The Influence Of A Person's Appearance On His Development - Alternative View

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The Influence Of A Person's Appearance On His Development - Alternative View
The Influence Of A Person's Appearance On His Development - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of A Person's Appearance On His Development - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of A Person's Appearance On His Development - Alternative View
Video: The science of skin color - Angela Koine Flynn 2024, July

"The phenomenon of the soul or how to achieve perfection", Seklitova LA, Strelnikova LL.

Appearance is given to a person not any, which will turn out according to the hereditary characteristics of the parents, but certain and for specific purposes of education. Everything should serve the cause of the development of the soul, including appearance.


Wanting to speed up this process, the Higher Ones take into account the smallest details in the upbringing of a person, but due to his ignorance and misunderstanding of many aspects of development, he does not always react in the right way to the educational moments of his life. Therefore, he does not even suspect what a great educational value his own appearance has on his soul. He regards it as a way to please someone or to be pleasant to others, not to alienate people with his appearance. But she has more to her than he suspects. Appearance is used by the Supreme for various purposes of educating the human soul.

By their appearance, people are divided into beautiful and ugly. The latter include people with an average appearance, ugly, repulsive.

Good looks have 4 aspects of parenting

It is given to some as a stimulus, to others as encouragement, to souls who are somewhat insecure - as a test, to the fourth - as a model of perfection.

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There is a certain regular relationship between the development of the soul and the external form: the higher the Level, which means the more perfect the soul, the more beautiful or pleasant the external form. This regularity is especially well manifested in the high subtle worlds. Therefore, the Highest, who are in the subtle plane, are all very beautiful.

Even the Essences from the negative System that have reached high Levels of development are also very beautiful. They amaze with their special, cold beauty. At the same time, the Essences from the lower worlds of the same negative System are terrible and repulsive, disgusting and capable of causing fear and disgust in normal people by their very appearance.

Beauty tends to progress together with souls, improving on the Levels of matter and energies, since harmony is inherent in perfection, that is, special constructions of energies and everything that is built on their basis. At the same time, harmony is inherent in both the positive direction of development and the negative (high Level).

1. Beauty as a stimulus

If we talk only about a person, then many souls are given beauty in order to maintain their inner spirit, as a stimulus for the progress of the soul. In difficult moments or days of complete loneliness and failure, a beautiful appearance gives a person self-confidence, gives inner strength, helps not to bend and walk with a firm gait through the hardships and troubles of life. It is enough for a person to look at himself in the mirror - and after the next blow of Fate, he regains the strength and desire to fight and go on through life.


In contrast to this, an ugly one, for example, looking at himself in the mirror, sees an unpleasant face for him, and his mood deteriorates. He is dissatisfied with himself, dissatisfied with life, the world becomes disgusting, he does not want anything: neither to learn something, nor to fight for himself. The interest in life is lost. But the Supreme Teachers call:

- Love yourself anyone. Others may not love you, but you do. Love allows you to look at yourself optimistically, gives strength, helps to fight adversity. This is your inner core at certain stages of development.

2. Beauty as an encouragement

Beauty is given as a reward. If a person in the past behaved with dignity or performed some noble, highly moral deed, he can be encouraged with a beautiful appearance in his later life.

Beauty as an encouragement is given to souls who have led a righteous life in the past and have acquired many wonderful spiritual qualities. They themselves subtly feel beauty, and therefore being ugly themselves is already a punishment for them. In addition, the internal harmonious construction of the soul itself already requires a corresponding harmonious external form.


It is always pleasant for a person to feel himself on top, to see his external superiority. (At the same time, inner harmony may still be insufficiently worked out, but the outer helps the inner to develop as well, bringing it to perfection.)

3. Beauty as a test

Some souls are given beauty as a test of their moral qualities.

