The Drowned Mother Asked The Police To Save Her Child - Alternative View

The Drowned Mother Asked The Police To Save Her Child - Alternative View
The Drowned Mother Asked The Police To Save Her Child - Alternative View

Video: The Drowned Mother Asked The Police To Save Her Child - Alternative View

Video: The Drowned Mother Asked The Police To Save Her Child - Alternative View

In the US state of Utah, an 18-month-old girl survived by hanging upside down for 14 hours in an overturned car that fell into a river. It was a frosty night, and the water poured into the cabin through the broken windows almost touched the child's head. Her mother died immediately. At the same time, four policemen who were getting the car out of the water heard a woman's voice calling for help.

Four officers who rescued an 18-month-old girl from a flooded car said they heard desperate pleas for help. These screams came from within - and it was a woman's voice, writes the Daily Mail.

When rescuers did their best to raise the red Dodge sedan to the surface, they discovered that the only passenger left alive was a little girl. She hung upside down, strapped in a child seat.

Her mother was driving the car. Lynn Jennifer Grozbek, 25, died the night before. She lost control of control, the car flew off the road, fell into the water and rolled over. How Lily survived is completely unclear. The icy water that entered the cabin through the broken windows of the car stood just below her head. It was freezing all night.

“It's heartbreaking. Did she cry all night? says one of the police officers, Tyler Beddows, himself the father of two. "This is a real miracle." As for the voice calling for help, he has no explanation as to how this could be - he is just sure he heard it, as did the other three policemen.

The car was found by a fisherman, - he noticed the wheels sticking out of the water. The night before, another person living nearby heard a rumble and even left the house, but saw nothing that could cause it.


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When, following the fisherman's message, rescuers arrived and entered the icy water, they heard a woman's voice calling for help, CNN reported.

"Four of us clearly heard the voice coming from the car," one of the rescuers, Jared Warner, told CNN, and as for me, I will say it was not the voice of a child."

The voice triggered the adrenaline rush needed to flip the car, Warner says. The mother was dead, the child was unconscious, but the girl's eyelids fluttered, and the rescuers realized that she was alive.

This is one of the things that has no explanation, says Jared. Another police officer, DeWitt, also says he heard this call - "Help!"

Jenny and her daughter were returning home from their parents when this accident occurred, the reasons for which are still unknown. Jenny's sister, Jill Sanderson, says Jenny “was a very compassionate and very loving person, always ready to help. Her child was the love of her life. She was an amazing mother."

It is also reported that the girl recovered surprisingly quickly and did not even get sick.