Pyramid Of Cheops - A Casing Over Alien Ships - Alternative View

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Pyramid Of Cheops - A Casing Over Alien Ships - Alternative View
Pyramid Of Cheops - A Casing Over Alien Ships - Alternative View

Video: Pyramid Of Cheops - A Casing Over Alien Ships - Alternative View

Video: Pyramid Of Cheops - A Casing Over Alien Ships - Alternative View
Video: 360° Travel inside the Great Pyramid of Giza - BBC 2024, September

The Egyptian pyramids have many mysteries. Scientists are still arguing how the ancient Egyptians 4.5 thousand years ago could have built such gigantic structures, and why they needed it. Let's try to understand this problem from a new, unexpected point of view.

The hypothesis about a copy of alien ships - how it came to be

The basic version says that the pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom. And we will not argue with this for a second, but why were such huge sizes chosen?

The answer is simple. The pyramids were built as an outer casing over the alien ships. It was an attempt at imitation. The ancient inhabitants of Egypt tried to build on top of the enlarged copies of the ships that landed at this place. This version has much more evidence than it might seem at first glance. We will dwell on some of them in detail.

The landing site of the ships is a sacred place

Building tombs at the landing sites of aliens is quite logical for the ancient pharaohs. Aliens unquestioningly acquired the status of gods. And it was the burial at the site of their landing that guaranteed the pharaoh the opportunity to reunite with the gods. This logic of the ancient Egyptians can be called "iron", although iron was not yet known at that time.

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And now it does not matter whether the remains of alien vehicles have been preserved under the Egyptian pyramids, this place has acquired the status of sacred in any case. It was the study of the inner corridors of the Cheops pyramid that became the base point for the hypothesis of imitation of alien ships.

We understand everything with the upper chamber - this is the burial place of the pharaoh. The location of the ruler's sarcophagus is very logical - in the very center of the pyramid. The second "queen's chamber" contained canopy, and there are no special questions here either.

But the lowest underground chamber still excites the minds of Egyptologists.

Why was she needed?

This camera is located below the surface of the earth. That is, it still needed to be excavated. This room was planned even before the construction of the pyramid and the question arises: maybe it was the main purpose of the construction?

Scientists' guesses about the underground chamber inside the pyramid

Most representatives of the scientific world call this chamber “unfinished”. This sounds very strange, considering that the excavation of the underground halls was required in advance. That is, they began to be created first, but did not have time to finish?

In all scientific descriptions, this room is paid almost no attention, although it simply had to cause huge controversy about its purpose. Egyptologists simply prefer not to think about it. And we will remember.

Failed hypotheses

Of course, this camera had a purpose. No one would dig this deep for no reason, and the ancient Egyptians were not prone to useless labor.

Hole down and bottom chamber

The underground chamber could not have been designed to store someone's sarcophagus - that's a fact. The passage to it is so narrow that not a single sarcophagus will simply get through there. Many passages in the pyramids are barely suitable for the movement of one person, and clearly have no transport purpose.

The branch to the underground chamber is located exactly where the main passage branches off to the burial place of the pharaoh, which indicates its key importance. Moreover, the forking of the passage is approximately at ground level. That is, the pyramid is divided into two levels - aboveground for people and underground for ……… the question is open.

The only consistent hypothesis

This room could have been used for two purposes. The first is the storage of important sacred items. The second is access to the sacred place. The most logical assumption is both versions at the same time. That is, this is the landing site of the ship, where there are some traces of the stay of alien guests. This is the place where all the artifacts were collected and carefully guarded, covered with a huge mass of stone from which the pyramid was assembled.

How else to explain the irregular shape of this chamber and the fact that it seems unfinished? Only by the desire of the priests to leave the sacred place “as it is”. Agree, changing something in the objects belonging to the gods was not reasonable from the point of view of the priests. Probably, before the construction of the pyramid, there was a temple or some other religious building on this place.

Pyramids - an attempt to imitate an alien ship

The Egyptians not only built pyramids at the landing site of the ships, but also tried to repeat them. Now it is easier for us to understand which shape is more suitable for an alien ship. And we understand that the shape of the pyramid fits perfectly.

The filmmakers of Stargate may have drawn similar conclusions. On the left is a frame from this film, in which the ship is made in this particular form.

We are now talking about the ship, which must not only move in outer space, but also land on the surface of the planet.

There is no doubt that the engines of the future will need a large surface to emit the particles that will set it in motion. The pyramid has such a surface - this is its base.

After landing, the ship will need power, and the most intelligent source is sunlight. The pyramid has four faces, each of which is great for solar panels. It was not for nothing that the ancient Egyptians made the shining facing of the pyramids, which to this day has survived only on the top of one of them - the pyramid of Khafre. Facing - imitation of solar panels. On takeoff, the ship must have good aerodynamic properties. Of course, this is difficult to achieve, but the pyramid in this case is the best option.