For example, in past incarnations, the souls of some people were in ugly forms, in other words, they were scary, unattractive, therefore, the opposite sex in the face of girls (or, conversely, boys) did not pay attention to them. And this suggests that these souls did not have any special temptations. In such circumstances, people behave in a certain way, mostly balanced. And only situations make it possible to identify defects in a person in some qualities.

Therefore, for testing, such a soul is given a beautiful outer form in the next life and how it will behave further, in which direction it will make a choice.


Having become beautiful and starting to receive more signs of attention from the opposite sex, such a soul can fall into debauchery, into a frequent change of partners under the pretext that since someone does not want to obey her, fulfill her whims, whims, then she can leave, and she will always find another. That is, an ugly person holds on to his partner with all his might (since, due to his appearance, it is difficult for him to find someone who would love him), and a handsome person will not hold on, because he will be sure that thanks to his personal beauty he will find a thousand others in return.

Such behavior indicates that the soul has not withstood the test of beauty, and now programs will be drawn up for it, with the help of which they will try to eliminate all flaws in its character, in its views on the relationship between men and women, as well as on itself. The supreme can clearly see how the soul behaved in the past incarnation, being ugly, and how it behaves in real life, being beautiful. Where have the past modesty and piety of deeds disappeared? Where did the swagger, pride, arrogance come from? All this can appear in a person along with beauty. Comparison of the past and the present allows us to identify all the flaws in the character of a person in order to deal with their correction through the mechanism of karma.

But not every soul passes the test of beauty, since this experience more often generates negative than positive, and therefore the Highest, as they say, do not tempt a person in vain, so as not to spend money on adjusting his character. Most often, some souls develop egoism, pride, pride from external beauty, a person begins to unreasonably overestimate all his indicators. And only a few correctly assess their external data, realizing that all this is temporary and only spiritual qualities remain eternal. Therefore, paying due attention to maintaining their own beauty, they focus on the development of inner qualities, that is, the improvement of the soul. They use external beauty itself to develop internal positive qualities.

With such an approach to his external data, a person develops harmoniously and, to quote Chekhov, everything in him becomes beautiful: “face, clothes, soul, and thoughts”. This is the correct use of your external data for the development and disclosure of internal abilities.

But when beauty begins to speculate or trade, be it prostitution, striptease, nude photography for magazines, displaying her painted body for money, this is already a loss of moral principles by the soul (if, of course, she had them before), or it may be a deviation of the soul on the path of degradation (if it has not yet developed any moral principles).

So a person can use his beauty both for the good and to the detriment of himself and others (to the detriment of others, when someone is seduced and corrupted by it); for both progress and regression, it all depends on his choice. But when they choose the wrong paths: degradation or a negative path, they will certainly be corrected through certain hardships and difficulties in real life, as well as in the next one through karmic work off. 4. Beauty as an example of perfection Beauty as an example of perfection is usually given to highly developed and highly moral souls. They can be beautiful scientists, designers, architects, artists, doctors, politicians, etc. They have achieved high professionalism, their behavior is distinguished by restraint, diplomacy, in the first place they have work and family. They never give in to provocative fashion trendsin the relationship between man and woman and everything else. Globally making mistakes is not given to them by their high morality, gained in past lives, as well as their determination in work. Morality allows them to subtly feel deviations from the highest norms in any area of life. The presence of perfect qualities within their souls allows them to always and in everything adhere to the golden mean, avoid any extremes, and therefore a strong and calm Spirit is felt in them.and therefore a strong and calm Spirit is felt in them.and therefore a strong and calm Spirit is felt in them.

Such people are models of excellence for others, imitation for low and medium Levels. Every low soul should see that you can be beautiful, intelligent, decent and modest, because the essence of life is not to be famous and recognizable by everyone, but in a conscientious attitude towards their work, their own family and any people with whom they touch. But such human models, due to their high Level, remain unnoticed by many low Levels, therefore, samples of perfection of lower Levels are sent for the latter in the form of football players, racers, artists, athletes, etc. But in any case, all celebrities are also role models for others. And we know that imitation is a form of development for low individuals.

