Julia Vorobyova - Incredible X-ray Woman - Alternative View

Julia Vorobyova - Incredible X-ray Woman - Alternative View
Julia Vorobyova - Incredible X-ray Woman - Alternative View

Video: Julia Vorobyova - Incredible X-ray Woman - Alternative View

Video: Julia Vorobyova - Incredible X-ray Woman - Alternative View
Video: Whoa! 3D dental X-rays? That's incredible! 2024, July

In the not so far from us Soviet times, Yulia Vorobyova lived in Donetsk, whose phenomenon was called the "Donetsk miracle". This phenomenon has been studied by scientists and parapsychologists at the All-Union and World Congresses.

Julia Vorobyova unexpectedly received the gift of X-ray type vision. She became so famous that she diagnosed the most famous people not only in the USSR, but also in the world. Legends were made about her. Poems and novels were dedicated to her. Dozens of books have been written about her talent. But today Julia Vorobyova does not communicate with the press, she quietly lives in the suburbs of Donetsk on a modest disabled pension …

The story began on March 3, 1978 in a Donetsk mine, when the crane operator Vorobyova took over her shift. She got into the cockpit, pressed the buttons. And suddenly … a crack, a flash, a dull blow - a discharge of 380 volts, as experts will later estimate.

The crane operator died on the spot. Her body was taken to the morgue. On the third day after the tragedy, trainee students led by the course curator came to the hospital morgue. “Cut off the little toe,” the course leader pointed to the corpse of the crane operator to one of the guys. In a moment, blood gushed from the severed little finger … Blood does not flow from the corpses! On the same day, the whole city discussed a sensation: a woman who died from an electric shock came to life.

Julia Vorobyova spent almost a year in hospitals. Everything happened there for the first time. A woman was lying next to her in the room. Once her relatives visited her. After they left, Vorobyova burst out: "You will have a funeral soon." She said - and she was frightened for what she said: how could she blurt out something like that? The next day, the woman's father died.

And when she first went out into the street, Julia almost went crazy. She suddenly saw the organs of passers-by - as if on an X-ray machine. And her new life began. She "scanned" Yuri Andropov, Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, the Gorbachev couple and practically the entire composition of the Soviet Politburo. Vorobyova diagnosed Soviet and Western pop stars, cinema and theater actors. Among the celebrities of the world, her patients were Mother Teresa, the Pope, the Mitterrand couple and others. And Julia never made a mistake in her predictions.

The press wrote about her, and after each publication, a live queue lined up at her entrance. They came from all over the world! The entrance was guarded by the police. It was difficult for her, because they did not come with a sore throat, but with much more serious diseases, and she not only diagnosed, but also treated - with her hands.

Scientists who examined Vorobyova claimed that during the "viewing" the work of all organs was inhibited, only the brain and heart functioned. And after each "viewing" Yulia felt bad. And the patient? Studies have found that after scanning, he sweat for eight hours, all areas were abundantly supplied with blood. But it is known that most of our diseases are due to circulatory disorders.

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According to scientists, Vorobyeva observed millimeter-wave electromagnetic radiation. She saw what the ultrasound did not show. The head physician of the Star City Sergey Ponomarev said about Vorobyova: "Yes, no ultrasound can compare with her!" For three years, she examined all the astronauts before the flight. Then Julia was made an honorary citizen of Star City.

In 1987, she was asked to watch the eight-month-old son of a high-ranking official from the Central Committee of Georgia. The boy got into a car accident, fell into a coma. Julia arrived in Tbilisi, looked at the child and found a blood clot that prevented the child from living. For forty minutes she worked on that patient … Now he lives in Russia, gave many interviews about this. By the way, the Georgian leadership offered Yulia to stay in Tbilisi, gave an apartment in a prestigious area, a dacha on the seashore. But Julia was ashamed …

In addition, her gift of foresight progressed, although Vorobyova did not specifically do this. She had prophetic dreams. For example, before the visit of cosmonaut Beregovoy, the Donetsk authorities allocated her a three-room apartment - before that she and her husband and three children huddled in a tiny apartment. And then the astronaut! We must comply. Julia did not know that they were going to give her an apartment, but on the eve of this fateful decision she dreamed of a new apartment: a house, a district, everything with details. One need not even say that in reality everything was the same as in a dream.

Julia Vorobyova can find lost things. Can guess other people's thoughts - just like that, in between times. Recently she received a call from the Malakhov Plus program. Julia refused to participate in the program, but by phone she told the presenter about his stomach problems and added which shirt he was wearing at the moment.

Using the photograph, Julia tells in detail the fate of each person, determines whether he is alive or not. These experiments were carried out in France by serious scientists from different countries and were in complete shock. Later, Julia learned that all the photographs were scanned - and copies, in theory, should not provide information.

Experiments were also carried out by the Japanese. They put a dozen people on crutches in front of Yulia. It was necessary to determine which of them had a false plaster cast. She also had to scan the contents of their stomachs. Moreover, it was necessary not only to find out what a particular participant in the experiment ate, but what color the plum was eaten or what particular drink was drunk. All answers are in the top ten.

