Stephen Hawking: "My Ultimate Goal Is To Travel To Space" - Alternative View

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Stephen Hawking: "My Ultimate Goal Is To Travel To Space" - Alternative View
Stephen Hawking: "My Ultimate Goal Is To Travel To Space" - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking: "My Ultimate Goal Is To Travel To Space" - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking:
Video: Michio Kaku: 3 mind-blowing predictions about the future | Big Think 2024, July

Stephen Hawking is a well-known theorist in science, author of several bestsellers, including "A Brief History of Time", and several theories that allowed a new look at many physical processes and influenced the development of such sciences as theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. astrophysics and cosmology, and also brought physics closer to the long-awaited "Theory of Everything".

Hawking in popular culture

The biography of the famous genius has been covered more than once both in literature and in cinema, he often gives interviews, and, in addition, he himself takes part in popular scientific projects such as TV shows and films with pleasure.


For example, Hawking's latest project is the Emmy-nominated popular science series Favorite Places, in which Hawking played the role of a space explorer. A role that Hawking would very much like to try on in reality someday.

Space travel

Promotional video:

Hawking's fantastic journey through the Universe has already brought viewers to Venus (Earth's twin), the fate of which our blue planet may well repeat.


Soon, the space traveler will lead his admiring audience to the surface of the Sun, where we can hear a simulated stellar "heartbeat" - the sound of nuclear fusion taking place in the core of our star, where temperatures reach fifteen million Kelvin.

After the sunny surface, Hawking invites viewers to travel with him into deep space, where we can witness the birth of a new star.

Space travel project

But this is still happening only in the realm of fantasy. However, this does not stop the great genius of our time, he rushes to his goal as fast as possible. For example, Stephen Hawking is organizing a new project called Breakthrough Starshot, the main goal of which is to build and launch interstellar nanoships to explore deep space. These ships will be able to reach the borders of our solar system much faster.


The first place where Hawking's microscopic ship will go is Proxima Centauri, the closest star to us located in the Alpha Centauri system. It is around Proxima Centauri that the closest exoplanet to Earth revolves, which may have conditions that support life.

Threats to humanity

Why exactly Stephen Hawking is so eager to go into space? There are several reasons for this, and they all boil down to the salvation of humanity. To begin with, physics is extremely worried about global warming and the reluctance of humanity to somehow slow it down. It was the greenhouse gases that turned Venus into a desert scorched by the Sun, without atmosphere and water.

Another reason for the Apocalypse, according to Hawking, may be the development of technology; progress that humans simply cannot keep up with, especially in artificial intelligence.

In addition, Stephen Hawking is confident in the existence of alien life, and not just life, but an intelligent civilization, a meeting with which could turn into a tragedy for humanity.

Alien threat

Hawking is sure that there are alien civilizations among the vastness of the Universe, and in the event of an attempt by aliens to contact the Earth, people should not rush to meet with bread and salt.

He is convinced that aliens with the technology to undertake intergalactic space travel are likely to view humanity as a form of life at a low level of development. Just like the European colonists in Africa, Asia and America.

Having discovered a new continent, the more advanced white race immediately claimed its rights to it, despite the presence of aboriginal cultures there.

In an interview, Hawking suggested that the result of alien contact with Earth would resemble Columbus's "discovery" of America. As history teaches us, for the indigenous tribes, the "discovery" turned into a real tragedy.


The only salvation for humanity, according to Stephen Hawking, lies in the development of new horizons. And the physicist is not talking about the development of uninhabited lands on our planet, and not even about Mars. The scientist is sure that people need to master interstellar flights and create several colonies on exoplanets suitable for life.


Hope Chikanchi
