Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 People Who DIED With HUGE SECRETS 2024, September

The life and death of great and famous people are often surrounded by secrets. Sometimes real, sometimes fictional. Even with the help of modern science, it is not always possible to solve them.

Pharaoh's curse

In 1323 (according to some sources) BC. died Tutankhamun, the Egyptian pharaoh. He passed away very young, at the age of 19. There was a lot of controversy about the cause of his death. After a 2005 tomographic analysis of the mummy, some scientists concluded that the pharaoh died from an infection that developed in a wound on his knee.

The mystery of the death of the young pharaoh is considered solved, unless other facts emerge someday. But why, for various reasons, almost all the people who were involved in the autopsy and study of the burial died were not fully clarified. Is it a chain of mystical coincidences, or is there “the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun”? Allegedly, during the excavations, an inscription was found in which it was said about the punishment that would overtake any person who disturbed the peace of the tomb.

The series of tragic events after the opening of the grave is impressive. The main sponsor of these works was Lord Carnarvon. He was admitted to a hospital in Cairo (Egypt) with a severe fever. The treatment did not help, the lord died, although he was a healthy, strong man. After a while, his brother also dies of a fever.

Archaeologist Mace fell into a coma and died immediately after the autopsy, as did Dr. Ryde. For some people it was enough only to visit the excavations, and after a while they died - the son of the banker Gould, the industrialist Wood.

Perhaps the harmful microorganisms in the burial were the result of accidents with these people, but how to explain that Carnarvon's wife died and the wife of Carter, the chief archaeologist of the excavations, committed suicide. During the funeral of Secretary Carter's father, a child was crushed to death. These people did not breathe the air of the tombs.

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The strangest thing is that this is not the end of the scary story. In 1972, pilots carrying Tut's treasures to an exhibition in London died of a heart attack. The pilots could not be sick people - otherwise they would not be allowed to fly. The only one who did not suffer and lived for another 17 years were the archaeologists Carter, for some reason the curse bypassed him. At least in the world of the living.

Conspiracy against the royal family

The history of Russia in the XYI century of Russia is full of secrets. There are very few documents of those times, so it is difficult to restore a reliable picture of events. Even the cause of the mysterious death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his relatives is controversial.

Only the exact date of his strange and inexplicable death is known - 1584. Since Ivan IY had many enemies, a version of the poisoning immediately arose. Suspected Boris Godunov and Bogdan Belsky, who had been close to the tsar in recent years. The people said that Belsky gave his master a drink with poison, from which he died while playing chess with his poisoner. According to eyewitnesses, the king took the chess king in his hand and almost immediately fell dead on the floor. But was it a surprise?

Foreign witnesses wrote more about the possible murder. Compatriots tried to pass over in silence the reasons for the death of this extraordinary personality. Probably, so that they quickly forgot about it and did not undertake harsh methods of inquiry.

The facts, when it was necessary to mention this, were distorted and directly contradicted each other. In 1963, the tsar's burial, which is located in the Archangel Cathedral, was opened. They also disturbed the graves of Ivan the Terrible's sons Fyodr and Ivan.

The expert commission took photographs and drawings that the protocol required, then proceeded to analyze the remains. More than four centuries have passed since death, many poisons could disappear during such a time.

They conducted a study for the presence of mercury in the body and found that the amount of this metal exceeded the norm by more than 30 times!

Some scientists believe that the poisonous substance was part of the drugs used to treat the king for syphilis, the "French" disease, as he was then called. But such an amount of metal in the remains proves that the murder was deliberate.

Not only Tsar John Vasilyevich, but also many of his relatives, judging by the signs, were poisoned. He, his mother and father, his first beloved wife Anastasia, daughter Maria, Ivan, Fedor and many other representatives of the royal family died at an early age or young from strange diseases with very similar symptoms. Most likely, the descendants of Rurik were persecuted for a long time. Who needed it?

Mysterious old man

The mysterious death of the Russian Emperor Alexander I still raises questions. He ruled Russia from 1801, receiving the throne after the assassination of his father, Pavel Petrovich.

According to official data, Alexander I died on December 1, 1825 from typhoid fever in Taganrog. Some historians believe that the death and funeral, very lavish, is staged - not the king, but an unknown man is buried.

Although the death act was signed by nine doctors in the presence of the adjutant general, there are many contradictions and inaccuracies in it. The conclusion of the doctors was as follows - the emperor died of fever, followed by inflammation of the brain. According to another version, in the autopsy report typhus is called the cause of death. The most striking thing that is unheard of for a person of such a high position is that they did not serve the requiem.

It was rumored that the king was tormented by remorse for complicity in the murder of his father. Alexander repented of his deed and faked his own demise in order to lead the righteous life of a hermit.

Elder Fyodor (this name, according to this whole story, was taken by the king) is mentioned for the first time in the thirties of the 19th century. Some man for vagrancy was sent to the Tomsk province. He was a tall, stately old man with a competent speech, who could write and read.

Fyodor Kuzmich lived in a cell, in Khromov's estate. When the house came to the new owner, and they began to dismantle it, a representative of the Romanov family came from Austria and tried to buy the house. A legitimate question arises - why should the descendants of the Romanovs buy out the house of an unknown elder? Obviously, he is dear to them for some reason.

In 1921, the tomb of the Russian tsar was opened, but it turned out to be empty. This information is unreliable and required confirmation. This story can be put to an end if you do a re-autopsy and DNA analysis, but this has not yet been done. Until sire there is no clarity - is the emperor buried in the tomb? Or is there another person's body, or maybe it is empty?

Many more facts speak in favor of the fact that Fyodor Kuzmich and the emperor are one and the same person. His grave was visited by the Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich. The future emperor Nicholas II also came to those places and wished to build a stone church on the site of the cell where the elder lived. All this suggests that Fyodor Kuzmich is not an ordinary person.

The mysteries of the departure of great and famous personalities are revealed gradually. Maybe with the development of science and newly discovered facts it will be possible to learn something new and unusual?