Now let's turn to the category of ugly people

People with an average appearance are not handsome, who are in the majority in human society. They have nothing in appearance that would allow them to stand out among the same standard and outwardly uninteresting individuals. They are not followers of beauty, and it is not of paramount importance to them. They have their own category of values, according to which they value others, and therefore themselves.

For some of them, business qualities are most important in a person, for others - a cheerful, cheerful character, for others - kindness, generosity, for others - intelligence or business qualities, etc. The hell the average person can value others for are countless. In fact, such an average person learns to evaluate another according to the qualities acquired by his soul, that is, he evaluates his development and is guided by the results that his soul achieves. And it is right.


Such people with an average appearance, not attaching special importance to it in themselves, also do not pay attention to the appearance of others. They learn to respect them for something else, namely, for their inner qualities. This is positive for them in the sense that usually everything that a person values in others is also a guideline for his own development towards what he aspires to himself.

However, although beauty is not an object of close attention and worship for them, some of them are able to turn a gray and nondescript appearance into something solid, respectable, impressive precisely due to their inner qualities. Such people with their personal life and success in it prove that it is not necessary to be beautiful in order to be paid attention to, it is enough to discover certain inner qualities, for example, intelligence, prudence, kindness, honesty, in order to turn into a charming person with whom everyone is pleased to communicate. This is a completely different attitude to one's own and someone else's appearance, this is a different point of view on a person's appearance.

They themselves do not need beauty for self-affirmation in life, and therefore it is not given to them. The main thing in their life is different. It happens that many still need to grow up to the concept of beauty, but this will already be given to them by their choice in the future.

Ugly people

Most often these are young souls who came from the animal world or from parallel worlds. They may resemble the forms from which they came, since their memory continues to retain those external forms to which they got used to during the past incarnation, and their consciousness will adjust for some time (up to three or five reincarnations) its new form to the old … Therefore, we see that one person (with a young soul) is like a horse, another is like a dog, a third is like a bull, and the fourth is like a bear.


Their soul does not yet understand harmony and beauty, therefore it does not need it, moreover, their low energies do not allow them to form harmoniously outwardly, since the memory of the past is constantly trying to adjust a new form to the old one. For this reason, they sometimes have such coarse features, an angular, disproportionate figure that the souls of former animals are immediately guessed in them.

In their appearance, there is a constant struggle between harmony and disharmony, between the previous and the present form.

Souls who need to develop the quality of independence from their external data, in order to concentrate them completely on their inner world, are also often embodied in the category of average and ugly people.

The soul must understand that regardless of external data, it must be highly efficient and able to achieve high results in assigned tasks, completely relying not on its charming appearance, but on its own inner strength. As a result, such souls through a series of incarnations come to the model of perfection.

And finally - ugly appearance

These are mostly karmic souls. Some incarnate in it for great faults, cruelty, sinfulness, after which they can be decoded. Others are not decoded, but, suffering in such an unseemly form, pay off some energy debts and then return to development again. Through the suffering of the soul, there is an upbringing and production of certain types of energies that compensate for the past energetic shortcomings of a person in life. Having been in an ugly or defective body, the soul is tamed, its harmful disposition disappears, obstinacy and many other low qualities disappear.

But it also happens the other way around, a person in an ugly body can get angry even more with life, he begins to hate all the people around him, anger boils in him, and the development of negative qualities continues in his soul: revenge, hatred, aggression, so such a soul eventually turns into negative Development system. That is, this soul could not stand the test given to it.

Thus, appearances help souls to develop in different qualities.

Regulating the appearance of a person for many incarnations, the Supreme Teachers use it to develop the soul of certain qualities of character.

