Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View

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Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View
Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View

Video: Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View

Video: Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View
Video: The Russian Soul: Dr. Pat Willerton at TEDxUniversityofArizona 2024, June

The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, these data are not classified, since they were obtained by American scientists outside the sphere of defense research, and even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around them is unprecedented. The atomic project at its initial stage is not even comparable: then something still leaked into print, and in this case - nothing at all.

What is this terrible secret, the mention of which is a worldwide taboo? This is the secret of the origin and historical path of the Russian people.


Why information is being hidden - more on that later. First - briefly about the essence of the discovery of American geneticists.

There are 46 chromosomes in human DNA, half he inherits from his father, half from his mother. Of the 23 chromosomes received from the father, the only one - the male Y-chromosome - contains a set of nucleotides that are passed from generation to generation without any changes for millennia. Geneticists call this set a haplogroup. Every man living now has exactly the same haplogroup in his DNA as his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, etc., for many generations.

The haplogroup, due to its hereditary immutability, is the same in all people of the same biological origin, that is, in men of the same people. Each biologically distinctive people has its own haplogroup, which is different from similar sets of nucleotides in other peoples, which is its genetic marker, a kind of ethnic tag. In the biblical system of concepts, one can imagine the matter in such a way that the Lord God, when He divided humanity into different nations, marked each of them with a unique set of nucleotides in the Y-chromosome of DNA. (Women also have such marks, only in a different coordinate system - in the mitochondrial DNA rings.)

Of course, there is nothing absolutely immutable in nature, for motion is a form of the existence of matter. Haplogroups also change (in biology, such changes are called mutations), but very rarely, at intervals of millennia, and geneticists have learned to very accurately determine their time and place. So, American scientists have found that one such mutation occurred 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a haplogroup slightly different from that of his father, to which they assigned the genetic classification R1a1. The paternal R1a mutated and a new R1a1 emerged.

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The mutation turned out to be very viable. The genus R1a1, which this very boy began, survived, unlike millions of other genera that disappeared when their genealogical lines were cut off, and bred over a vast area. Currently, holders of the R1a1 haplogroup make up 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and in ancient Russian cities and villages - up to 80%. R1a1 is a biological marker of the Russian ethnos. This set of nucleotides is "Russianness" from the point of view of genetics.

Thus, the Russian people in their genetically modern form were born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4500 years ago. A boy with the R1a1 mutation became the direct ancestor of all men living on earth today, in whose DNA this haplogroup is present. All of them are his biological or, as they said earlier, blood descendants and among themselves - blood relatives, in the aggregate constituting a single people - Russian.

Biology is an exact science

She does not allow ambiguous interpretations, and genetic conclusions on the establishment of kinship are accepted even by the court. Therefore, the genetic and statistical analysis of the structure of the population, based on the determination of haplogroups in DNA, allows tracing the historical paths of peoples much more reliably than ethnography, archeology, linguistics and other scientific disciplines dealing with these issues.

Indeed, the haplogroup in the Y-chromosome of DNA, in contrast to language, culture, religion and other creations of human hands, is not modified or assimilated. She is either one or the other. And if a statistically significant number of indigenous inhabitants of any territory has a certain haplogroup, it can be argued with one hundred percent certainty that these people come from the original carriers of this haplogroup who were once present in this territory.

Realizing this, American geneticists, with the enthusiasm inherent in all emigrants in questions of origin, began to wander the world, take tests from people and look for biological "roots", their own and others. What they have succeeded is of great interest to us, since it sheds true light on the historical paths of our Russian people and destroys many long-standing myths.

So, having emerged 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain (the place of maximum concentration of R1a1 is the ethnic center), the Russian people quickly multiplied and began to expand their habitat. 4000 years ago, our ancestors went to the Urals and created there Arkaim and the "civilization of cities" with many copper mines and international connections up to Crete (chemical analysis of some items found there shows that copper is from the Urals). Then they looked exactly the same as we do now, the ancient Rus did not have any Mongoloid and other non-Russian features. Scientists have recreated the external appearance of a young woman from the "civilization of cities" from the bone remains: a typical Russian beauty has turned out, millions of the same live in our time in the Russian outback.