I didn’t "see" Vorobyov only her relatives. Many elders with whom she talked, discussing her gift, told her that a real healer cannot see relatives. This is probably not necessary. Otherwise, you can go crazy. Julia does not "see" herself either.

As for her colleagues, Vorobyeva has a difficult relationship with them. Once the rector of the Donetsk Institute of Artificial Intelligence Anatoly Ivanovich Shevchenko invited her to speak to the luminaries in the field of anomalous phenomena. At the end of the event, a famous witch approached Julia and whispered: "You will soon die, the curse is on you." Then an old man turned: "I will do so that paralyzes you."

On that day, Julia barely made it home. She crawled to the bed, and her legs fell apart. And so all my life: while she was treating people, giving them all of herself, I was persecuted. Nuns came to Julia, tore off the doors from their hinges, tore off her clothes. One day they almost doused me with acid. Then Julia miraculously escaped a car accident … But she still worked, looked at patients - high-ranking and ordinary. And everyone said “thank you!” To her, because she saved their lives.

At first, Julia could not even imagine that her unexpected gift would bring her world fame. At first, doctors generally said that she would live no more than three weeks. Still 380 volts! Three days in the morgue. The blood curdled. Such things do not pass without a trace. But Julia survived. True, over the course of all subsequent years, her legs ached terribly, and her circulation was impaired. She has to wear rubber galoshes both in winter and in summer - nothing else fits.

Doctors in her case are powerless. Julia was sent to Germany for examination. There they threw up their hands: “You cannot be repaired. You can die from painful shock on the table. After all, anesthesia does not work on Vorobyov. At all! A simple trip to the dentist becomes a challenge.

Once Julia became interested in the ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov. His equipment diagnosed that Julia was … blind. More precisely, one eye does not see at all, and the other - only 0.003 percent.

For seven years, Vorobyova served the Ninth Directorate of the KGB. But she does not like to talk about that period of her life, although she did not give any subscription - all the promises about non-disclosure were in words. Warmly speaks only of Chernomyrdin - instead of the allotted ten minutes "for an audience," they talked for almost twelve hours. She is also very grateful to the Minister of Defense of the USSR Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov.


They met in the Kremlin hospital, where Yulia was often invited anonymously and, as it were, to examine the patients illegally. Once she was brought to a man in a hospital gown - and in robes they all look the same. The man had serious problems with his legs and blood vessels. She looked at him, anesthetized her knees with her hands. He told her about his children, and then Julia could not resist, burst into tears.

At that time, her son was sent to serve in Afghanistan, and she knew nothing about his fate. The man frowned and said, "Your son will be home on October 16th." But the fact that it was Ustinov, the Minister of Defense, Yulia learned later, when a month and a half had passed after the meeting at the hospital. October 16 on the calendar. Vorobyova had already forgotten about that conversation, and suddenly at five in the morning the doorbell rang … The son returned.

But before Yulia was admitted to the members of the Politburo, she was given a recommendation … Yulian Semyonov. After the diagnosis of the writer in Yalta, all her diagnoses were confirmed by the diagnosticians of American clinics. After that, they became friends. The writer even dedicated his novel Auction to Julia and appointed an audience with Patriarch Pimen.

With such acquaintances, Vorobyova should have become a millionaire, but she even bought tickets to Moscow at her own expense. They promised to give a room on Chertanovskaya Street, but the matter did not go further than talking. And Vorobyova does not know how to ask for himself.

She also never asked for money for the treatment. And the authorities did not seek to give something for all her work, after which she lay exhausted. Even now, when asked what she needs, Julia answers: "Nothing." But she even has nothing to heat the house. On disability, she receives 210 hryvnia (23 dollars). Plus, the minimum pension is dripping - 630 hryvnia. So many people get who have never worked. Well at least the children are helping.

True, in the 90s, many healers earned crazy money, assembled stadiums, performed on TV, charged water … Julia was also advised to make money in this way, for example, Alan Chumak suggested cooperation. But Julia can only look at a person individually. In one interview, Kashpirovsky called her a "shocked". Julia is not offended. He only says that he has a gift, but he needs to keep himself under control. We must fight glory …

If today Julia, who is very tired of people and of her gift, would go to the "Battle of Psychics", she would have won first place after the first round. Today people believe everything. But earlier there were more skeptics. Julia had to go through difficult trials to prove her worth.

In 1993, she was sent to Switzerland for the World Congress of Parapsychologists, where the world's luminaries in the field of anomalous phenomena gathered. The hall could accommodate about 7 thousand spectators. A famous sorceress was followed by a 20-meter train, she had a crown on her head. The participants in the experiment had to diagnose the man, determine what was wrong with him. Each of the participants went on stage and made different assumptions.

Nobody noticed, not even the lady with the crown, that the patient's heart is on the right side. Julia said this. She explained that he had a narrowing of the mitral valve to two millimeters. She took first place, received an honorary diploma, and was invited to Bern to audition for Parliament. And later in one of the Swiss cities a monument was erected to her - a sculpture of a woman who “looks” at a girl.

Today, Yulia Vorobyova no longer treats, sometimes she only conducts diagnostics. She was very tired. It's not for nothing that they say: you burn yourself, shining on others …