A person should remember that any appearance is temporary, given only for one life, so you should not be proud when you are beautiful, and only mediocrity are nearby, but you should not be upset when you yourself show this mediocrity. Everything passes. You can’t laugh at the ugly and ugly, as they have one task: to come to perfection. In addition, we must remember that in the next incarnation you can change places with them, and you can again be brought together with those at whom you laughed at, to test your inner qualities.

You need to use your external data to reveal your personal inner talents, to accelerate the progress of the soul along the path of progress, to learn new things and to fight against your shortcomings. Beauty opens doors both to the souls of people, and to many educational and industrial institutions, but this key must be skillfully used so that one day it does not open the door behind which the road to the negative System begins.

The outer beauty of a person must necessarily go into the inner one

Beauty will save the world

When they say: "Beauty will save the world," they mean that it will save it from cruelty and violence, from everything that is bad and destructive. But think about how she will save him?

The concept of beauty is a subjective measure, since it refers strictly to a certain time. And since every ten years time changes the concept of beauty, updating it, then every fifty years everything changes radically. So it turns out: in each time interval there is a certain type of beauty, the corresponding image of which should save the world, that is, bring it out of a kind of dead end in development.

Beauty, used in this expression as a relative concept, means a definite complete form, the structure of which is constructed step by step and therefore is limiting step by step, where each stage has one period of time: a year, ten years, fifty years, etc. And we know that any completed form is an ideal construction that has "honed" and "polished" its developing structure to a certain perfection at this stage of development.

Consequently, any ideal design is perfect in relation to all those who are in this milestone period of time, but who are slightly lower in development. And the concept of "Beauty" is always associated with any perfect form. And any individual who stands on this ladder of development below this perfect form strives for this ideal, and for him he is a standard of beauty that should be imitated.

Therefore, only an ideal can save the world, that is, reaching the limit in perfection. And to reach this limit, it is necessary to develop a lot, for a long time and persistently for every personality on Earth. Development helps a person to get rid of his vices and shortcomings, from aggression and cruelty, as his consciousness, moral principles, and spirituality grow. The ideal of the external structure is always associated with the internal content, therefore an evil person is scary and disgusting, and a kind and noble exudes inner harmony and beauty.

And, of course, it is important not to confuse external, physical beauty with spiritual beauty. If not outwardly beautiful, then it is up to the person himself to strive or not to a certain standard of external beauty of a given society. Now it is already possible to achieve external perfection, without much effort you can recreate the image of ideal beauty. Another question: does a person need this? It is much more important to strive for spiritual perfection! And if an individual was given a specific body, which, although it does not suit him, is given in such a way that he could grow spiritually in it to the maximum.

But if he strives to change the physical body, as his external form, which does not satisfy him, then, first of all, he will deprive himself of reaching another limit - the spiritual ideal in development at a given life interval, because the soul in the changed body will no longer feel like this, as in the originally given form. And from here in the soul there will be no systematic development of the required qualities, which for a person is a failure to fulfill the program of life.

Only the image is the only platform for experimenting with its form, given to a person. Only here you can make yourself as close as possible to the ideal of beauty. And the striving for its common ideal, where both spiritual beauty and physical beauty coexist harmoniously without prejudice in the development of each of the parties, is the same aggregate standard of beauty, the concept of which exists on Earth in the statement: "Beauty will save the world from cruelty and violence" …

Of course, if each person cultivates a constant of such a set of ideals, then cruelty and violence will disappear in the world by themselves, since morality and ethics will eliminate them at the root. Morality and morality form both external and internal beauty, they build the human soul according to their own laws, expelling from it the low, cruel, aggressive, and, accordingly, coarse, formless and disharmonious. A person who has reached perfection is beautiful, this is dictated by the laws of building in development, and this peak can be reached only with the comprehension of high morality and morality. At the same time, the latter cultivate a high consciousness in a person and form a correct attitude towards the world around him, therefore cruelty and violence disappear by themselves. (The only exception is the negative path of development. We are talking about the path leading to God).