Haplogroup R1a1 in the ancient world

After another 500 years, 3500 years ago, the haplogroup R1a1 appeared in India. The history of the arrival of Russians in India is better known than other vicissitudes of the territorial expansion of our ancestors thanks to the ancient Indian epic, in which its circumstances are described in sufficient detail. But there is other evidence of this epic, including archaeological and linguistic ones.

It is known that the ancient Rus were called at that time Aryans (as they are recorded in Indian texts). It is also known that it was not the local Indians who gave them this name, but that this is a self-name. In hydronymics and toponymy, convincing evidence of this has been preserved - the Ariyka river, the villages of Upper Ary and Lower Ary in the Perm region, in the very heart of the Ural civilization of cities, etc.

It is also known that the appearance on the territory of India of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 3500 years ago (the time of birth of the first Indo-Aryan calculated by geneticists) was accompanied by the death of a developed local civilization, which archaeologists at the site of the first excavations called Harappan. Before their disappearance, this people, who had cities in the Indus and Ganges valleys populous at that time, began to build defensive fortifications, which they had never done before. However, the fortifications, apparently, did not help, and the Harappan period of Indian history was replaced by the Aryan one.

The first monument of the Indian epic, which speaks of the appearance of the Aryans, was completed in writing 400 years later, in the 11th century. BC e., and in the III century. BC e. in its already completed form, the ancient Indian literary language Sanskrit was formed, surprisingly similar to the modern Russian language.

Now men of the Russian genus R1a1 make up 16% of the total male population of India, and in the higher castes there are almost half of them - 47%, which indicates the active participation of the Aryans in the formation of the Indian aristocracy (the second half of the men of the higher castes are represented by local tribes, mainly Dravidians).

Unfortunately, information on the ethnogenetics of the Iranian population is not yet available, but the scientific community is unanimous in its opinion about the Aryan (i.e., Russian) roots of the ancient Iranian civilization. The ancient name of Iran is Arian, and the Persian kings liked to emphasize their Aryan origins, which is eloquently evidenced, in particular, by their popular name Darius. This means that there were Russians there in ancient times.

Our ancestors migrated from the ethnic center not only to the east (to the Urals) and to the south (to India and Iran), but also to the west - to where European countries are now located. In the western direction, geneticists have complete statistics: in Poland, the owners of the Russian (Aryan) haplogroup R1a1 make up 57% of the male population, in Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%, in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%, in Bulgaria - 12 %, and in England - the least (3%).

Unfortunately, there is still no ethnogenetic information on the European tribal aristocracy, and therefore it is impossible to determine whether the share of ethnic Russians is evenly distributed across all social strata of the population, or, as in India and, presumably, in Iran, the Aryans were nobles in the lands where they came … The only reliable evidence in favor of the latter version was a side result of a genetic examination to establish the authenticity of the remains of the family of Nicholas II. The Y-chromosomes of the tsar and the heir to Alexei turned out to be identical to the samples taken from their relatives from the English royal family. This means that at least one royal house in Europe, namely the house of the Germanic Hohenzollerns, of which the English Windsors are a branch, has Aryan roots.

However, Western Europeans (haplogroup R1b) are in any case our closest relatives, oddly enough, much closer than the northern Slavs (haplogroup N) and southern Slavs (haplogroup I1b). Our common ancestor with Western Europeans lived about 13,000 years ago, at the end of the Ice Age, about 5,000 years before gathering began to develop into crop production and hunting into livestock raising. That is, in a very gray-haired "Stone Age" antiquity. And the Slavs by blood are even further from us.

The resettlement of the Russian Aryans to the east, south and west (there was simply nowhere to go further to the north; and so, according to the Indian Vedas, before coming to India they lived near the Arctic Circle) became the biological prerequisite for the formation of a special linguistic group - Indo-European. These are almost all European languages, some languages of modern Iran and India and, of course, Russian and ancient Sanskrit, the closest to each other for an obvious reason: in time (Sanskrit) and in space (Russian) they stand next to the original source - Aryan proto-language, from which all other Indo-European languages grew.

