Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

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Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View
Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

Video: Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

Video: Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View
Video: 10 Amazing Facts About Human Body You Don't Know About - Astounding Facts 2024, July

The brain is the most complex and least studied human organ. We don't know a lot about him, but we have some information about his work


1. Nerve impulses move at a speed of 270 km / h.

2. The brain requires the same amount of energy to work as a 10-watt light bulb.

3. Our brain is capable of processing over 100 trillion operations in one second.

4. The brain uses 20% of all oxygen that enters the bloodstream.

5. The brain is much more active at night than during the day.

6. Scientists say that the higher the IQ level, the more often people dream.

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7. Neurons continue to grow throughout a person's life.

8. Information travels through different neurons at different speeds.

9. The brain itself does not feel pain.

10. The brain is 80% water.

Hair and nails

The subject of eternal ladies' concern. However, men are increasingly beginning to take care of them too.


11. Facial hair grows faster than anywhere else.

12. Every day a person loses an average of 60 to 100 hairs.

13. The diameter of a woman's hair is half that of a man's.

14. A human hair can support 100g.

15. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the rest.

16. There is as much hair on a square centimeter of a human body as on a square centimeter of a chimpanzee's body.

17. Blondes have more hair.

18. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

19. The average lifespan of a human hair is 3-7 years.

20. You need to be at least half bald for this to become noticeable.

21. Human hair is practically indestructible.

Internal organs

We do not think about the internal organs until they bother us, but it is thanks to them that we can eat, breathe, walk and all that stuff.


22. The largest internal organ is the small intestine.

23. The human heart creates pressure, which is enough for blood to spray seven and a half meters forward.

24. The acid in the stomach can dissolve razor blades.

25. The length of all blood vessels in the human body is about 96,000 km.

26. The stomach is completely renewed every 3-4 days.

27. The surface area of a human lung is equal to the area of a tennis court.

28. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

29. Scientists say the liver has over 500 functions.

30. The aorta has a diameter nearly equal to that of a garden hose.

31. The left lung is smaller than the right - so that there is room for the heart.

32. You can remove most of the internal organs and move on.

33. The adrenal glands change size throughout a person's life.

Body work

We don't really like talking about her. Here are some facts about not the most pleasant things about our body.


34. The sneezing speed is 160 km / h.

35. The coughing speed can even reach 900 km / h.

36. Women blink twice as often as men.

37. A full bladder is about the size of a softball.

38. About 75% of human waste products consist of water.

39. There are approximately 500,000 sweat glands on the legs, which can produce up to a liter of sweat per day!

40. Throughout his life, a person produces so much saliva that it can fill a couple of pools.

41. The average person releases gas 14 times a day.

42. Earwax is essential for ear health.

Sex and procreation

Sex is largely a taboo, but a very important part of human life and relationships. Procreation is equally important. You may not have known a few things about them.


43. Every single day in the world there are 120 million sexual acts.

44. The largest human cell is an egg, and the smallest is a sperm.

45. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women most often dream of frogs, worms and plants.

46. Teeth begin to grow six months before birth.

47. Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.

48. Children are strong as bulls.

49. One in 2,000 children is born with a tooth.

50. The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

51. Each person was a single cell for half an hour of his life.

52. Most men have an erection every hour or every hour and a half during sleep: after all, the brain is much more active at night.



We perceive the world with our senses. Here are some interesting facts about them.


53. After a hearty dinner, we hear worse.

54. Only one third of all people have one hundred percent vision.

55. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you will not taste it.

56. From birth, women have a better sense of smell than men (this confirms the idea of a more developed intuition in women - vg_saveliev).

57. The nose remembers 50,000 different scents.

58. Pupils dilate even due to slight interference.

59. All people have their own unique smell.

Aging and death

We age throughout our lives - that's how it works.


60. The mass of the ashes of a cremated person can reach 4 kg.

61. By the age of sixty, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.

62. Eyes are the same size all life, but nose and ears grow all life.

63. At 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore.

64. The head of a child is a quarter of its height, and by the age of 25 the length of the head is only one-eighth of its entire body length.

Diseases and injuries

We are all sick and injured. And this is also quite interesting!


65. Most often, heart attacks occur on Monday.

66. People can go much longer without food than without sleep.

67. When you burn out in the sun, it damages your blood vessels.

68.90% of illness is due to stress.

69. The human head remains conscious for 15-20 seconds after being chopped off.

Muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are the skeleton of our body, thanks to them we move and even just lie down.


70. You tighten 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. If you do not want to strain your face, smile. Anyone who often walks with a sour face for a long time knows how hard it is.

71. Children are born with 300 bones, while adults have only 206.

72. In the morning we are one centimeter taller than in the evening.

73. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

74. The heaviest bone in the human body is the jaw.

75. To take a step, you use 200 muscles.

76. The tooth is the only organ incapable of regeneration.

77. Muscles shrink twice as slow as they inflate.

78. Some bones are stronger than steel.

79. The feet contain a quarter of all the bones of the human body.

At the cellular level

There are some things that you cannot see with the naked eye.


80. There are 16,000 bacteria per square centimeter of the body.

81. Every 27 days, you literally change your skin.

82. Every minute 3,000,000 cells die in the human body.

83. People lose about 600,000 skin particles every hour.

84. Every day, the body of an adult produces 300 billion new cells.

85. All tongue prints are unique.

86. The body has enough iron to make a 6 cm nail out of it.

87. The most common blood type in the world is the first.

88. The lips are red because there are many capillaries under the skin.


Some more interesting facts

89. The colder it is in the room where you sleep, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.

90. Tears and mucus contain the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the cell walls of many bacteria.

91. In half an hour, the body releases as much energy as it takes to boil one and a half liters of water.

92. Ears produce more earwax when you are afraid.

93. You cannot tickle yourself.

94. The distance between your arms outstretched to the sides is your height.

95. Man is the only animal that cries because of emotions.

96. Right-handers live on average nine years longer than left-handers.

97. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

98. The fossa between the nose and the lip is called the nasal groove.

99. The feeling of fatigue appears at loads of 35-65% of the absolute possibilities.

100. The activity of the cardiovascular system is maximum by 18 hours, minimum at 3-4 hours.

101. The biological qualities of the offspring increase from the 1st to the 4th child, then they fall.

102. The composition of blood plasma is reminiscent of the composition of the water of prehistoric pramoria, in which life originated.

103. In one contraction, the heart pumps 200 ml of blood.

104. Full circulation of the blood of an adult is completed in 20-28 seconds, in a child in 15 seconds, in a teenager - in 18 seconds.

105. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue, not the heart. The heart is the most resilient muscle.

106. The total length of hair on the head, grown on average by a person during his life, is 725 kilometers.

107. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day drinks half a cup of tar a year.

108. Tooth enamel can be compared to quartz. It is known that even the point of a saber dulls when it hits the enamel.