Cyborg Beetles Will Replace Drones - Alternative View

Cyborg Beetles Will Replace Drones - Alternative View
Cyborg Beetles Will Replace Drones - Alternative View

Video: Cyborg Beetles Will Replace Drones - Alternative View

Video: Cyborg Beetles Will Replace Drones - Alternative View
Video: The Cyborg Beetles Designed to Save Human Lives 2024, September

Remotely controlled cyborg beetles may soon take the place of drones. The results of successful management of living insects were demonstrated by American and Singaporean engineers, authors of an article in the journal Royal Society Interface.

Insects are controlled using electrodes and electronic backpacks mounted on their backs. Electrodes attached to the limbs, visual lobes of the brain and muscles of beetles are activated by radio signals - and biorobots begin to move at a given speed, take off and land, and turn in flight. There is no need for constant monitoring by the operator: the beetles independently maintain a given course, and a person needs to intervene only to change the route.

It is emphasized that the use of living "robots" saves on equipment. "Unlike" iron "robots, which need hundreds of parts, sensors and servomotors, hybrid insect-computer systems use living organisms as ready-made natural robots," the authors of the article write. The cost of the "filling" of one biorobot does not exceed 7 US dollars.

Experimental for engineers were large bronzes Mecynorrhina torquata (weighing about 8 grams) - they can carry heavy loads: a microphone and a temperature sensor. The electronics are attached to the beetles with harmless wax.

In the future, the researchers plan to switch to remote (wireless) control of cyborg beetles, as well as replace lithium batteries with batteries recharged from the energy of the Sun.