“It's impossible to argue. You need to shut up"

The above are irrefutable natural science facts, moreover, obtained by independent American scientists. Challenging them is like disagreeing with the results of a blood test at a polyclinic. They are not disputed. They are simply hushed up. They are silent amicably and stubbornly, they are silent, one might say, totally. And there are reasons for that.

The first such reason is quite trivial and boils down to scientific pseudo-solidarity. Too many theories, concepts and scientific reputations will have to be refuted if revised in the light of the latest discoveries of ethnogenetics.

For example, you will have to rethink everything that is known about the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russia. The armed conquest of peoples and lands was always and everywhere accompanied at that time by the mass rape of local women. Traces of Mongolian and Turkic haplogroups should have remained in the blood of the male part of the Russian population. But they are not! Solid R1a1 - and nothing else, the purity of the blood is amazing. This means that the Horde that came to Russia was not at all what it is customary to think of it: if the Mongols were present there, then in a statistically insignificant number, and who was called "Tatars" is generally incomprehensible. Well, who of the scientists will refute the scientific foundations, backed up by mountains of literature and great authorities ?!

No one wants to spoil relations with colleagues and be branded as an extremist, destroying long-standing myths. In the academic environment, this happens all the time: if the facts do not correspond to the theory, so much the worse for the facts.

The second reason, incomparably more significant, relates to the field of geopolitics. The history of human civilization appears in a new and completely unexpected light, and this cannot but have serious political consequences.

Throughout new history, the pillars of European scientific and political thought proceeded from the idea of the Russians as barbarians, who had recently come down from the trees, naturally backward and incapable of creative work. And suddenly it turns out that the Russians are the very Aryans who had a decisive influence on the formation of great civilizations in India, Iran and in Europe itself! That the Europeans owe a lot to Russians in their prosperous life, starting with the languages they speak. It is no coincidence that in modern history, a third of the most important discoveries and inventions belong to ethnic Russians in Russia itself and abroad. It was no coincidence that the Russian people were able to repel the invasions of the united forces of continental Europe under the leadership of Napoleon and then Hitler. Etc.

Great historical tradition

It is no coincidence that behind all this there is a great historical tradition, thoroughly forgotten over many centuries, but remains in the collective subconscious of the Russian people and manifests itself every time the nation faces new challenges. It manifests itself with iron inevitability due to the fact that it has grown on a material, biological basis in the form of Russian blood, which has remained unchanged for four and a half millennia.

Western politicians and ideologists have something to think about in order to make their policy towards Russia more adequate in the light of historical circumstances discovered by geneticists. But they do not want to think and change anything, hence the conspiracy of silence around the Russian-Aryan theme.

The actual Russian situation

However, the Lord is with them and with their ostrich politics. It is much more important for us that ethnogenetics brings something new to the Russian situation proper.

In this respect, the main thing lies in the very statement of the existence of the Russian people as a biologically integral and genetically homogeneous entity. The main thesis of the Russophobic propaganda of the Bolsheviks and today's liberals is precisely the denial of this fact. The scientific community is dominated by the idea formulated by Lev Gumilev in his theory of ethnogenesis: "From a mixture of Alans, Ugrians, Slavs and Turks, the Great Russian nationality developed." The "national leader" repeats the conventional wisdom "scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar." Etc.

Why do the enemies of the Russian nation need this? The answer is obvious. If the Russian people as such does not exist, but there is some kind of amorphous "mixture", then anyone can manage this "mixture": even the Germans, even the African pygmies, even the Martians. The denial of the biological existence of the Russian people is an ideological justification for the domination of the non-Russian "elite" in Russia (formerly Soviet, now liberal).

But then the Americans intervene with their genetics, and it turns out that there is no "mixture", that the Russian people have existed unchanged for 4500 years, that Alans with the Turks and many others also live in Russia, but these are separate distinctive peoples, etc. And the question immediately arises: why, then, Russia has not been ruled by Russians for nearly a century? It is illogical and wrong, the Russians should be ruled by the Russians.

