at first glance. But in fact, this is currently the most promising area of military science. With the help of genetic changes in food and even animals, an enzyme will be produced that is absolutely harmless to humans. It is harmless until a second enzyme penetrates the target's body. Mixing, enzymes will cause a complex chemical reaction, due to which the victim will instantly die. In a few decades, there will not be a single person on Earth who would not eat genetically modified foods. It follows from this that the political forces of all countries will always be under the hood of a secret world government. Deviation from the ideals of the secret government will lead to the elimination of the unwanted person. This will happen absolutely imperceptibly, because the enzyme will by that time become part of the human body.

Such weapons will radically change humanity's understanding of the War. In time, peace will come and all major wars will disappear. There will be no need to maintain huge arsenals of ineffective weapons. All real wars will become quiet and invisible. The number of lethal small arms will greatly decrease, giving way to non-lethal small arms to disperse disaffected and neutralize criminals. The arsenals of the security services will be replenished with samples of psychotropic weapons. The need for clashes between police forces and demonstrators will also disappear, because psychotropic weapons can, without causing any harm to a person, affect his decision, and reduce the level of aggression and discontent. Traumatic pistols will completely disappear, replaced by beam shock weapons, which will cause instant paralysis,while leaving the person fully conscious.

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Unfortunately, the threat of a global catastrophe will not disappear anywhere. Something more advanced and deadly will take the place of nuclear weapons. After all, it is the weapons of mass destruction and the possibility of self-destruction of mankind that keep our world from a global war.

The military technology revolution is just around the corner. The study of fundamentally new possibilities of destruction will inevitably lead to finding completely new ways of creation. The world will change very soon. Our grandchildren, and possibly our children, will consider all the technologies of our century as morally obsolete and will not understand how we generally lived. But we all live in the present, and our world is on the verge of global changes. We will see everything from the first rows and will be able to evaluate both the sacrifices that we will bring in favor of new technologies and the prospects that they will open before us.