How Is A Woman's Spirituality Manifested? - Alternative View

How Is A Woman's Spirituality Manifested? - Alternative View
How Is A Woman's Spirituality Manifested? - Alternative View

Video: How Is A Woman's Spirituality Manifested? - Alternative View

Video: How Is A Woman's Spirituality Manifested? - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Your Emotion – Sadhguru 2024, September

Now there is a very high tendency towards spirituality, self-development, especially among women, since their natural curiosity is stronger than that of men. This is what drives them, forcing them to go to trainings and seminars, study more and more information, change themselves and their lives … But the truth is that a woman should not be very spiritual and smart:) Why? Because it is the privilege of a man to receive knowledge and instruct, teach how to live correctly, comprehend God and lead his family to spiritual liberation. Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way …

Due to the structure of her physical and subtle bodies, a woman receives 80% of energy from the Earth and 20% from Space, and a man, on the contrary, 80% from Space, 20% from Earth. Cosmic energies give a person spirituality, knowledge, asceticism, a tendency to order, to action, this is a vertical movement (male position). Earthly energies - ground and slow down, they allow you to manifest in the material world, stand firmly on the ground, endow a person with wisdom, patience, humility, pure love and maternal qualities, this is the movement of energy horizontally (female position).

Over time, 80% of the energy in the female body should accumulate in the lower centers (chakras), and men should rise from the lower centers upward. With age, he should become more and more intelligent, ascetic, righteous, more spiritual, more elevated, and so on. And a woman should become more and more loving, wiser, accepting, heartfelt, inspired, more beautiful, more tender, and so on … If they change roles, that is, a woman goes into spirituality, into the cosmic spheres, raising her energy from the lower chakras up, then yes, she becomes more ascetic, more correct, but in terms of femininity she loses a lot.

Its lower centers (muladhara, svadhisthana, manipura and anahata) grow cold. And a woman with a cold bottom becomes unattractive to men. She loses the state of serenity, flow, becomes not inclined to the manifestation of tenderness and affection, to the gift of love in a physical manifestation, she starts having problems with accepting the world, situations and other people, she denies her sexuality, loses her femininity, as she stops taking care of herself, to monitor your appearance, considering it not the main thing, impatience increases, and over the years, women's diseases may even appear. Such a woman begins to teach everyone how to live, because all the energy has risen to her head. But no one will get happiness from this.

If she is lonely, her chances of attracting a man are sharply reduced, since a man is attracted to the aroma of the woman's open lower centers, to her sweet femininity, fullness, to the ability to accept a man as a head, follow him, obey him. Rarely a man can be interested in a woman who does not take care of herself, denies physical intimacy, but actively cites the Vedas, fanatically read japa, instructs everyone on how to live correctly and controls the fulfillment of duties by family members …

If she is married, then taking the role of the main spiritual practice in the family, she risks losing her husband, or making him a second-class woman. In any case, the family will suffer …

Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way … Not in austerities, not in sermons, not in instructions, but in giving to loved ones and the world of their spiritual warmth and cordiality. A woman is truly spiritual when she is beautiful, when she is feminine, when she radiates love, when she enthusiastically obeys her husband, fulfills her female obligations, creates comfort, prepares prasadam, creates a dance of love with her every movement … When she knows how to see God not only in scriptures and mantras, and in every person whom Fate brings to meet her, and she knows how to warm everyone, like the Earth, to comfort, to give wise advice, to cheer with a kind word, to inspire, to console, to protect with sincere prayer from all adversity, to bless with her love for good deeds … A spiritual woman is a Mother for every living being. At the same time, she realizes her Divinity, her value,and serves the world as a queen …