Czech Jan Hus

The Czech Jan Hus, a professor at the University of Prague, argued in a similar way 600 years ago: "The Czechs in the Czech kingdom, by law and by the demand of nature, should be the first in office, just like the French in France and the Germans in their lands." This statement of his was considered politically incorrect, intolerant, inciting ethnic hatred, and the professor was burned at the stake.

Now the morals have softened, the professors are not burned, but so that people would not be tempted to succumb to the Hussite logic, in Russia the non-Russian government simply "abolished" the Russian people: "a mixture", they say. And all would be fine, but the Americans jumped out from somewhere with their analyzes - and ruined the whole thing. There is nothing to cover them with, all that remains is to hush up scientific results, which is done to the hoarse sounds of an old and worn-out Russophobic propaganda record.

The collapse of the myth of the Russian people

The collapse of the myth of the Russian people as an ethnic mixture automatically destroys another myth - the myth of Russia's multinationality. Until now, they tried to present the ethno-demographic structure of our country as a vinaigrette made from the Russian “you can't understand what” and a multitude of indigenous peoples and newcomer diasporas. With such a structure, all its components are approximately equal in size, so Russia is supposedly "multinational."

But genetic research gives a very different picture. If you believe the Americans (and there are no reasons not to believe them: they are authoritative scientists, they value their reputation, and they have no reason to lie - in such a pro-Russian way), it turns out that 70% of the total male population of Russia is purebred Russians. According to the penultimate census (the results of the last are still unknown), 80% of the respondents consider themselves to be Russians, that is, 10% more are the Russified representatives of other peoples (it is in these 10%, if you "scrape", you will find non-Russian roots). And 20% falls on the remaining 170-odd peoples, nationalities and tribes living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Total: Russia is a mono-national, albeit multi-ethnic, country with an overwhelming demographic majority of natural Russians. This is where Jan Hus's logic begins to work.


Further - about backwardness. The clergy had a solid hand in this myth: they say, before the baptism of Rus, people lived in it in complete savagery. Wow "wildness"! They mastered half the world, built great civilizations, taught the aborigines their language, and all this long before the Nativity of Christ … The real story does not fit, does not fit in any way with its church version. There is in the Russian people something primordial, natural, not reducible to religious life.

Of course, one cannot put an equal sign between biology and the social sphere. There are undoubtedly points of contact between them, but how one passes into another, how the material becomes ideal, is unknown to science. In any case, it is obvious that under the same conditions, different peoples have a different nature of life. In the northeast of Europe, in addition to the Russians, many peoples lived and now live, but none of them created anything even remotely similar to the great Russian civilization. The same applies to other places of civilizational activity of the Russian-Aryans in antiquity. The natural conditions are different everywhere, and the ethnic environment is different, therefore, the civilizations built by our ancestors are not the same, but there is something in common for all of them: they are great on a historical scale of values and far exceed the achievements of their neighbors.

"Everything flows, everything changes", "… except for the human soul"

The father of dialectics, the ancient Greek Heraclitus, is known as the author of the saying "Everything flows, everything changes." Less well known is the continuation of his phrase: "… except for the human soul." While a person is alive, his soul remains unchanged (what happens to her in the afterlife is not for us to judge). The same is true for a more complex form of organization of living matter than man - for the people. The soul of the people is unchanged as long as the body of the people is alive. The Russian folk body is marked by nature with a special sequence of nucleotides in the DNA that controls this body. This means that as long as people with haplogroup R1a1 in the Y chromosome exist on earth, their people keep their soul unchanged.

Language evolves, culture develops, religious beliefs change, and the Russian soul remains the same as for all 4500 years of the people's existence in its current genetic form. And in the aggregate, the body with the soul, constituting a single biosocial entity under the name "Russian people", have a natural ability to great achievements of a civilizational scale. The Russian people have demonstrated this many times in the past, this potential is preserved in the present, and will always exist as long as the people live.

It is very important to know this and through the prism of knowledge to evaluate current events, words and deeds of people, to determine their own place in the history of the great biosocial phenomenon called the "Russian nation". Knowledge of the history of the people obliges a person to try to be at the level of the great achievements of his ancestors, and this is the worst thing for the enemies of the Russian nation. Therefore, they try to hide this knowledge. And we are trying to make it publicly available.